তুমি বসত্নের কোকিল

in you •  2 years ago 

You are the cuckoo of spring, no one of winter rain. Summary: The world is full of happiness and sorrow. But sad but true is the fact that in this world a class of people are crowded, but cut off in bad times. They are not friends of man, but enemies. We should. Living next to each other, loving each other. . Bad company is one of the reasons for lack of character. People become inferior to animals due to connivance. In this world, bad company is the cause. Even though human beings are cautious, they fall into bad company and fall into the path of sin without knowing it. Not just Kulek's company; Kuchinta, reading nasty books - all these are also called bad company. If that is your intention, then the lowly character will carefully abandon the company, the theater, the movies, and the excitement of reading books and meditating. Summary: The character of Satlake is also defiled by the contact of Asat Lake. It is essential to avoid the company of dishonest people and the obscenity of those who do not associate with human beings. 9. The darkness of the night is cut off by the sun. In the light of education, the world around the darkness of our ignorance becomes more beautiful. We find new meaning in life; We want to grow up, we try to grow up. We want to live beautifully, if we want to live beautifully, we need knowledge. I want to use that knowledge. Education wakes us up slowly.

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