I am you and he.

in zzan •  4 years ago 

Tip goes silent, hey, I'm not coming to you at all. Which is from here.
Knee, you still can't forgive me.
I will never be able to, you will never come in front of my eyes, let me be like me.
Please tip once or not. Sorry, look, I grabbed my ear, look, I got up and sat down.
__Himant live me alone please. You can hear me going home. I want to break this drama, I can't tolerate. Plz Himanto I'm very tired. leave me alone.
Tip cried as he spoke. Hemanta leaves, his face blackened.
Silently, Himanta went to the verandah.
Tip feels bad to use that with frostbite, but how much longer would a man endure.
Hemant enters the room again, then opens the door and leaves. As soon as Tip knocks on the door, Hemant locks the door from outside and leaves with the key.
After Tip came and sat on the bed, he remembered the girl very much. Riser must have had something better.
Looking around the tip room, Himanta left his mobile phone.
Tip Hemant's phone is locked with his hand, how to open it.
Password freezes, does not open, does not open, then freezes.
Tip remembers all the previous words spent with Himanta. Himanta made Himtip by matching the names of the two.


Tip used to call Himanta sometimes Him and sometimes Himu.
When Him was called, Himanta used to call Himtip as Tip, and Himu as Rupa.
A lot of moments are spent in quarrels and love.
Thinking, Tip goes to the massage option of Himanta's mobile, Tip's eyes get bigger when he sees Himika writing.
Tip quickly checks Himanta's call list.
Countless messages and calls to Himika's number.
But Himanta did not receive. Missed call has risen.
Go to the massage box and see a lot of Himika massages.
__Him please receive the call once Him, believe me Soumik had a relationship with Tip. I know what he will tell you, I have not lied to you.
__Hime I really love you Him, see what lies in the pictures.
Tip Himika's eyes widen at the sight of messages and pictures.
Tip's eyes began to water.
And that can't see. Whoever I love hurts. At the end Himika said these things in my name.
Tip remembers that there was a two-handed pick on Facebook that day.
Tip enters the ice gallery,
Many find that picture, Facebook just had a hand.
Here, Flower Picture, Himanta and Tip are sitting together at the exact place where they had a wonderful time together while visiting Sylhet.
Leaving the tip mobile, he started crying on the pillow, this is why I thought I acted in love.
Tip started crying loudly.
Suddenly he heard a sound at the door and became silent.
Himanta unlocks the door and comes in with food.
Then he closed the door again.
Seeing Tip lying like this, Himanta goes to Tip.
As soon as he put his hand on Tip's shoulder, Tip jerked it away.
Tip please tip, why are you crying, you punish me but don't get in such pain. I know I've hurt you for so long but believe me I made a mistake I can't live without you Tip.
Tip still doesn't look at the ice.
Himanta lifts the tip forcibly, looking at the tip, Himanta is surprised.
What a condition the tip has made to look like crying.
Himanta is very angry with himself, how much he has hurt Tip.
Himanta sits in front of the tip with food.
Tip wipes away tears and sits quietly, no matter how hard the people in love get angry at them.
There is also a kind of punishment for being silent in pride.

If you want to understand the people on the other side, a little eye contact and a little silence is enough.
Himanta has come up with Tip's favorite biryani.
Tip turned his face away when he tried to feed Tip himself.
__Please take the tip. I will accept whatever punishment you give me but eat it first.
The tip does not respond.
Himanta is holding food in front of Tip's mouth but Tip is not eating.
Himanta got up and sat next to Tip, Tip, you will go home. Please eat before I come.
Tip doesn't say anything again, Himanta gives a loud threat, you don't eat, your groom will eat too, baby too.
I'll eat it now or I'll give it a slap, it's not good to talk, isn't it?
Tip trembles with fear, Himanta knows very well that Tip is scared if he threatens or gets angry.
Tip is silent even if he is scared, maybe his mind has become hardened due to suffering.
Himanta is really surprised this time.
Tip cries in fear, when Himanta catches the food in front of the tip, this time Tip cries and puts food in his mouth in fear, he doesn't want to go down his throat but he eats in fear Himanta is looking angrily at the tip.
Tip's food gets stuck in the throat, coughing up.
Himanta quickly handed over the water bottle.
This time I will put one really firmly but.
What will happen if you don't get stuck in the throat, whose grief are you crying for, I am dead ha (screaming loudly).
Tip now starts drinking without drinking water, and cries loudly.
Himanta calmed down and grabbed the tip in the middle of the chest.
Hemant used to scold Tip even though he wanted to and Tip used to put his head in Himant's chest out of fear.
Tip is still crying and when Himant threatens again, the girl goes silent.
Tip raises his head thinking he can't even cry in peace.
Seeing Himanta's angry eyes, he puts his head on her chest again, not understanding what Tip will do.
The tip head doesn't work when scared.
Hemant smiles, then puts Tip in his lap,
Then he feeds Tipke.
Tip continues to eat quietly like a calm girl, Himanta smiles at Tip's trunk, the girl is still scared of me.
Seeing the food sticking in Tip's face, Himanta looked at Tip.
Before, when he went to feed the tip, he would put it in his mouth intentionally, doing a naughty thing.
Then he would leak the food stuck in the corner of the tip's lips and eat it.
Seeing Himanta's chaoni, the tip goes up, you can understand what Himant is thinking.
On the other hand, Soumik is thinking about Tip, where is Tip, he is going to Himanta's mobile with the call but Himant is not getting any notice.
When the mobile has become silent, I have forgotten.
Soumik is worried, why Tip has left home and is not happy with Himanta.
Many thoughts are playing in my head, how helpless love is, there is love in all four minds but towards different people.
Not everyone gets the person they love in one life, if one gets it, the other will suffer.
This is perhaps a game of nature, everyone has to accept.
Soumik is walking anxiously, just as he looks back at the sound of a bicycle bell ringing.
A young girl, wearing jeans with jeans tops.
Putting some flowers in front of the bicycle, tying the hair loosely, wearing sneakers on the feet.
Light pink lipstick on the lips, magical drawn eyes, in a word, unique, anyone will fall in love at a glance.
Soumik is looking, he has no other idea.
When the girl rang the bell again, Soumik moved away, the girl came closer with a smile ..
__What are you thinking so much.? Are you walking in a daze, Himu or not, the one who has left his sunglasses behind, take it.
When he will leave his wife ha ha, the girl goes away on a bicycle with a smile.
Soumik is looking like a fool, what happened is that Soumik went over his head.
The girl went some distance and looked back and smiled, seeing that Soumik was still staring at her.
After smiling, he took a small toll on his cheek, Soumik closed his eyes and looked at him again.
Soumik picks up the glass, and laughs out loud.
You have gone crazy, you are Soumik and you took off your sunglasses and the girl started laughing because she couldn't save you.
Then he took the broken glass in his pocket.

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