The Downfall of the Ivy League: Jordan Peterson Interviews Victor Davis Hanson

in wokism •  2 years ago 

Meritocracy is dead.

Peterson mentions his own experience of the start of this communist egalitarian wokism, promoted by the professors then at Harvard in the 1990s. Especially those students who got into Harvard through merit, such as their SAT scores and interviews, were then encouraged to see themselves still as somehow "oppressed" merely due to their race or by just "identifying" themselves as "oppressed".

And this is promoted to the world as virtuous. Imagine the hypocrisy of "Meghan Markle, the Duchess [of Sussex], who was half black lamenting to Oprah Winfrey, who is a multi-billionaire, about their shared grievances as being non-whites." That is pure theatre, pure propaganda - and pure manipulation of the masses.

The Ivy League universities have now formally abandoned any vestige of meritocracy. SAT scores are now optional, and in the last cohort, Harvard proudly announced that they rejected 70% of applicants with perfect SAT grades, that was the top 0.1% of applicants - to be replaced by "the oppressed" woketards.

Here is how and why this is happening: Hanson notes, "When we have 15,000 administrators or administrative staff and 16,000 students, you can see that we've got kind of a commissar system; and many of these are these new diversity equity inclusions Czars."

One thing I disagree with both Peterson and Hanson is that they back away from the precipice of calling it a conspiracy. Then at the same time, they seem bemused as to how the system has gone from a slow decay to a full-blown rot. It's quite simple: it is a conspiracy. The mathematics of tipping-points is also quite simple.

Many democracies have the experience of a party with the largest minority vote having a majority of seats in the legislative chamber. That gives them total control of legislation without the totality of votes.

This wokism has been promoted through government agencies, institutions, NGOs and a variety of private/public foundations. All of those positions of authority are either selected or undergo some internal election, both of which are decisions taken in private. So, if your aim is to control such organisations then you need some patience - of a few decades - but slowly you start to place your communist totalitarian brethren into such positions. At first, you may lose some battles and win some, so the process of polluting the nation appears to be slow. But once your comrades are in the majority, then the whole structure has been fully hijacked and captured. That is the tipping-point, and that is what we have lived through the last 3 years or so in education and other sectors, and there is nothing short of manifested rebellion that will stop this.

Degrading the top universities - and not just in the USA, I see the same thing happening in the UK - will create generations of useful idiots. For those of you who didn't go to university and like to sneer at the thought, just do a little thought experiment: remove from the world everyone with a degree, make them vanish from the planet. Now, how many things can you not do anymore? Doctors, surgeons and vets, all gone (OK, no bad thing as most are drug dealers, but think of when you really need one.) Airline pilots gone (they will soon disappear anyway through heart issues after enforced vaxination.) Most financial services, gone. Most entertainment, gone (most story-tellers and content creators are graduates.) You can add many more.

On the face of it, this may sound idyllic; a removal of all the polluting scum degrading both our environment and our lives. But, then imagine replacing all those people with a new breed of know-nothings who have a certificate but none of the skills that certificate is supposed to validate. Idiocracy.

This is also why AI is being so heavily promoted, so that machine learning can replace human knowledge and that total cretins with a worthless certificate can pretend to be competent because they themselves are told what to do by a machine.

As Lobaczewski stated, you can recognise a psychopathocracy because every agency does the opposite of what it was originally designed to do. Agency capture is an obvious hallmark of tyranny. Not only that, but Lobaczewski also saw that the elite psychos are, on average, nowhere near as smart as the truly intelligent people in society, but they have taken for themselves positions of power so that those few people left with skills and knowledge are forced to work for the psychoscum. Work or perish.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

some more great quotes

What predicts whether or not people will believe these [commie woke] theories? You know what the biggest predictor was? This is so horrible; it was low verbal intelligence. It was a bigger predictor than verbal intelligence is a predictor of grades or socioeconomic outcome. It was 0.45, a correlation whose magnitude you never get in the social science study a walloping effect.

another predictor

... having taken any courses that were essentially propagandistic in nature. And so, part of the reason that people fall for this simplistic set of ideas is because, well, they are simple! [lmfao] and they're very attractive to people who want or require a uni-dimensional view of the world.
