(JaiChai) "Codename: Ms. один"

in writing •  2 years ago 

SDII36 original signed.gif

"Ms. один"

[Disclaimer: Everything depicted in this story is fictional and solely the product of the artist/author's) "Codename imagination. Any resemblance to actual events or people is purely coincidental.]

Ms. один (pronounced "odin", meaning "one" in Russian) is from a small town outside of Moscow called Poselok Tekstilshchiki.

Her father completed a full career as a voyská spetsiálnogo naznachéniya (Spetsnaz) soldier in the 5th Spetsnaz Brigade of the Armed Forces of Belarus - formerly part of the Soviet Spetsnaz.

Growing up, Ms. один learned Systema (Система, literally meaning "The System"), Sambo and ARB (Армейский Рукопашный Бой; "Armeyskiy Rukopashniy Boy" - Russian Military Hand-to-Hand Combat) from her father and competed in martial arts tournaments from her preadolescence to early adulthood.

Before joining billionaire Raymond Kohl's Personal Security Detail*, she served in the Belarus Army.

At the time, Ms. один's military career was on the fast track.

Her first two promotions came early and she was already making a name for herself on her own merits.

She was no longer called "that privileged daughter of a retired General".

At the time, she was happy with her achievements and planned to serve in the military until retirement.

Then tragedy struck.

Her parents, younger brother and over 100 other passengers of Eroflot Flight 2022 perished when the plane fell out of the sky and crashed into the Baltic Sea.

Although not officially confirmed, non-charred wreckage from the plane seems to rule out an explosion or fire as the cause.

Since the black box was yet to be recovered, mishap investigators only had recordings of comms between the plane's pilot and Air Traffic Control, the aircraft's history and maintenance logs to work with.

The recordings yielded no hint of trouble until the comms went silent and minutes later, the plane ditches into the Sea.

But the history and logs revealed that the aircraft was nearing the end of its operational life.

It was due to be either scrapped or completely overhauled within the next six weeks.

Pre-flight checklists showed no anomalies and approval for the flight was granted by the Russian version of the FAA called the Rosaviatsiya (Russian: Росавиация), or FATA .

This led to a myriad of "possible causes" ranging from a catastrophic electronics failure to fuel line occlusions.

Reading the post-mishap report, Ms. один shook her head and thought, "Those so-called 'experts' wrote this bullsht simply to cover their a$$ with official sounding speculations. It's obvious they have no fckin' clue what caused the crash."

Traumatized, frustrated, depressed and angry, she abruptly turned in her papers and walked away from her promising military career.

Then, as a civilian with no other marketable skills except professional soldiering, Ms. один became a PMC (Private Military Contractor) working for several different global security firms.

Almost all of her assignments were located in this or that obscure "sand box" - any country ending in "Stan".

These are the places where there's never a shortage of tribal or rebel conflicts and paying customers from both sides.

While on assignment in Uzbekistan, she was forced to neutralize three hostiles that threatened the Principal (her client).

Unbeknownst to Ms. один, the hostile's primary target was not her client but instead was a group of employees from Kohl Technologies, inc.

Inadvertantly, she had prevented the ambush and kidnapping of the tech employees.

Upon hearing about the failed ambush and Ms. один's swift, professional and highly effective actions, Raymond Kohl immediately offered her a job in his Personal Security Detail.

*The Security Detail - known as "The Pool" to its members and insiders, is an elite group of highly trained and fiercely loyal bodyguards, combat survival instructors and covert operatives - all under the guise of being an ordinary Executive Secretary.

[Submitted for your entertainment. Enjoy the Original Art.]

May you and yours be well and loving life today.

In Lak'ech, JaiChai

The "Codename: Ms. один" NFT on OpenSea:

[See more of my NFT collections on OpenSea: THE SECURITY DETAIL, Empyrean Beauty II; Dark Wing Valkyries; La Silhouette Se Souvient; Filipina Allure; Empyrean Beauty; Viking Women Warriors; Proud, Strong and Beautiful; Exotic Allure; Assassin's Exotique; Orbiting Outliers; Quae Volant and Ancient Alien Digs]

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