Symbolism of Pranz's black horse and connection to ... Grim Reaper

in writing •  3 years ago 

Yes, these two are the same thing. It's a Grim Reaper's lovable Lipizzaner.

I was asked why I have such unusual name and logo for our website, is that a black horse and does it have anything with the ... Grim Reaper, which I so often post around?
Yes, and yes.

A horse symbolizes the courage and audacity, also endurance, power, strength, energy and defiance alike. But, there is a deeper meaning to that horse. A black sprung horse on a sheer full moonlight, also symbolizes a spiritual death of old and rebirth into a new, better things.

Black horse symbolizes difficult change, wild unruly behavior, mysterious, unpredictable, magic, divine, transformation.

It is also a very famous vehicle of archangel Azrael, or Angel of Death.

Why the hell I would chose such a horrid emblem for my website? Because, there is a big fucking secret, and you are just about to find all about it. Strap on. ( Safety first).

It is time for my customary extra long weekend posts. It has been a while...

People are encaged by their command over material possession, their bodily existence included, so they detest anything that might shatter that manifestation of their wish and strife, no matter how wrong it might be.

Some people are obsessed by Azrael, turn it freak show max, but some actually know what it is all about.

First, let's conclude how something is very wrong with the mortality of the immortal gods in mythology.

The only deity that doesn't die is a god/goddess of death, even the Odin god of all gods, a titular deity, who wielded all knowledge, all weapons and all magic, could not escape Hella, his on-paper granddaughter who was an offspring of his not-even-son but ice demon/deamon so-called deity Loki ( no, movie is botched, Hella is Loki's daughter in original myth).

I say WTF! Something is off, isn't it?

In fact it is. And it is in all mythological stories, regardless of a culture.

The reason why Azrael's horse on my website is kind of weird choice, is because I declare as a druid and follow solar principle, principle of light, ascension... and all that jazz. Some people went so far to call me a liar and a witch, because I was constantly using Azrael and Metatron interchangeably. I will explain why.

Azrael is usually wrongly represented as one of the fourth riders of apocalypse, while by careful inspection it is very obvious why that is so freaking wrong.

Azrael is usually depicted as hooded faceless figure in many occasions with the arcane black wings that sprung above his shoulders like splinters of pure darkness.

Never, in no occasion Azrael face is visible. That's why it is represented with the Void on all visuals. Skeletal face is just bullshit. An artistic representation backed by no scripture or prophetic vision.

His wings are either translucent and barely visible, black or ignited. There is only one archangel who can ignite while occupying a spiritual 9th level ( throne). So, this doesn't really fit in.

Why would Creator give such a terrifying semblance a reign over this realm? Azrael gives off a horrible presence to so many and it is an unavoidable, invincible force and omen of end, to men and immortals alike.

As a horseman he is either called the Death, Grim Reaper or The Fourth Ghost, rides a pale ( green!) horse ( green horse in reality is black, pale means he is, well, boney, lol) , is followed by shadow reflection of the Underworld ( Hades), carries no weapon but wields all of them (bow, sword and scales/a measure of money( sometimes gallows))...

In mythology only Odin was capable to wield all weapons, had ravens as pets same as Azrael, a weird horse again same as Azrael... and he conveniently slept for a prolonged periods of time, which kind of doesn't make any sense. Why would a titular deity sleep? Or die? Or he was just besaß-ed into action by 'something'. Or he didn't even exist as a separate being...

But, a statute of this 'ghost' is in complete opposition to War, Famine and Conquest which are all the embodiment of human misery, each in own merit.

That's because only Azrael is the archangel in that very imaginative representation, and he is always by rule in direct opposition to the Conquest, fake god, fake messiah, dajjal or the antichrist.

No, we should not mix mythologies, but they already mixed the damn thing and all things are the same, same origin and probably the same originator.

In original visions by prophets Azrael has no scythe, that thing somehow came after unto a picture of I guess other deities of death, who usually held some sort of a scepter. They just had to put something in his hands, beside big fucking archive book.!

Azrael is also the most powerful, not only in that bunch, wielding despair, dread, invincibility, time, matter and constant molding of the reality's essence into shreds, without any respite. All these qualities and capabilities give a great reason to a doubt that Azrael is maybe something else than only an Angel of Death.

He is sometimes presented having two heads or more ( secret identities).

Another interesting thing, while Azrael comes to either warn ( dark shadow sitting on the foot of the bed) or make peace of a final hour and separates souls of mortals from their delipidated extinguished mortal vessels, the Metatron (Akashic record) comes for saints, light-carriers and relevant figures who cause swings in realty to lead them away or inspire.

Both Metatron and Azrael , protect children and talk to people in dreams, or appear seamlessly from nowhere in human form to stop people doing foolish, dangerous or uncanny things.

In numerology Metatron is connected to the occurrence of numbers 11:11, while 11 is a number of Creator, while Azrael is connected to number 9, which is in fact the 9th level of energy, or Creator's throne.

Here are some modern depictions of them both based on old texts and religious books.
Can you tell which is which without searching online??

Azrael's name in many traditions directly translates into Angel of Death or The Scribe. Metatron is known as The Scribe.

Metatron has many faces and can appear at many places simultaneously, while Azrael has a 'lot of helpers'.

Ezra (Azaryahu), another form, translates into Guardian. Metatron is The Guardian of the human prosperity and sustenance.

Azrael offers merciful conduct, and sometimes represented as the angel of mercy, grief an acceptance, while Metatron is the embodiment of Creator's Mercy.

Izra, yet another form of Azrael , means Night Travel. During the final hour, when a person is dying, dogs howl announcing Azrael arrival.

Metatron is known as The Traveler, who walks unnoticed and uncompromised among people, and the only ones who can recognize him are the children, saints and animals ( especially dogs).

It is all in Azrael's name. But it is hidden because it is in human nature not to accept easily that one thing considered sacred can be the same thing they fear and disregard as dark and dangerous.

Azrael, both feminine and masculine forms, are one the same with - 'God is my helper', Ezra/Guardian , The Scribe, Mercy, ... The Metatron...

Azrael is and always has been The Metatron, shrouded in darkness and secrecy.

Thank you for your time. Have a nice sunny day.

All images found on wallpaper website and IMgur.

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