Yes, that is true, and I've known that but I've forgotten . . . well hopefully they will not post again (?) lets see. . .
Yes, I think people tend to overreact on these pages 😅 I mean look at the drama, that is happening here atm . . .
Joint meetup, that could be fun . . .or catastrophycal 😅 if people go into their wounds. . .
So you London based? You should have came to the London meetup last month. We should have another one in the summer.
P.S, I was so against the whole downvote thing, and now proved, that things Im against can sometimes be good. . .😅
Blurt prevents this in better ways that’s why it costs a minimal amount to post and there is a coal list that can ban people for things like this. The downvote on hive is used to abuse smaller members.
How many people get put on the coal list? That is centralised control. The cost of posting may have limited effect. I could post a lot of crap if I wanted, but I'm trying to be more constructive now. Just don't expect to see me post much.
DVs can be used for abuse, but that's much less of a problem than you make out, as I have said many, many times. Thousands of people are hardly even aware of it. Plus Hive has far more than just blogging. I am not anti-Blurt, but the whining about Hive is over-stated.
Only people who plagerise. I know people want to think lucylin was put on it but he was not because everyone had a fair discussion about it and people listened.
It is a huge problem. Bullying is rife on hive and it’s depressing for people to spend years building an account and an audience and get some financial freedom for a couple of rich whales to decide someone’s post is over rewarded/ they don’t like the persons opinion/ they posted on another blockchain site or anything rly. Those bullies also took money from several charity projects and a guy on life saving dialysis. Go look at the reviews on that competition out of about 120 at least 20 or 30 ppl saw or got directly bullied. Those reviews wefe paid for too so most ppl just put anything good to get the upvote so we don’t even know the real percentage who genuinely feel all is good there. I was in a private chat room with the ocd ppl and I directly saw how they chose and laughed about their victims. Ppl didn’t believe me back then, more do now.
No one expects you to post anything lol you’ve said your leaving about 5 times, no ones gone to hive to bring you back. If you choose to post here you have absolute free will to do so and no one will downvote you. I doubt many will upvote though if you only come here to shill hive but if you use the site properly you will be welcomed of course in time.
My blurt account is there forever and I will use when I feel like it. That's called freedom. Your Hive account is still there too and people might give you another chance. You just upset a few with things you said, so it's up to them what they do.
99% of my efforts are on Hive where there is a great community without all the drama you go on and on about. I'm not even going to bother trying to explain why some people got downvoted. I'll just get six more comments from you. One is enough :)
Another chance? I purposely made it so I wouldn’t be tempted to go back to that cesspit of bullying and control I’ve witnessed since 2017 it was bad for ones soul being on there. Yeah it’s a few but they have too much control now to make the site anything but a toxic hell hole. Like I said your always welcome to post here as it’s a free site with freedom of speech as you know.
After I’ve seen what I’ve seen to the full extent I wouldn’t want anything to do with it. Stealing from dyalisis patients, downvoting charities off the site. Bullying people for their accents or being foreign. It sucks. If it was a small minority like I originally thought maybe you can just stay away from them but it reached a level of extreme toxicity where if you even stand up for someone getting bullied your downvoted more. It’s toxic.
me personally I got downvoted for many reasons 1. Because I saw bullying In a private room of whales in 2017 in a private chat room full of ocd people, that was called ‘over rewarded’. Even tho the people downvoting just posted mostly screenshots from twitter.
The last thing I don’t count as I did that specifically to get myself to stop posting there as it was negatively affecting me witnessing al the bullying and downvoting.
Leaving Blurt now? I know you're on Steemit, but as you're not Chinese you won't get the big votes. Burning your bridges with Hive may have been a mistake. I'm all for forgiving, but I'm afraid many hold grudges.
Apart from you I hardly see anyone complain about life on Hive, so it can't be that bad.
No I’m not leaving blurt why do you think that? I just want to take 50 % to blurt power for now for more options on trading.
Better get it quick whilst it still has some value :)
Don't a few people control Blurt? Isn't that the problem with ctime?
You can never be satisfied with just leaving one comment. I'll only reply once. Have fun with whatever you do. Life is short.
Lol that’s everything wrong with hive your basically admitting a small group of rich ppl can decide if I can post on there and earn money or not ... no thanks! You know we can just make money in the real world and trading. Tbh I think a lot of these blogs are a bit of a false economy of time you earn far more just doing other things. I like the blurt community tho and I’m not leaving I am unhappy with certain things like threatening to freeze users but I’m not leaving.
People don’t complain on hive cause they don’t dare lol they either have to shut up and suck up cause they need the money too bad or want the money or they already quit. No one can complain there lol cause they would be on £0 🤣🤣 no one in 1984 complained either lol didn’t mean they were happy
Just havint this discussion reminds me how toxic hive was and I never want to hear the name again.
Steve is welcome to come to the next blurt meetup.
Downvotes are very important as they deal with abuse. It's all about changing rewards. Upvotes get abused too for self-voting and collaborative abuse.
I am not far from London. Obviously I am more interested in hanging out with the Hive users I engage with regularly, but some sort of joint thing could work. I will post about any events I know of. There is one in Halifax next month, but that's a bit far from me.
So as the COAL list. . .
But funnily till now i was against both 😅, but now i get what their purpose is. . .
LoL, self voting drama was topic two weeks ago, we are on abuse, threats, and bullying this week 😅😂🤣
Anyhow, it is nice here on Blurt. . .im only been here for about 8ish weeks, but i already feel at home. . .although I easily blend in usually.
You should give it more chances. . .
But yeah, will defo tell you when next blurt meetup is, you may end up having fun with us 🙌🏻