Womens Human Rights

in womens •  4 years ago 

"Women's human rights are individual human rights." This statement is used by the worldwide women's rights movement. The term has been used frequently in the past and continues to be used by those who care about women's rights. In particular, the word "women" itself denotes the sex involved. In the past, "women" has been used to refer to all women, regardless of their gender, while today it usually has only come to refer to females.

Women's rights are historically just one part of the wide spectrum of human rights. Women's rights historically had much less meaning than the rights of men. For example, before the age of 18, a woman could be legally married; before that, she could be considered as a freeholder, but not a husband. She was also not able to own property, nor hold public office, nor enjoy basic rights enjoyed by everyone else. All these rights have now been erased with the redefinition of marriage by the law.

Women are the greatest group of people on the planet. The word "woman" itself is an amazing title. On the most basic of levels, every woman is considered by God, by society, and by the people to be capable of extraordinary greatness; capable of playing an incredibly important role in the world. Society only sees the lesser role, but every woman who plays her role with honor and courage deserves our appreciation. What more for the woman who gave birth to a child, raised that child, nurtured that child, and then stood by and kept that child through all of its stages?
The rights of women around the world have progressed greatly over the centuries.

The dictionary definition of "woman" has changed, but the meaning still remains the same. According to Blackmun, the only "legal" status a woman can enjoy is that of "female citizen of the State." These definitions do not even recognize a woman's right to own property, hold office, or be appointed to any high position in government.

There have been efforts, both worldwide and locally, to change these definitions. In some places, local governments are beginning to enact laws that are favorable to women. Unfortunately, the power structure of many countries remains male-dominated. Despite these efforts to improve women's rights, life for many women remains very poor. They are not free to excel in every endeavor possible, and they are scorned for their opinions, their ideas, and their rights.

There are some areas, however, in which women's rights are starting to get a little better. For example, in certain states in the United States women can obtain an abortion if they are at risk of experiencing complications. Recently, in India women were given the right to get married. In some places, women are now getting the right to work in government and in other industries.

If you are concerned about your future, your well-being, and the fate of the world as we know it; you should take action now. You can start at your home. You can begin to educate yourself in many different fields, including domestic issues. If you want to know more about the world of politics, you can read books on the subject or attend seminars on the subject.

It is time for women to fight for their rights and for the future of the human species. This is your chance to make a difference, to contribute something worthwhile. Do not wait for another day. Act now.

There are various organizations that have meetings and activities designed specifically for women. These include Women Helping Women; Women Earth League; International Women's Health Organization; International Women's Peace Program; and the Millennium Women's Rights Project. These organizations can help you find a group in your area that is also interested in your issues.

There is a growing number of women running for public office. Many of them are already established in their local community and are seeking higher office at the city, state, or national level. As a female, you do not have to be a major political figure to run for office. You need to be a viable candidate with good credentials. Some cities and states have transparent political spending laws; others only require the candidates to disclose their donations.

There is hope for the world's women. The human rights of every woman are being recognized and respected. You can help empower women everywhere by becoming involved in local community-based activities. Participating in local politics provides an opportunity to improve your own life and experience. As a student, you will gain knowledge of women's human rights in the context of your own community.

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