Great characteristics of human person

in zahidsun •  2 years ago 

Assalamu Alaikum
Hello Bluters,
I am @darkclown

I hope you all are well, I am also well, by the grace of ALLAH, the topic of today's post is about"Great characteristics of human person"

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Fazael' signifies quality, trademark, greatness, brilliant, best, great characteristics, admirable so forth. Fazael is plural, its particular is 'Fazl' or 'Fazilat'. As far as Fazael are the considerate habits, acceptable conduct and great deeds, which are helpful for human government assistance.

Fundamental 10 Fazails are:

  1. Contrition (atoning of transgression, requesting pardoning);

  2. Inabat (Always visiting Allah);

  3. Yuhad (non-connection to the world);

  4. Quality (endurance of dubious things);

  5. Shokar (appreciation);

  6. Chabar (tolerance and perseverance);

  7. Tawakkul (Dependence on Allah);

  8. Qanaat (satisfaction with little or being proud of little);

  9. Tashleem (tolerating Allah's pronouncements and charges with a quiet heart and complete accommodation to Allah);

  10. Reza or Reda (Being pleasant to God's Will, enthusiastically complying with Him).


'Tawbah' signifies return. In Bengali articulation, Tauba and Tauba are composed. As far as atonement, it implies getting a long way from sins or bad behaviors. Contrition is one among the foremost mind-blowing characteristics of a savvy man. it's the sumptuous and great greatness which lifts the simplest of creation from the smallest amount and most debased spot to the foremost elevated and most endlessly magnified place. Tawbah (apology for sins, requesting pardoning) is actually performed by kalab. Slowly it shows apparently. 'Istighfar' or pardoning could be a phase of contrition and one is comparable to the subsequent. 'Tawbah Istighfar' is used as a twofold word. First dad Hazrat Adam (a.) and first mother Hazrat Hawa (a.)The one who apologized by Istighfa, is: 'O our Lord! we've got violated our spirits, on the off chance that you just don't excuse and show kindness, we'll clearly be among the tormented.' (7:23). in line with allah Ta'ala, 'Clearly Allah cherishes the folks that atone and adores the individuals who accomplish immaculateness' (2:222). Hadith Sharif states: 'The one that atones of a transgression resembles a blameless individual' (Bukhari). The hadith additionally says: 'Every one among the offspring of Adam are heathens, and therefore the better of delinquents are the those who apologize' (Muslim).


'Inabah' signifies to return over and over. it's called 'Inabat' in Persian and Urdu and 'Enabat' in Bengali elocution. within the term, Inabah is to continuously turn the center towards Allah. Inabah is that the fundamental quality of human soul. Since each spirit comes from Allah and to Him it'll return. Inabah is performed by Ruh. Continuously it impacts and complies with the Nafsha.
The word 'Inabah' is actually inseparable from the word 'Tawbah'. So Inabat incorporates a cozy relationship with Tawbah. One is correlative to the subsequent. 'Tawbah Inabah' is used as a pair of words. Allah Ta'ala says: 'And He (Allah) directs the individuals who return to Him.' (13:27, 42:13). 'Follow the way of the individuals who attend Me (Allah)' (31:15). "Then, at that time, he (Dawood a.s.) hunted for absolution from his Lord, plunged and lowered himself and returned." "Then (Sulaiman a.s.) prostrated himself (to his Lord)." "And for the individuals who move to Allah, there's happy greetings" (39:17). O our Lord! We put our confidence in You, we rely on You, and you're the target.' (60:4). 'I put my confidence in Him and rest on Him' (11:88, 42:10)."Get back to your Lord and labor under Him." (39:24). except for this, the matter is canvassed in sections 11:11, 34:9, 50:8-33, 39:8, 30:31-33.


'Shokar' signifies appreciation for instance to acknowledge the advantage of the promoter, to specific appreciation, to be thankful. The word is used in a very similar sense in Persian, Urdu, Hindi and Bengali. Shaki implies appreciative individual. Shokar in wording is to acknowledge the gift. Kufr are some things contrary to distress. That is, thanklessness or responsibility. Kafir is unreasonable or dissatisfied. Since gift is said with gift, it's presupposed to be appreciative for gift or gift. The word Shokar is likewise utilized as 'Shokarana' and 'Shokriya'. Through thanksgiving, the capacity to acknowledge the benefits of Allah Ta'ala's favors is conceived, and knowing Allah Ta'ala is Merciful, commitment to Him is reinforced and love is conceived.
Creatures with clean conscience and data are the elite attributes of people. it's the luxurious and great superb nature, which keeps the animal in consistent connection to the Creator. Shokar (appreciation) begins from the psyche mind; Gradually it appears through the colleges. The words Shokar (appreciation) and Chhabar (tolerance) frequently show up as a pair of words. Like 'Shokar' or 'Shokar'. there's a hidden or reasonable connection between these two words. Since the 2 words are related with gifts. Assuming that you just get favoring, you'll be miserable, within the event that you just do not get it, you may be miserable.

Allah Ta'ala says: 'Recollect Me, i will be able to recall you; impart to me, don't question, do not be dissatisfied.' (2:152). 'In the event that you just are appreciative, i'll clearly increment you; And on the off chance that you simply are careless - revile, doubtlessly My discipline is serious.' (14:7). Shokar is referenced multiple times within the Qur'an. it's within the hadith: 'He who doesn't express gratefulness to man, can't offer gratitude to Allah.' (Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Musnad Ahmad). All-powerful Allah is 'Shakur' for instance the foremost thankful or grateful. (35:30, 35:34, 42:23, 64:17)

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Thank you all for this and especially thank you @zahidsun...

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