Professions that will be in demand in the future

in work •  3 years ago 


The pandemic has created four new realities not only in investing but also in the job world higher skill requirements more flexible working less business travel and more automation the pandemic has accelerated many trends so we asked ourselves what jobs might be in demand after the crisis and how you can earn good money in the future.

Jobs have fallen during the crisis of course and it the question of whether these will come back at all again in particular numerous jobs in the aviation industry are at risk or will perhaps no longer come back to this extent but also just other areas have been changed district in recent times stronger already before the crisis it was estimated that by 2030 76 of the working population will have to switch to new occupations in the chest basket scenario it is even 92 percent or just 5, 8 million people yes the e-commerce sector has already done well in recent years, especially on the ground, and now it's doing even better. of course, this demand has to be met. in 2020, the share of e-commerce grew two to five times faster than before the pandemic. of course, the market recognizes this, and for the last year there has been massive growth in the market, but self-checkout in stores is also increasing. some people may already be aware that you can buy a new product at the store, or that you can buy a new product at the store, or that you can buy a new product at the store. others may already know that you no longer have to go to the checkout but can quickly check out and pay yourself but also many routine tasks in the office are being automated bit by bit or are to be automated some may already notice this more or less strongly in their own company almost 14 percent of jobs in the OECD countries are likely to be automated. oecd countries are likely to be automated while for another 32 percent there is a high risk that they will be partially automated available job offers will be more and more in the high skill area while the medium and low area will become less and less because they can be automated instead of broad technical knowledge more and more specialized knowledge will be needed to be able to handle processes that are complex he has already talked about the rapid implications of automation in our world in one of the last videos so according to aken west it is expected to grow five times faster in the next five years than in 25 years before and so of course the competition on the labor market could increase one or the other employer has noticed that the home- office can of course also work and if the location of course no longer plays a role then of course the circle of applicants is larger on the one hand but also for us as but in nehmer there are opportunities to find jobs that you might not have gotten so easily in the past without moving but now let's be specific which jobs might be special in the next few years and let's be we have concentrated on special fields where demand is generally increasing and according to the theory of course this should also increase salaries in the future because demand is increasing the first job is warehouse logistics high demand for warehouse workers whose task will change also here there will be in the future of course more robots logistics workers but they must be able to operate or maintain them and because we think it is important to talk about salaries because it is mostly rather to the disadvantage of the employees is if one does not speak about the salary and the discrepancies are not only not uncovered and from the employers that is wanted we have also someone always a few examples to called from salary de so we have for a warehouse logistics manager of approx. 42. 000 euro to 77.000 euro is, of course, a wide range between junior age and of course also the geographical differences or just a logistics planner from 42.000 circa to 60. 000 euro so you can see the range is very wide but also a small intermediary question how do you see that should be talked more openly about money or not the second are wind turbines and solar energy technology the trend of renewable energy and the resulting high investment in green energy will also the demand for corresponding jobs in these areas will increase strongly yes and who would like to shape the energy transformation a piece, of course, can look around exactly in these fields solar energy and wind energy a little more closely technicians for offshore projects, for example, are with 28 1900 to circa 50. 000 euro in the salary range set down point

The teachers are still there in the future there will, of course, be a need for teachers to train the specialists of tomorrow because we have seen that in the next ten years the whole thing will be transformed very strongly and therefore also a lot of new specialists will have to be trained not only the way we learn will change so also a lot online but also over the whole working life throughout our working lives we will have to continue our education in order to survive in the working world of tomorrow a key factor for success will of course also be to enable people to make the transformation into this modern working world as of course more and more general knowledge will be lost and specialized knowledge will be more and more in demand so it is the teachers who earn approximately the following range 36. 800 to 58 1900 euro categories number four are the data analysts yes everywhere one hears it data analysis we need that nevertheless somehow the others make that, however, nobody makes it somehow so really therefore straight in the future naturally very much data analyses will be needed whereby it needs specialists those these data than really in the detail analyze can and from it an increase in value for the enterprise create can to understand how processes function like come think that would be naturally the tasks of such specialists then naturally also again new factors and/or new data can generate from those then again naturally new realizations to be won can in the meantime, however, billions of data are collected which must be processed in the future still more interlaced for it needs naturally data to lists and/or also mathematicians so earns a data analyst circa 45. 000 euro to 70. 000 euro point number 5 machine learning yes another good job is of course or machine learning which of course should analyze our behavior better and better or should predict we all know is on Instagram how long move how long scroll we finally scrolling just in the crisis the one or the other knows the painful way probably also but millions of data will be used to improve the whole in the meantime it is of course also possible to enter this industry as a career changer due to the great demand so you can easily acquire the theoretical knowledge online and then find the career changer in this very interesting industry via a practical entry so, for example, a machine learning specialist earns approx. 38. 000 to 63.000 or an idea was from 42.000 to 59. 000 euro point number 6 the health sector is of course also a very exciting environment and will become even more exciting in the future yes not only in the crisis we have painfully noticed how important such professions could become for us even more in the future because we are in an increasingly older society as perhaps japan is already a few years ahead of us in the future especially in the own four walls yes the need for care will increase enormously increase because people are used to living alone but then also need care six out of ten almost growing jobs are located in the health sector to 20 29 and is overall one of the fastest-growing areas in the USA and in Germany is the whole very similar most know it probably also to confirm the figures that we have seen that caregivers still earn relatively little from about 30. 000 euro to 40. 000 euro the span goes there naturally still very far apart however we find it straight therefore correct over salaries to speak so that the discrepancy in the future there becomes ever smaller and as seventh job we selected still the cryptic ps which is naturally also very strongly at the boom and also in the next years will continue to grow as we at least believe yes many have seen the boom in the first half of the year with the crib currencies yes and also at linkedin is so to speak also the demand for cancer in the field one of the most demanded jobs at all of the time and the industry has problems to find suitable talent the market is expected to until 20 25 to 40 billion grow but you can of course also jobs and look for products that you might use yourself so to speak bison look for the perhaps suitable employees or other apps that you might already use but in the christus pace are of course not only jobs in demand also in support or in all other areas are of course helping hands sought or experts who know their way around there you can at indie or special cryptbox just look what is there for open positions is especially of the example taking the byrds sit in berlin or just also practiced projects or companies that you know and love like e.g. bison the exchanges like Kraken branches or projects many jobs are of it also around fashion and blogs and developer earns so 43 to 60.000 software developer in the area very similarly also 43 to 60. 000 euro yes the pandemic has not changed everything but has definitely accelerated one or the other process even if you are maybe not yet actively looking for a job so it can be worthwhile to sign up on platform LinkedIn because they are so to speak the place to be currently to find jobs or even employees are looking there for potential new employees there may also be one or the other who may be afraid of the future or the change has but I say both risks are also opportunities to explore new job fields that may suit you besides the classic hard skills or the IQ. So emotional intelligence or soft skills will of course also be in the future more and more in demand.

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