About me

in aboutme •  3 years ago  (edited)

Hello, and welcome; Let me introduce myself, my name is Petra.

I am a Healer, a Craniosacral Therapist and a Coach.

My mission is, to help people on their journey, and provide them with a safe space to discover who they really are, whats holding them back, and if they are ready, help them let go of the patterns and blockages that are in their way of becoming their best version of themselves.

I work with people 1-2-1, and I facilitate group programs, in a small intimate environment. Both online and in person.

I also do workshops in collaboration with other talented space holders.

I am a part of the team behind Morning Gloryville, the famous morning sober rave.

And I am currently holding pause on a project ; Divine Spark (coming soon).

I also am just a typical piscean, who often lives in her dreamworld, and loves binge watching things on Netflix.

I love keeping things simple and real; and finding joy in everyday things.

And yes, my spiritual journey is important, and I meditate and all that, but I also am a human, who loves to embody her human self more and more everyday.

I am using this platform to reflect and ponder, on topics that are relevant to us as a collective, as well as individuals.

Take what resonates. Apply it to your life.

Thank you for your presence with me.

Petra 💜

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Welcome to Blurt … Add #helloblurt to your introduction post to get a big upvote from @helloblurt

ah is that it for some reason I thought it was introduce yourself - thanks


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Welcome to Blurt.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome to blurt Petra

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Welcome to Blurt. Nice to see you here.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome to the Blurt! Please follow us on Twitter- https://twitter.com/blurtofficial, Telegram- https://t.me/blurtofficialchat, Join our Official Discord server- Here

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We are blurttribe community, we welcome you to blurt, @blurttribe, you can share your ethnic, cultural, historical contents, feel free to express yourself and share them using the #blurttribe and stay away from plagiarism!!

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Blurt to the moon 🌕!!!!!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Welcome to blurt dear @petrapurple. This is a great community to be and am sure your specialty will impact blurt greatly. Cheers

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hi. Is this you on Hive? Just want to be sure nobody is pretending to be you. It's okay to be on both.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

LoL, Im not on Hive. . .never been. Never will. Thanks for bringing to my attention. I appreciate. Can you report it there? Not sure how it works. . .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I will help ensure it does not get rewarded. That is why we have downvotes. You would be welcome there anyway, but would have to use a different account name. Don't believe all the bad things people say about it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Haha, thanks, Im actually really happy here for now. But will keep it in mind.
Can the person be blocked?

Honestly. . . Why would they do this?

Regardless, i appreciate you telling me cause otherwise would have had no clue. . .🙏🏻💗
(This is why i like it here, people are nice and helpful)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I don't know if it has been explained to you how blockchains work, but people cannot be blocked without the witnesses agreeing on it. Anyone is free to do what they want, but the community can act if they are abusive. Identity theft is one form of abuse. I expect you know someone who had some issues on Hive and I know the history behind it. I think she over-reacted, but she will disagree :)

I am not generally active on Blurt as there is much more happening on Hive. Users of the two blockchains still have a lot in common and maybe there can be some joint meetups. I have met a fair few of the London people before.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, that is true, and I've known that but I've forgotten . . . well hopefully they will not post again (?) lets see. . .

Yes, I think people tend to overreact on these pages 😅 I mean look at the drama, that is happening here atm . . .

Joint meetup, that could be fun . . .or catastrophycal 😅 if people go into their wounds. . .

So you London based? You should have came to the London meetup last month. We should have another one in the summer.

P.S, I was so against the whole downvote thing, and now proved, that things Im against can sometimes be good. . .😅

Blurt prevents this in better ways that’s why it costs a minimal amount to post and there is a coal list that can ban people for things like this. The downvote on hive is used to abuse smaller members.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

How many people get put on the coal list? That is centralised control. The cost of posting may have limited effect. I could post a lot of crap if I wanted, but I'm trying to be more constructive now. Just don't expect to see me post much.

DVs can be used for abuse, but that's much less of a problem than you make out, as I have said many, many times. Thousands of people are hardly even aware of it. Plus Hive has far more than just blogging. I am not anti-Blurt, but the whining about Hive is over-stated.

Steve is welcome to come to the next blurt meetup.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Downvotes are very important as they deal with abuse. It's all about changing rewards. Upvotes get abused too for self-voting and collaborative abuse.

I am not far from London. Obviously I am more interested in hanging out with the Hive users I engage with regularly, but some sort of joint thing could work. I will post about any events I know of. There is one in Halifax next month, but that's a bit far from me.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Downvotes are very important as they deal with abuse.

So as the COAL list. . .
But funnily till now i was against both 😅, but now i get what their purpose is. . .

Upvotes get abused too for self-voting

LoL, self voting drama was topic two weeks ago, we are on abuse, threats, and bullying this week 😅😂🤣

Anyhow, it is nice here on Blurt. . .im only been here for about 8ish weeks, but i already feel at home. . .although I easily blend in usually.
You should give it more chances. . .

But yeah, will defo tell you when next blurt meetup is, you may end up having fun with us 🙌🏻

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Why would someone do this?!?!

Can you comment on it that it is not me. Please. Thank you

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Some people will do anything for money, including identity theft. I'm sure it happens on Blurt too, but it would be harder to deal with. All rewards have been removed from the post. I don't expect they will continue.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you 🙏🏻💗