
in wizardofoz •  4 years ago 

Google, Facebook, etc, are involved in Wuhan, Jon Stewart failed to mention that. Jon Stewart said what people were banned for a few months ago for. Robin Hood did NOT steal from the rich and gave to the poor, he returned what recently belonged to the citizens right back to them from the centralized tyranny who stole it from them by force. Corporation means CORP, which means dead, and ORATION, which means speak, put them together to get dead-speak like the Tin-Man from the Wizard of Oz who SPOKE but had NO HEART. C, see. OVID is GREEK for sheep, 19 is military code for SURRENDER. Put them together, it means see sheep surrender (SSS). There is a correlation between S and 6. S is a 6th letter, a Serpent letter. He said if you communicated with anybody who was in Washington DC on the 6th of January of 2021, the FBI is looking at you. Millions of people from all around the world where there on that Wednesday. When your body becomes magnetic, cells begin to stick to each other which then begins to squeeze and kink the blood vessels causing blood clots which then causes heart attacks, seizures, etc. You have to try to thin out your blood and do your best to counter the curse, THE TROJAN HORSE, you allowed to enter your sanctuary, your vessel, and you should let people know what is happening to your body, you can warn them, you can encourage them, you can help those around you while you still can.

Secret to the Wizard of Oz
Wizard of Oz means Wizard of the ounces of stolen gold via taxes, follow the money, follow the yellow-brick road, oz means ounces, yellow bricks means gold, it was happening in 1933. In the book, Dorothy's slippers are silver and not red. Gold was the money of the kings while silver was the money of the people. Before banning gold in the 1930s, they were banning silver in the 1860s or around the U.S. Civil War. The witch burnt Dorothy's STRAWMAN ARGUMENT and then Dorothy melted the witch with WATER and WATER is code for not the law of the land but the law of the sea, ADMIRALTY LAW. We are not in Kansas any more, we are in the law of the sea. We have to get back and stand on silver.


PARENTS WATCH NOW - Ex NHS Nurse Louise Hampton Speaks The Truth & FACTS - PLEASE SHARE

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Oatmeal Daily - 2021-06-20 - Sunday | Published in June of 2021

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Our War is Not Between Flesh & Blood

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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He said if you communicated with anybody who was in Washington DC on the 6th of January of 2021, the FBI is looking at you. Millions of people from all around the world where there on that Wednesday.

When your body becomes magnetic, cells begin to stick to each other which then begins to squeeze and kink the blood vessels causing blood clots which then causes heart attacks, seizures, etc. You have to try to thin out your blood and do your best to counter the curse, THE TROJAN HORSE, you allowed to enter your sanctuary, your vessel, and you should let people know what is happening to your body, you can warn them, you can encourage them, you can help those around you while you still can.

FBI said they're looking at people who communicated with people who were in DC on Jan.6. Well, I've communicated with some of them. So, arrest me, FBI. Come get me.


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

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Magnetic Kinking

2021-06-20 - Sunday - 09:11 PM - Covid Log - Gab

When your body becomes magnetic, cells begin to stick to each other which then begins to squeeze and kink the blood vessels causing blood clots which then causes heart attacks, seizures, etc. You have to try to thin out your blood and do your best to counter the curse, THE TROJAN HORSE, you allowed to enter your sanctuary, your vessel, and you should let people know what is happening to your body, you can warn them, you can encourage them, you can help those around you while you still can.

Not just magnets stick to people, now we got MONEY, oh man oh man, now things are getting FUNNY you BUNNY with no GUNNY or SONNY or MONEY or HONEY, you're totally DONEY.

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02:10 AM
The Internet is a genie who gave us infinite amounts of more wishes as each Google Search is like making a wish, we can get lost in lust, power, greed, pride, etc, as the inflation of the wishes rises, as we get lost in so many things, then it becomes quality vs quantity.

Learning English

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2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

I was teaching English in Vietnam

Should we downvote?

12:51 AM - Hive

What is tricky about Hive is that it is simultaneously an alleged free market and employer on top of perhaps several other things as well.

