Words Meanings and Money

in words •  3 years ago 

Words and their meanings can be changed organically over time (a long time) but someone has been manipulating words for personal monetary gains for the last century.
Gay used to mean happy, jolly, colourful in days gone by. It was adopted by the homosexual community but strangely not so much the lesbians. Not sure why they always say 'gay and lesbian' and why lesbians can't be included in the happy, jolly community? Recently it has been usurped again to be used as a 'diss' as in 'that's so gay' meaning lame, stupid. This process seems to have been quite organic unless someone knows otherwise.
The bible was probably the first use of word manipulation when it was finally translated from latin for the common people. The word 'MEAT' is a clear example of smoke and mirrors. Meat in biblical terms means FOOD. It does not mean the flesh of a dead animal. This was not re-translated in most versions because Constantine who had a hand in the writing of it didn't think people would convert to christianity if they knew the early christians were vegetarians. They covered that up to make the religion more popular.

Christianity and religion WERE politics originally. A 'vegan' leader would not be good for numbers tho.

More recently we've seen the changing of some of the 'medical' definitions in everyday dictionaries and how they can change the political landscape.
In the 1930's when the Rockefellers were taking over the 'healing practises' and turning everything towards chemical based allopathy the word VIRUS was redefined in all the dictionaries by these chemical/oil barons.
Because Virus used to mean 'poison' or 'venom'. Chemicals ARE mostly poisonous (at least the ones produced by the oil industry as a sideline to become big pharma).
The word pharmacy is also an interesting word if you find the original meaning of it.
"Pharmacy is derived from the Greek word pharmakeia, meaning "use of drugs, medicines, potions, or spells; poisoning, witchcraft; remedy, cure.". "
" The Bible reveals that Babylon will deceive all nations by the use of pharmacy that is in connection to "magical arts" and idolatry."


Here's an interesting article about the word and what's hidden behind it: https://www.calledoutbelievers.org/pharmakeia-and-bio-pharma/

Back to the dictionary and the word Virus.....

Now some may say it changed because 'science' evolved but that would be what they want you to think. No it changed because of money, greed and power. Besides at the time of the change no-one had yet SEEN this new redefined virus at all. So science was not behind the change but maybe 'science' as in the bought kind was.
Here is the more recent definition before covid:
"a : the causative agent of an infectious disease
b : any of a large group of submicroscopic infective agents that are regarded either as extremely simple microorganisms or as extremely complex molecules, that typically contain a protein coat surrounding an RNA or DNA core of genetic material but no semipermeable membrane, that are capable of growth and multiplication only in living cells, and that cause various important diseases in humans, lower animals, or plants; also : filterable virus
c : a disease or illness caused by a virus"
In 2014 they were still saying this -


So still a kind of 'germ' not too long ago. (page captured from Merriam-Webster on August 2014, Waybackmachine)
This clearly shows they were using 'viruses' to prop up the germ theory as microscopes proved the germs were not the cause of any disease.

Had to include this google remnant today which seems to have been forgotten -


Now during the covid plandemic they have gone after the dictionary definition of 'VACCINATION'. You might have heard people decrying these new shots are NOT vaccines but why does it matter. Well again, greed, money and this time so much more.
This was the recent definition of vaccination again from Merriam-Websters for continuity -


So 'micro-organism' means bacteria/germs NOT viruses.
I might point out that the original word came from vacca meaning cow because Jenner used the pus from cows with cowpox to innoculate against smallpox. Innoculations were about to be banned so he coined the name vaccination to get round the ban and giving all the use of the process to only registered medics. Money and power again. This definition is describing 'innoculation' which was banned in the late 1800's. I suppose they think everyone has forgotten about that and I suppose they would be right.
Using the wayback machine again -


We can see that in January of 2021 right when the covid shots were being rolled out this happened to the dictionary definition of a vaccine-


WOW that is some big difference overnight particularly part B. How convenient to make gene 'therapy' magically sit under the umbrella of vaccines so they can get emergency authorization to test their gene modification on all humans on the planet. That is some feat of word definition manipulation for money, greed and power right there. It's under your noses.
Again some will argue that it has changed to 'catch up' with 'science'. If that was really the case it would not be pre-empting the results of this 'vaccine/gene manipulation' TRIAL. It is a trial. The results will not be in until 2023 therefore it has not been scientifically verified to be a successful or verified scientific experiment. To top that off they have openly stated the shots 'do not provide immunity' nor do they claim to 'prevent transmission' both of which still mean they cannot be claimed to be 'vaccines'. Now this means the shots and the changed definitions in the dictionaries is tantamount to FRAUD.
Now do you see why word definitions are so important and how they can be manipulated for political and monetary gains?

Personally I see this as desecration of dictionaries and words. It shouldn't be allowed. In this particular case clearly a crime is being committed on several fronts.

“And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.” Revelation 18:23

We certainly ARE being deceived but by whom and why..........

Follow the money.................

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