Education and the current stage of conversion

in writing •  2 years ago 

Education has been going through a major crisis for years, which has contributed to the existence of a gap between the members of society. This gap is the result of the so-called class in education, and class in study opportunities abroad, and thus resulted in class in senior leadership positions.

The story began with school education opportunities, as private education opportunities at a distinguished level are limited to a small group of society. These opportunities allow students to study in prestigious universities abroad, after which they are chosen for leadership positions while they do not have the slightest sense of belonging to the soil of this country.
This gap has recently widened, due to the narrowness of the hand as a result of the economic conditions, and due to the significant decline in education in the public sector, which recently appeared in the form of high results in the high school exam, unconvincing results because it does not correspond to the level of educational attainment of students. The reason for this is due to a decline in the curricula, a decline in the outcomes of university education, and a significant decline in the education system, as most students with high grades see them memorize and do not understand, and they do not have the ability to logical analysis and critical thinking, and the most they aspire to is a certificate. A university - whatever its source - and a government job regardless of its location, and what is worse is that many of them do not have the slightest level of ambition to advance to the specialty they choose, and therefore it is easy for them to be subordinate to any official, satisfied with the idea of ​​the head.

The suspension of school hours had a significant impact on consolidating the concept of class in education, as the majority of students in government schools, who did not get an opportunity for an education that lived up to the level of hope, but rather an education that lived up to the level of pain, because of the lack of equality in the opportunity to obtain an education service, The same applies to a large number of private schools that have recently started the education journey, and therefore have not been able to meet the challenges facing education, as they have lost most of their students recently, and these students do not yet know who they are affiliated with, as government schools are not satisfied with them As a result of overcrowding, they do not have the financial ability to enroll in schools that provide them with a respectable educational service.

This is the summary of the story of class in education, and if this situation continues, societal violence will spread widely, and there will be negative repercussions on society as a result of the feeling of oppression and injustice. This is because there are a significant number of students who are financially poor, but they are rich in mind and way of thinking, and they have the right to feel equality, even if partially, with others who have money, and this falls on the shoulders of the Ministry of Education first, and a large number of state institutions.

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