A man's way of having good character.

in zahidsun •  2 years ago 

Assalamu Alaikum
Hello Bluters,
I am @darkclown

I hope you all are well, I am also well, by the grace of ALLAH, the topic of today's post is about "A man's way of having good character".

Great person is the authentic, proof and impression. Confidence without character isn't reflected.

In this unique situation, Hazrat Rasoolullah (S.A.W.) said, 'The devotee is the individual who has the best person. - Sunan Abu Dawud

Islamic love is completely associated with character.

Any love mirrors a decent person. As found in petition; Prayer shields an individual from all revolting and unfortunate activities and meaningfully affects self-sanitization and improvement of the spirit.

Ways of building great person

Great person is the real, proof and impression. Confidence without character isn't reflected.

In this specific situation, Hazrat Rasoolullah (S.A.W.) said, 'The devotee is the individual who has the best person. - Sunan Abu Dawud

Islamic love is totally associated with character.
Any love mirrors a decent person. As found in petition; Prayer safeguards an individual from all disgusting and unwanted activities and affects self-filtration and improvement of the spirit.

In this specific circumstance, Allah Ta'ala said, 'Clearly petitioning God forestalls revolting and malicious deeds. ' - Surah Al Ankabut: 45

Islam notices a few key parts of good person development. Which is viewed as the most effective way to construct great person. They are-

Honesty :

Allah Ta'ala and His Messenger (PBUH) charged upon us all the Islamic person, one of which is honesty. In such manner, it is referenced in the Holy Qur'an, O adherents! Dread Allah and be with the honest. - Surah At-Tawba: 119

Hazrat Rasulullah (PBUH) said in the hadith, you ought to tell the truth. Since honesty prompts righteousness. What's more, uprightness shows the way to heaven.


One part of good person is reliability. Allah Ta'ala said about the store, 'Unquestionably Allah Ta'ala orders you to convey the stores to their actual owners. - Surah A Nisa: 58

Hazrat Rasoolullah (PBUH) procured the title of Al-Amin from his local area for this quality.

Unobtrusiveness and Humility:

One more part of good person is unobtrusiveness and lowliness. A Muslim ought to treat his kindred Muslim with politeness. Whether he is rich or poor. Allah's order in such manner is - 'You make your adjoining nations second rate for the adherents. '

Benevolence to guardians:

Being caring to guardians is one of the most mind-blowing character qualities. According to about this, Allah Ta'ala, 'And love Allah, partner nothing with Him and treat your folks well. ' - Surah An-Nisa: 35

Through this section, Allah has instructed compliance to guardians. In another section he charged them to be caring and polite and to petition God for them.

To keep up with connection relations:

Keeping up with the relationship of kinship is compulsory. What's more, to slice it is to be denied of Paradise and it is a reason for perdition. It is referenced in the Qur'an, 'Assuming that you get power, will you cause devastation on the planet and break the ties of family relationship? They are individuals whom Allah has reviled. He made them hard of hearing and dazed their sight. ' - Surah Muhammad: 22-23

Hazrat Rasoolullah (SAW) said in a hadith, he who breaks the ties of connection won't enter Paradise. - Sahih Bukhari and Muslim

Committed :

This perspective ought to be followed well in building a decent person. Allah says in such manner, 'And satisfy the commitment, in light of the fact that the commitment will be inquired. ' - Surah Isra: 34

Besides, in the hadith, breaking guarantees is pronounced as a trait of a faker.

Benevolence to neighbors:

Being caring to one's neighbor is one of the parts of good person. Neighbors are individuals who live around our home. Concerning, the Qur'an al-Karim says, 'And be thoughtful to guardians, close to family members, vagrants, poor, closest neighbors and far off neighbors. ' - Surah An-Nisa: 36

Hazrat Rasoolullah (pbuh)He said, 'Jibraeel was passing on to me about the neighbor, even I accepted that the neighbor would be made a legacy. ' - Sahih Bukhari and Muslim

Tolerance and Endurance:

Persistence and resilience are significant parts of good person. In such manner, the Qur'an has expressed, "And whoever continues on and pardons, without a doubt this is among the immovability of deeds." - Surah Ash Shura: 43

Disgrace :

A person calls for flawlessness and honorable qualities. Disgrace should be with respect to Allah. Subsequently, the Muslim feels embarrassed that Allah will see him enjoying injustice. Also he is embarrassed about individuals and even of himself. Disgrace bears the evidence of confidence in the heart. In this specific situation, Hazrat Rasoolullah (SAW) said, "Disgrace brings only great." ' - Bukhari and Muslim


Nobility brings genuine serenity. Laying out security in the general public and disposing of different sorts of wrongdoing. According to allah Ta'ala, 'Do equity, it is extremely near devotion. ' - Surah Ma'ida: 8

Graciousness and Compassion:

This character has been detracted from the hearts of many individuals. Subsequently, their hearts have become as hard as stone or harder than that. What's more, a genuine devotee is one who is thoughtful, kindhearted and profoundly close to home, having brilliant effortlessness. In such manner, Hazrat Rasulullah (s.a.w.) said, the similarity of the devotees' common neighborliness, benevolence and sympathy resembles a body. At the point when one piece of it is debilitated, the entire body experiences restlessness and fever.

Sacredness of Character:

One of the components of good person is character honesty. Allah Ta'ala says in such manner, 'The people who can't stand to wed, let them embrace character virtue. Until Allah makes him rich by His effortlessness. ' - Surah A Noor: 33

Hazrat Rasoolullah (SAW) said, 'Be liable for six things for me. Then, at that point, I will be accountable for Paradise for you. At the point when one of you talks, let him not lie. He shouldn't sell out a trust when it is shared with him. While making a commitment, don't break it. Bring down your look. Control your hands. Monitor your reproductive organs. '

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Thank you all for this and especially thank you @zahidsun...

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