Just over 5k of recorded steps, for yesterday, I'm still having problems correctly detecting the steps, in the sense that I probably covered a distance that was certainly double, compared to the recorded one, but I can't figure out what it is problem, sometimes it happens to me, even there are days that it's almost difficult to detect 1k of steps, if I'm not careful I don't even reach the minimum quota...
The bad weather continues, the rain and the perturbations are needed, indeed, it still hasn't rained enough, even in Northern Italy the work of special commissions has begun to try to stem the problem of drought, the river Po is far below the his standard, something has risen in the last few days, but what has been lost in the past months is very difficult to recover in the short term, at best we are talking about it for next year...
Images of my property, made with the help of my smartphone-computer...