Where Is It?............. NW Cascade Wanderings

in actifit •  last month 

So, just where is it? For the past week or so, all anyone could talk about was the 7” of snow that was forecast for today. The people whom I got into conversations with were certain we were going to get nailed. I was skeptical. It’s difficult to forecast the weather here because of the oceanic influence along with the Cascade Mountains and throw in the Fraser River Valley coming down from Canada-there’s just too many variables here! Most of the time a forecast will change upwards of 4-6 times or more in a 24 hour period! I say, just look outside and roll with whatever comes! It’s February-be prepared and then it really doesn’t matter!

As you can see from the first picture, it wasn’t even close to 7”! We went to Bellingham as it was shopping day. On the way back to Lynden, there was a bit of a snow squall but nothing serious. However, it did bring about the first accident due to snow because “it’s snowing and we don’t know how to drive in it”! IF people would slow down and not drive nutty like they do on dry pavement, but in the snow, there’d be a lot fewer accidents. Just because the speed limit days 50 MPH doesn’t mean that’s for all road conditions! Use your brain people!! Based on what I saw, I think a car pulling out tried to do so with not enough time to get out of the way of oncoming traffic and when the driver tried to give it some gas, she couldn’t get any traction and was hit by a car in the traffic flow. You just need to be smart when road conditions aren’t the norm!

Once home, we went for a hike. Here’s the view on one of our many hills.

At the top of that hill, the heavens opened up and dumped corn snow on us! The white looking air is actually the snow falling.

It continued snowing gradually turning into flakes. This was as we approached the pond. The white graininess of the picture is actually the snow!

Arriving at the pond less than 2 minutes, it had begun to diminish.

We turned to head for home and the clouds parted and the snow stopped! Extremely unstable conditions for sure! I stopped at the bog area to find that thermogenic Skunk Weed growing up a storm! This particular shoot wasn’t even up the last time I stopped by!

Amazing stuff! A little further down the road, this poor little bug was definitely out of his comfort zone. There was no place that didn’t have snow on it that I could have moved him to.

At this point, the evening sun made an appearance.

Definitely strange weather!

That’s it for today. They are still forecasting snow for tonight, tomorrow and Monday. For now, I’ll keep my eye on the sky for a reality check. If it snows-great. If not-great. I’m good either way. Take care and enjoy the rest of your day wherever you are! 🙏🌎🙏


NLT Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet
and a light for my path.

Picture taken by me and altered by cliptocomic app

@elizabethbit is a member of ladiesofsgs4eva
a sweet group of lady stackers of SGH

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