Woman and Gifts..............

in woman •  last year  (edited)

This is a very controversial topic. Well, most of the females will disagree to this that a man can sweep them away with expensive gifts. Maybe they can make initial impressions but according to me they cannot win a women's heart with expensive gifts. And the ones that get won over I can only say those are some few who are only set for materialistic world, and sooner or later that will disappear.

I believe that for most of the women simplicity is more important in a relationship and being realistic because life is not made of gifts. It is matter of the hearts that need to be won which cannot happen with expensive gifts.
All Women like to receive gifts, that again cannot be denied but a man giving his time rather than gift is more valuable to a woman. What do you have to say about this.

But again, I have seen this vary a lot in different ways. Since my husband works for an Airline, I get to know a lot of Airline Crew and we socialize and I see that most of these women get carried away with show and fancy gifts. It is very easy to lure them and win their heart with expensive gift. A friend of mine she has been on and off in relationships and for her money is very important. She would only date a person who has filled up heavy pockets and who can shower expensive gifts on her. So, it's not that these types of women do not exist.


I often make fun with my hubby, saying we fell in love at such a young age and got married so early that I missed all the opportunity of looting him with some expensive gifts or having boyfriends who could shower me with expensive gifts....hehehe....he also tells me in return jokingly that I never stopped you, you can still go ahead and fulfill your desires :-)

The reality is that relationships build on materialistic things do not have a strong foundation, they are very weak and can easily break down as soon as these materialistic glamor goes away from the picture. A man can win over a woman temporarily with spending money on her, but to build a strong relation it is not enough. Relationships do not get build up on gifts and money, they get build up on love and care for each other and trust and faith in each other. A relationship that does not involve any give and take and still goes on is a much stronger one than the ones in which there is too much show around.

All females like to be pampered by their partner. I too like it when my hubby gets gifts for me, but gifts are not valued with their price tags, they are valued with the emotions they bring and I believe that's what helps a man win a woman's heart.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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