Solve the problem of dizziness

in zzan •  4 years ago 

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Dizziness can occur for a variety of reasons. The normal balance of the body depends on the normal functioning of many organs. The muscles of the eyes, the inner parts of the ears, the sensory receptors of the joints, the neck, the middle body, and the leg muscles function properly because the special centers of the brain send the right signals. If one of these organs or one of the centers of the brain is injured or the nerve conduction is obstructed, then the world continues to revolve.

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Causes of Dizziness How does your dizziness start? Does it start suddenly and last a short time?

If so, the probable cause is: 1. Overwork 2. Abnormalities of the blood vessels of the inner ear 3. Inflammation of the inner ear 4. Abnormal visual problems. For example: dizziness when looking up from a very high altitude and looking at a platform from a moving train or car. Does your dizziness last a long time and it happens occasionally?

If the answer is yes and you have symptoms due to it, then the probable cause of dizziness is: 1. Inflammation of the middle ear. Meniere's disease 3. Acoustic neuroma (tumor of the vestibular cochlear nerve). And if you do not have ear symptoms and organ problems, then the probable cause of dizziness is: 1. Gestures caused by gestures. Cervical Spondylosis Again If you do not have ear symptoms and anatomical problems, then the possible causes of dizziness: 1. Different medicines 2. Anxiety 3. Neck injury 4. Pain on one side of the forehead 5. Menopause (in the case of women) If your headache is prolonged and incessant, as well as if you have ear symptoms, possible causes of dizziness: 1. Acoustic neuroma II. Cerebellar pontine angle tumor. And if you do not have ear symptoms and you become unconscious, the possible causes of dizziness are: 1. Insufficient blood supply to the brain. Heart disease 3. If carotid sinus sensitivity is no longer unconscious, the possible causes of dizziness are: 1. Anemia 2. Hypertension 3. Diabetes 4. Thyroid disease 5. Mental anxiety.

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The treatment for dizziness depends on the cause of the dizziness. However, if your doctor does not find the exact cause of the problem and only comforts you, follow the advice below. This will reduce your dizziness and you will feel much better. Things to do - If you have a sudden dizziness, refrain from doing what you were doing. Lie on your back. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath and call for help. Don't worry. Stress and anxiety have become a part of daily life. However, you have to learn to cut them in a healthy way without keeping them. Many people put pressure on their lungs and start breathing very quickly. This can make them dizzy. Never do that. Always breathe slowly and regularly. Keep the neck straight In most cases, the head is dizzy for not keeping the neck straight. Changes in spondylosis in the neck can put pressure on the arteries that supply blood to the brain and cause dizziness. Strong neck muscles and a good position in the neck can prevent this. Not overwork You may experience dizziness if you overwork. Work according to plan and within your means. Never cross the line. Think first and then start working. Don't lower your sugar level. Don't eat one meal at a time due to work pressure and if your blood sugar level drops, eat fast. Low blood sugar can cause headaches and dizziness. Drink enough water, especially during hot weather. When the amount of water in the body decreases, the problem of dizziness occurs. So the body must be careful not to become dehydrated. Keep the body hydrated at all times. Take medicines with caution. Many medicines we usually take. Such as antihistamines, antibiotics, high blood pressure drugs and ulcer drugs. These drugs can cause dizziness symptoms. Inform the doctor if there is any problem in taking any medicine. He will change the medicine. Do not neglect dizziness If you occasionally feel dizzy or dizzy, do not neglect it.


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