My Actifit Report Card: October 20, 2023

in actifit •  8 months ago 

Yesterday I logged a pathetic 3,691 steps on Actifit, roughly 6,300 steps short of my daily 10K step goal, not even reaching the halfway mark. It was a wet and rainy Autumn day, with precipitation for much of the day. I stayed home and spent much of the day at the computer. I was not able to take the dogs for a walk or spend much time outside with the ducks. The little chickens are doing well, I’ve been sharing some videos of them on @threespeak. Overall it was a super lazy Friday as my step count indicates. Hoping to boost the activity a bit this weekend, but it’s looking like a wash out as well.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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