Wow. I would definitely see if some help can be gotten. That's rough. Poor guy.
RE: Individual Codenamed "Ramond". Possible schizophrenic.
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Individual Codenamed "Ramond". Possible schizophrenic.
Individual Codenamed "Ramond". Possible schizophrenic.
Wow. I would definitely see if some help can be gotten. That's rough. Poor guy.
I feel the same but I can't help him. Its not my show. Best I can do is send him off on his way and hopefully his parents would do right for him. I don't know what else to do. I don't know anyone that could help him.
I keep telling him to focus on a job to atleast get his mind occupied on something. He isn't entirely worthless. Not his fault either. We are all victims of circumstances out of our control. Some have it worse than others.