Today's topic is the idea of ​​citizen and state formation of a country

in world •  2 years ago 

Man was born long ago but no state existed in the ancient world. There was no concept of citizenship. Through the change of time and various events, some ancient city-states were formed on the banks of rivers and seas 5 to 6 thousand years ago. The concept of the state originated from the city-state system in ancient times. Gradually the modern state has emerged. The current world population is about 700 billion. All of these huge populations are residents or citizens of one or the other state. For example, we are all residents and citizens of a state called Bangladesh. We will learn what is meant by state, how a state is formed, what is meant by citizen, how to get citizenship of a country.


Lesson-1: The concept of state-
The state is an organization that has a specific territory, population, government and sovereign power. Then it can be said that there are four elements in the formation of the state. These are population, territory, government and sovereignty. The state cannot be formed in the absence of any one element.

1• Population: One of the elements of the state
Is the population. People are the lifeblood of the state.
The state cannot be formed without population. However, there is no fixed number of population of the state. The population of the state may be less or it may be more. For example, the population of China is 1396 million. On the other hand, a small country called 'San Marino' has a population of only 33,660 (World Bank data, 2019).

  1. Territory: The essential element of the state is the specific terrain. Territory refers to water, land and the airspace above it. However, there is no fixed amount of land size. That is, the territory of a state can be much larger in size. Again, it can be much smaller. For example, the area of ​​India is about 32,86,263 square kilometers. On the other hand, the area of ​​Singapore and Vatican City is about 693 sq km and 0.17 sq km respectively. Singapore and the Vatican are city-centric states.

  2. Government: Another important element of state formation is government. All the affairs of the state are conducted through the government. To maintain the peace and order of the state, the government enacts laws and regulates the people in accordance with the law. The people obey all the legitimate orders of the government and show loyalty to the government.

  3. Sovereignty: The most important element in state formation is sovereignty. This is the highest of the state. Ultimate and ultimate power. Sovereign power means that the state is above all individuals and organizations. With this power, the state can give any instruction to anyone within it. He can force her to obey orders. Because of sovereignty, the state is free from the control of any other country or power. Sovereignty is the existence of the state and the omnipotence of the state to maintain peace and order.

Today I have learned the concept of citizen of a country and state formation.

English words have been Google Translated, sorry for any spelling mistakes.

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