"Interoperability" - The future of the Crypto Space.

in zilliqa •  4 years ago  (edited)

Zilliqa's latest update could be the game changer in the crypto space.

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Just recently, Zilliqa, Switcheo and Polynetwork teams are enabling and introducing interoperability to the crypto world.

What is interoperability?

Blockchain interoperability enables different blockchains to seamlessly communicate with one another and facilitate transactions across different blockchains.

As we all know, blockchain protocols don’t always speak the same language in the sense that their consensus mechanisms or their block structures could be completely different which limits the ability to interact/transact/communicate from one chain to another. These differences turn blockchains into isolated islands of dapps, tokens, and ecosystems creating barriers and unneeded complexities for users. In order to promote widespread adoption, the concept of interoperability between protocols has emerged and this could bring brighter future for crypto enthusiast like me.
Disclaimer: This is not a financial advice, invest at your own risk! Good projects are built thru strong foundations that why im so HODL with this token.

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