Evening Nuggets:Be a Valueable friend

in writing •  4 years ago  (edited)

Hello everyone, it's my second day on blurt and I couldn't just let today pass without sharing my evening nuggets with y'all. I will be talking about valuable friendships today.

In life, there are some type of persons you meet and even if there stay in your life is a short one, you miss them for a lifetime. Sometimes, when they are in your life you didn't understand or appreciate their value. They might not necessarily be people you are in a love relationship with or people you date. These persons could be your colleagues, your teachers, your school mates or Neigbours, even people you meet online.
They made a different in your life when they were around. They made great impact without being too loud and when they are gone, you miss them badly and long to reconnect with them. The things they did are what made them important and valuable to you, strive to be of importance to people too. Strive to be a valuable person people wouldn't want to lose.

in life, when you meet someone, doesn't matter where or how you meet them, you should try your best to say or do something that will make you a part of them wherever they go. Try to make an impact. You can make the world a better place by doing that

I'm not talking about giving money to everyone or falling in love with everyone, life is deeper than that

The primary focus is doing something good and then let them decide what to make out of your goodness. Keep in mind that your goodness may not be appreciated by everyone, but be good anyway. Those who don't appreciate now, will appreciate later.

Make yourself someone to miss a lifetime. Teach, learn, lead, honour, make an impact and be the best you can be. Be someone people wouldn't wanna lose because of the value you add to their lives.

Thanks for reading.......

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