How to Decorate Your Conference Table for a Meeting

in zapata •  4 years ago 

Having a nice and seren space for your meetings is a good thing but having a well decorated outfit adds elegance to the meeting.


Now let's see how to decorate your place.

Decoration is really not a special things but it needs a little guidance and that's why I am making this post today and I hope it can help someone to decorate his place for the next meeting.

Yesterday I decorated a space for a meeting that consisted of all principals of secondary School in my state and the Commissioner of Information, Youth and Sport, Environment and the Honourable Commissioner of Education.

Let's see how it goes.

For the records I used white and orange for the decoration which represent the color of Akwa Ibom State. Now your color combination is very necessary as that alone can ruin the entire stuff.

Let's first of all understand that the aim of decoration is to introduce a total transformation to your space and if after you finish your design you ain't feeling comfortable with it then your audience will not also be comfortable with it so it is necessary that first of all you gain comfortability from what you've done.

Meeting a boring hall.


Nobody likes this.

The Process

  1. Arranged your table on a straight order and if you like, you can tie the tables together and I will tell you why as we proceed.


  1. Cover your table with a good clean material.


Now I said you should tie the tables together if you want. Here is the reason, it becomes possible to straighten out the material you used to cover the table.

  1. Design the surrounding of the table. We live interdependently and not in isolation so sometimes what works with the fashion designers works with us also as decorator.

So we call it piliting along side the fashion designer.



It is a simple forward backward kind of stuff. As you fold, you use office pin to hold it.

Halfway towards finishing the table piliting.

  1. Add some flowers.
    After th fabric work, I added some flowers to make it totally different from the conventional table piliting. You could use just anything to hold the flowers but office pins are preferable.


And I did a little touching to the opposite walls of the to the audience and that added much more class to the design.




There you go with your design. I trust you learnt. Till I get to you again.

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