(JaiChai) How to know when you're "over it"...

in writing •  2 years ago 


(Digital Self-Portraiture: "Over It...")

You are truly "over it"; whatever that "it" may be, when "it" can pass through your mind unmolested.

Indulge me here a little, sit back and allow me to explain.

If you can relive an experience sans emotional trauma you're "over it".

If you are no longer the powerless participant in a victim's role, but now the all-powerful observer
holding the remote control of your inner display, you're "over it".

And as the curious bystander, it's much easier to laugh at the absurdity of it all.

You see, the power to flip the switch and choose another life channel was yours all along.

Imagine that?

Submitted for you to ponder in a quiet place.

May you and yours be well and loving life today.

In Lak'ech, JaiChai


"Be kind...or at least don't f*ckin' make it worse!""

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