I love racing, I loved working on my car even through the toughest times. My most relaxing times

in zzan •  last year 

I love racing, I loved working on my car even through the toughest times. My most relaxing times would be working on the car alone throughout the night. There were easy days and 17 hour day and I still loved it. I personally never made a dime from racing nor paid for the time I put into the shop, I lived in a basement at a friends place and worked part time at whatever job I could keep in Tooele but if I had work that needed to be done I put that first before anything. I didn’t live off my parents tab, I paid for my groceries and anything I needed. I understand on social media I lived a high life but in reality I’m humble, I’m shy, I work hard and I’m a caring person. This past year has been extremely difficult, I wanted to put racing aside and put family first and repair a broken relationship with my parents, once again on social maybe we seemed like a happy family but behind closed doors we struggled a lot to see eye to eye. The black SS I raced these passed couple of years means the world to me, I saw that car almost everyday, I’ve put a lot of time into it; when I love something so much I don’t see it as money it’s more of a memory, I wanted to personally keep it to continue to race road course and to keep for family. To see a price tag on it is probably one of the disheartening things I’ve experienced.




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