I Am, What I Am

in writing •  3 years ago 

I am What I am....

I am a combo of so many things:
I am a photographer, shooting Sunsets, Lighthouses, Nature, Wildlife, Birds and all things Cape Cod, New England and more!

COASTW DolphinJump.jpg

COASTC Sun Pamet.jpg

I love my boat, be it my own, now, or my next Bluefin's Dream

Or the love after that:

I intend on taking my next boat, and exploring the New England Are on over nights. My goal, is to retire, and move on board a Nordhavn

And explore the world. First a few months exploring Alaska, then, the West Coast US, then, up the East coast, and eventually, over to the UK and Europe. Perhaps the Med!? Who knows?

The boat is only one thing, I am sure, many of you know, I also, once in a Blue Moon, have found myself in a garden...

At it's peak, my garden brought in a daily haul similar to this:





At other times, I am a Cook, spreading my love to family and friends, thru my table:

Steak tips, Asparagus, Roasted Peppers, Tomato, Onion (from Garden) and Rice Pilaf

Baked Tomato and Feta

home Made Raspberry Jam, from home grown Raspberries!

...or perhaps, people know me as a writer, of all things naughty!
I write and publish naughty stories, online, under a Nom de Plume.
Some of my more mild stories, I have published on Steemit and Hive.
Either way, I am many things, but I am here, on Blurt, to Say HI!

with love,

Bluefin Studios

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

hi you!!!!
I love that summary of who you are - well, you are so much more than that hehehe

but love to see the summary of SOME of the thing you are on blogs! hehe

and - look at your cute Ready Player Me guy!!! hahahaha I never thought you'd do that! and you surprised me!

sometimes i like surprises - but rarely. hehehe that one is a nice one though

Really can't wait for those Nordhavn days for you - I know its been a dream of yours forever, and I know that day will be a super special rebirth for you :)

Fun to see you ACROSS the blogiverse on multiple platforms! :)

It's fun, exploring again, finding new people, and learning it all over again.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

it is fun!!!! i like beginnings hehehe

Beginnings are... fascinating!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

hehehe i got nothin. LOL

i was trying to be so clever. and my brain is on too many meds right now hahahahahahahahaha

all i can say is . layers.
that's about it. lotsa layers

oh wow, I loved reading this! What a lovely insight into you @bluefinstudios :-) You certainly have green fingers. I can just imagine you on your big boat one day with a (well secured) potted garden of veg and fruit adorning the deck, you and your camera ready to explore the world together...and your experiences of it shared beautifully, literally through your fingertips ;-)