The goal should be that of supply and demand to let people upvote posts as a way of rewarding what they want, that is what we might call a free market or at least an attempt towards that end result of a free-market.

What is strange in some ways is that the money we use to upvote is generally provided by the omnipotent rewards pool which I want to call the employer. Of course, the pool may not be an entity as such but it is still a system which cryptocurrencies are distributed and redistributed and everything.

Other blockchains or social networks may be better, some might argue, that is if you simply tip or donate in order to reward content we like. So, combining upvoting with a centralized pool is cool some might say and yet still a liability or a potential weakness depending on how such a bilateral blockchain can be exploited, etc, and don't get me started on downvotes (flagging) which makes it perhaps a trilateral party, we don't have time to talk about downvoting, the logic behind it, even tho I've written many posts on that subject alone.

One suggestion might be to let downvotes affect a reputation number but not to be confused with the REP score of a person, I just mean downvotes probably shouldn't be used to offset upvotes. Instead, they should simply include a downvote total next to the upvote total.

But I said I wasn't going to talk about downvotes because I can talk about it all day. I instead just wanted to share these other thoughts that came to my mind, that the relationship upvoting has with the rewards pool is somewhat odd and I'm not trying to say I have all the answers here. I might have said it before that a better system might include at least more than one rewards-pool in that there has to be a way to decentralize the pool or perhaps I'm wrong about that.

I want to believe that Hive Blog is at least a little better than Steemit which was taken over by Tron Overlord Justin Sun. Hive is still my favorite blockchain. I still copy and paste my daily posts to Steemit and to a few others.

I get the arguments people make regarding how downvoting is supposed to theoretically discourage and eventually perhaps like slow down spam, scams, plagiarism, low-quality content, theft, boring articles, hate-speech, etc, etc. By the way, I don't believe in hate speech. I'm playing Devil's advocate.

I could probably talk all day regarding trying to come up with rebuttals to the downvote arguments. I've made my arguments in the past but I'm trying to come up with better ones. So, for now, I'll stop writing. I should probably write some more articles relating to all of these topics as soon as I can.

Agreed and that is a major rebuttal to the downvote arguments. I am against having downvotes. So, the Hive Power argument might be one of the best ways to counter people who might say we need downvotes or whatever they might be saying.

I was trying to build something like Hive, I called it Mea Omnia.

That last part about getting people to take vaccines to change their DNA had me chuckle but only because it is true.

Those who love or hate Trump are losing their marbles like that old guy in Hook, Robin Williams played Peter Pan in 1992 and the old guy was trying to find his marbles and his false teeth.

Growing Under The Radara

01:19 AM - Hive

It can be harder for posts like that to get bumped up on the trending page and that is similar to how some videos on YouTube can be not recommended or not on trending. Same thing on Facebook and Twitter for example.

It can be harder for something to go viral if it can't be found on trending or whatever else there may be for spreading whatever that might be more popular for more people to see and share. I guess a post can be shared, reblogged, resteemed, and then more people may see it because of that.

I like what you're saying regarding growing under the radar and part of why that is vital is that websites can be expensive as it expands meaning the witnesses have to buy more computers or I mean servers and who knows what else. I remember trying to build a social network myself some years ago and it was a lot of work and I ended up giving up. I wanted something similar to what we have now with Steemit.... I mean Hive Blog.

Expecting Things To Be Free

01:27 AM - Hive

Yeah, Facebook has people expecting that a website should simply let them upload thousands of hours of videos and thousands of photos each month or each week. Imagine millions to billions of people expecting this to be the norm. Well, all of that costs money. And yet, people somehow were CONDITIONED and PROGRAMED to believe all of that can be and must be totally free. Yet, all of that costs millions to billions of dollars.

I like what you are saying and some of my favorite memories on the Internet were made on like forums, message boards, MySpace, YouTube before 2010 back when they still had video comments, and also Facebook back in like 2006 back when they still had a friend tree or web showing you a map of how you are friends with this person who is friends with this other person and so on and so forth, that was cool. AOL, You Got Mail.

