
Imagen de mi propiedad
No sé hasta cuando será este gran castigo que tenemos los venezolanos con los delincuentes que están ocupando cargos, todo es bien sabido porque es una forma de control social lo que estos tipos vienen haciendo desde hace muchos años, y lo peor es lo sumiso que somos la gran mayoría de los venezolanos que aún estamos aquí en Venezuela.
Estoy totalmente seguro que ninguno de los aún estamos aquí, nos merecemos ser tratados de esta manera, y no es solamente en las gasolineras, es en todo a nivel genera, porque si hablamos de los salarios es peor, eso es otra forma de como estos delincuentes tienen bien mal a todos los que de alguna manera tenemos una relación salarial dependiente del estado.
No me voy a acostumbrar, no lo acepto para nada, estoy de acuerdo con el cómo nos tratan al 99 por ciento de los Venezolanos, el 1% son esa cuerda de delincuentes que hacen vida a costillas de la masa trabajadora, de todos los que si verdaderamente estamos echándole un camión de bolas a todo lo que se nos presenta por delante.
147 Ese fue el número que me asignaron en la cola para echar gasolina, pero cualquiera de todos los que ya están acostumbrados a eso, dirán, pero estas entre los 200 si te quejas, y si, si me quejo y lo seguiré haciendo porque me opongo a tener que acostumbrarme a una vida así, una vida como a la que nos quieren someter, entonces ese fue el número la marca que nos ponen para poder surtir gasolina, no es para nada justo ni para mí ni para ninguno de nosotros.
I do not know how long this great punishment that we Venezuelans have with the criminals who are in office, everything is well known because it is a form of social control what these guys have been doing for many years, and the worst thing is how submissive we are the vast majority of Venezuelans who are still here in Venezuela.
I am absolutely sure that none of us who are still here deserve to be treated in this way, and it is not only in the gas stations, it is in everything at the general level, because if we talk about salaries it is worse, that is another way of how these criminals have all of us who in some way have a salary relationship dependent on the state in a bad way.
I am not going to get used to it, I do not accept it at all, I agree with the way 99 percent of Venezuelans are treated, the 1% are that string of delinquents who make a living at the expense of the working masses, of all of us who are really giving a truckload of balls to everything that comes our way.
147 That was the number they assigned me in line to get gas, but any of those who are already used to that, will say, but you are among the 200 if you complain, and yes, I do complain and I will continue to do so because I am opposed to having to get used to a life like that, a life like the one they want to subject us to, so that was the number the mark they put on us to get gas, it is not at all fair for me or for any of us.
texI do not know how long this great punishment that we Venezuelans have with the criminals who are in office, everything is well known because it is a form of social control what these guys have been doing for many years, and the worst thing is how submissive we are the vast majority of Venezuelans who are still here in Venezuela.I am absolutely sure that none of us who are still here deserve to be treated in this way, and it is not only in the gas stations, it is in everything at the general level, because if we talk about salaries it is worse, that is another way of how these criminals have all of us who in some way have a salary relationship dependent on the state in a bad way.I am not going to get used to it, I do not accept it at all, I agree with the way 99 percent of Venezuelans are treated, the 1% are that string of delinquents who make a living at the expense of the working masses, of all of us who are really giving a truckload of balls to everything that comes our way.147 That was the number they assigned me in line to get gas, but any of those who are already used to that, will say, but you are among the 200 if you complain, and yes, I do complain and I will continue to do so because I am opposed to having to get used to a life like that, a life like the one they want to subject us to, so that was the number the mark they put on us to get gas, it is not at all fair for me or for any of us. Não sei quanto tempo vai durar este grande castigo que nós venezuelanos temos com os criminosos que estão no poder, tudo é conhecido porque é uma forma de controlo social que estes tipos fazem há muitos anos, e o pior é a submissão da grande maioria dos venezuelanos que ainda estão aqui na Venezuela.Tenho a certeza absoluta de que nenhum de nós que ainda cá estamos merece ser tratado desta maneira, e não é só nas bombas de gasolina, é em tudo a nível geral, porque se falarmos de salários é pior, esta é outra forma que estes delinquentes têm de todos nós que de alguma forma temos uma relação salarial dependente do Estado de uma forma muito má.Não me vou habituar a isso, não aceito isso de maneira nenhuma, estou de acordo com a forma como 99% dos venezuelanos são tratados, o 1% é essa cadeia de delinquentes que ganham a vida à custa das massas trabalhadoras, de todos nós que estamos realmente a dar um camião de bolas a tudo o que nos aparece.147 Esse foi o número que me atribuíram na fila para a gasolina, mas quem já está habituado a isso dirá, mas tu estás entre os 200 se te queixas, e sim, eu queixo-me e continuarei a fazê-lo porque me oponho a ter de me habituar a uma vida assim, a uma vida como aquela a que nos querem sujeitar, portanto esse foi o número que nos atribuíram para a gasolina, não é nada justo, nem para mim nem para nenhum de nós. Ich weiß nicht, wie lange diese großartige Bestrafung, die wir Venezolaner mit den Kriminellen, die im Amt sind, haben, andauern wird, alles ist wohlbekannt, denn es ist eine Form der sozialen Kontrolle, die diese Typen seit vielen Jahren ausüben, und das Schlimmste ist, wie unterwürfig die große Mehrheit der Venezolaner, die noch hier in Venezuela sind, sind.Ich bin mir absolut sicher, dass keiner von uns, die wir noch hier sind, es verdient hat, so behandelt zu werden, und das gilt nicht nur für die Tankstellen, sondern für alles auf allgemeiner Ebene, denn wenn wir über die Gehälter sprechen, ist es noch schlimmer, das ist eine weitere Art und Weise, wie diese Verbrecher uns alle, die in irgendeiner Weise ein Gehaltsverhältnis haben, in eine sehr schlechte Abhängigkeit vom Staat bringen. Ich werde mich nicht daran gewöhnen, ich akzeptiere das überhaupt nicht, ich bin damit einverstanden, wie 99 Prozent der Venezolaner behandelt werden, die 1 Prozent sind diese Reihe von Delinquenten, die auf Kosten der arbeitenden Massen leben, von uns allen, die wir wirklich eine Wagenladung Eier für alles geben, was auf uns zukommt.147 Das war die Nummer, die sie mir in der Warteschlange zum Tanken zugewiesen haben, aber jeder, der das schon gewohnt ist, wird sagen, aber du gehörst zu den 200, wenn du dich beschwerst, und ja, ich beschwere mich und werde das auch weiterhin tun, weil ich dagegen bin, mich an ein solches Leben zu gewöhnen, ein Leben, wie sie es uns aufzwingen wollen, das war also die Nummer, die sie uns auferlegt haben, um Benzin zu bekommen, das ist überhaupt nicht fair, weder für mich noch für irgendjemand von uns.
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