in zapata •  4 years ago 



By the 3rd of March 2021, I will accumulate a Net Worth in excess of 1,000,000 NGN with a monthly income of 100,000 NGN or more.

In exchange for this, I will keep on working as an Administrative officer in the higher Institution of learning where I work and contribute my own quota to the development of the institution and also put more effort in my art works and improve on my skills daily and also practise Agriculture that is planting and rearing of birds and help in the production of food to the society. I will also make sure I influence my friends and co workers to joining blurt and zapata community

My aim in life is to be successful and also assist others to climb the ladder of success and be happy too

Join me at the Zapata community on blurt today.

Also, make sure you read the this to understand more about zapata community

God bless!

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  ·  4 years ago  ·   (edited)

I really like seeing the use of Think and Grow Rich. I read this and similar books when I was in my 20's. I was just coming out of being homeless and had little to look forward to. This was one of the books that helped turn my life around.

I set goals and affirmation statements and the "Universe" took my on a ride to eventually achieve most of those goals. Those that were not achieved is because the "universe" took down a different fork in the road which brought me to an even better place.

Even at my age I think it is time to find that book and read it again.


Thanks for the comment.