The Bus Stop, Fifth Avenue, New York, July 1913.

in zzan •  last year 

The Bus Stop, Fifth Avenue, New York, July 1913. These rare photos show the street life of a bygone New York City:
These look like the motorized Tour Bus systems that were privately owned but did compete with the NYC Trolley system. NYC didn't get rid of its last trolley until 1957. True story: I knew an elderly man who'd been a NYC trolley driver. He told me that when his route went to busses he and many of his co-drivers had never even driven cars and did not have licenses. On the Sunday before their route was to open the following day they were taken up to an area near Riverdale (the Bronx which had fairly open roads, then) and told to DRIVE! According to him mayhem and hilarity ensued. For weeks to come, using his route was truly an adventure for its drivers and riders.

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