Shackled minds - We have been lied to on oh so many levels pt1

in worldwar3 •  2 years ago  (edited)

Take a look at the video above.

We get told over and over again that the world is over populated, it of course is not.
The levels of resentment by narcissists and over educated hypocrites is astounding. Those same people live off our every endeavor, without we the people there is no CEO making millions while thousands of people work 40 hours a week or more at McDonalds.
Add politicians into that group, people hating hypocrites hell bent on depopulation by any means, while needing us to work so they live for free and all they do is talk and make up rules they do not follow, the parties fueled with alcohol in the UK within government prove that beyond all reasonable doubt. They had parties while everyone else was locked down and unable to visit granny who was dying in hospital.

Take a look below at Italy, you can buy a house for 1 euro or a USA dollar and 50 cents, ish.

Here you go @northern-tracey if you want a home/escape from the matrix.

1 euro.......

I am of the thought we have done this time and time again.

Done what? Extinction level events.

When all you know is all you are told via regurgitate & repeat education, which accounts for 99% of the population, a guess not a fact, we get to where we are now.
We have alleged billionaires like Elon Musk pretending he is the keeper of free speech yet is the same person that wants to microchip our brain, hook us up to his starlink (that I have seen first hand in the night sky) to control our behavior.

Apparently, according to him, he is homeless and bums from settee to settee in other peoples houses. His words not mine.

That same person owns the boring company, underground bunkers, underground tunnels, tunnels have been used historically for people to survive catastrophic events.
The so called elite build them when they know danger is coming or they orchestrate said danger, do not believe me, let us take a look at Turkey.

I covered the tunnels in the USA and UK way back on steemit when fulltimegeek and v4vapid had superb votes of around $100 and gave me some nice tips via upvotes, thanks guys.



The slimey bastard above.

I am unsure how that creature is still breathing to be honest.
There were a minority of us pointing out there was NO pandemic, there was no proof of isolation of any alleged virus named covid full stop.
We have been abused, we have been battered, ignored, held in contempt, and we were 100% CORRECT!.
I asked the UK government 8, yes 8 times for proof of isolation, proof of a peer reviewed study, 8 times they said they did not have 1!
Ignore me people did, and worse still they queued up for an experimental injection thinking they were saving the world, while calling us names like "anti vaxxer" to make themselves feel somehow more important and caring, but it was us that were pointing out FACTS that cared about them getting mRNA poisoned to death.
Well one judge, yes one has brought the entire Pfizer curtain down and the organ grinders are going to have to face the music, the trials and the judges.
They - they being governments, they thought they had it all covered by giving Pfizer and all big pharma Immunity from prosecution clauses. Making it impossible to sue them for harm caused, but and a big but, that one judge insisted on the trial paperwork being delivered now, not in 70 years time, and here is a section below, proving intent to harm, maim, kill.
These are charges that can be held up in a court of law, now, not in 70 years time.

We the minority that could see through the lies, watched event 201, knew about the world bank pandemic bonds of 2017, we knew masks would also not help, we got an online battering for saying that too, even though there is statistical proof and studies to back up all we said.

Now let us get down to FACTS below.

These are FACTS from Pfizers own studies, not mine, theirs.

That clearly show negligence, intent to harm, and proof the FDA and all governments and any scientist that went along with this are eugenicists.
You can either read the facts or bury your head in the sand, up to YOU.

I want to elaborate on so called history Monday, Sunday is funday let us not forget.
I will take both you and I on a tour of lost knowledge, lost information of how this wonderful world worked before we went down this hypocritical road of voting for people that detest us, trusting our future generations to puppets to banksters, banksters that print money backed by nothing and worth nothing that love a good war as they never have to fight it.

If these people con-tinue to get away with their crimes, expect them to bunker down underground and cause world war 3 via Russia and China, as they know (they think) they will be safe underground. And the rest of us will perish with hunger games, but they will too as we seal up the entrances to their caves!

Let us hope it does not come to that, and the courts use the 80,000 page document count as evidence of intent to harm, by germ "theory" big pharma.

Have a superb sunshine filled day ahead, we have no guarantee of tomorrow, so make today the best day you can.

No time to edit, any mistake stands 👍

P.S. we do not expect an apology for pointing out germ theory is not FACT.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Many fixer uppers but who cares. I can do anything in the construction side of things.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Go for it, they are still available, just do a web search with your preferred browser.

I heard about the one euro homes a while ago but then forgot what with the plandemic. Italy was at the forefront of the agenda. Not sure what their policy is now but the were mandating ALL vaccines before 2020 and pretty sure they mandated the convid ones too. I wouldn't want to live in a town, I'd want a rural location with land to grow on.
nice post btw

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

these houses what the offer are in towns where actually lives nobody so you are alone and land is mostla aside the house, but anyway I worked and work still some time a year in Italy I don´t want to live there for ever because this is one of the most taxed states in the whole EU besides Germany and Spain, so for me no choise and the Covid politics like yo mentioned is a must have for the vaccines !
...and by the way Musomelli the sicillian town mentioned in the video I know very well because we are working nearby ;)

yeh and to be fair I did follow the link and looked for the 1 euro houses but there were none. Maybe they sold em all already?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