Should you join Hive and is Facebook free?

10:12 AM - Hive

Yeah and you know what they say, when a service is free, it could mean you are the service, Facebook makes money selling data to governments, corporations, etc. I believe in encouraging people to join Hive just like I would encourage people to eat healthy and other things too and we all know many people may not always make the best of choices. In other words, it is not like every human is always going to make the best choice and being on hive is a better choice.

09:42 PM
Dr. Dr. Areilla Oppenheim at Jerusalem Jewish University, did the first extensive DNA study in 2001 on Israelis and Palestinians, and concluded that emigrants on ships to Palestine before it became Israel were 40 % Mongolian and genome Turkish 40 %... there was no Semitic Blood associated with Jews from the Middle East 4.000 years ago in Jerusalem or Biblical territory.
This was confirmed by another DNA project by Dr. Eran Elhaik at McKusick-Namans Institute of Genetic Medicine by John Hopkins University of School of Medicine, in 2012. His conclusions were the same!*
Askenanzi so-called Jews never emigrated from the Middle East!*
At the same time, extensive DNA evidence found that Palestinians were 80 % more or less, sementic blood in their ancestors that were then the real Israelites.
White Jews whose ancestors boarded ships in 1882 for Palestine before it was called Israel --- are not Israelites. Truth hurts * once again these white descendants of Eastern Europe of German, Russian, Polish, Austrian, Georgian, etc., They are impostors who claim to be chosen by God, but they are descendants of old Khazar from the Khazarian Caucus and have denied this scientific evidence because they invented myths of their own history, which many Americans already believe for an entire century, i.e. Schofield Bible.
This is why the real story of the new established ′′ Israel in 1947 ′′ -- ' today is no secret!*
Since Palestinians turned out to be almost 80 % or at least 80 % Semitic. With DNA even that traces back to the land of Canaan!
The so called “Christian western world” are on the wrong side of history.

Oatmeal Health

Join the Health Community

Covid Vaccines

02:07 PM - Hive

Tiffany Jefferson, that is true, the plan is more and more at a faster pace, 1 a year, then a few a year, and then one per month, and then a new booster each week, etc, etc.

07:10 PM
Most of our body is made up of proteins, the amino acids which proteins are made of, water, liquids, carbs, perhaps a few different things and a major component is protein which I didn't know or understood before. This was on a Steve Quayle video.

Meat may have some amino acids which we may not get outside of meats and such or it may be easier to digest or who knows exactly.

I wonder the difference between bones and tree trunks, both are strong and yet bark is more flexible like the things between muscles and bones, the pulley system.

The Venus Fly Trap is like a plant but moves but has like no muscles. I was thinking pulleys, vacuums, etc.

I wonder what the basic building blocks and components of the body might be.

11:10 PM
Yeah, I don't talk about Hive to people a lot and sometimes not at all. My Facebook has a link for those interested in checking out Hive. Yeah, debating skills is kind of like swimming.

Watch Commentary
Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Betty 102

2021-06-20 - Sunday - 02:05 AM - 02:42 AM - Betty 102

Skating. Falling. Running into people. Fight. Boy likes girl. House. Night skating.

The Unusual Suspects 101

2021-06-20 - Sunday - 02:52 AM - 03:44 AM - The Unusual Suspects 101

Follows the theft of a multi-million-dollar necklace and the women from different walks of life who come together to ensure that justice is served. SBS original. Nannies. Rich lady. Other lady. And nanny. Branding. Making a deal. Affair. Families. Nannies. Scams. Philippines. Australia. Falling apart.


10:15 AM - Can Two Married Men Spot Who Is Unmarried?

The old guy was not married. The man with the hat, the black man, the old black lady, the young lawyer lady, the girl who didn't say much, and the nerd in shorts were married. Well, the old guy was married 3 times but then divorced each time.

Steven Crowder

11:32 AM - Is Jon Stewart a Conspiracy Theorist?! Lab Leak Theory Goes Mainstream | Louder with Crowder

Jon Stewart said what people were banned for a few months ago for.
Robin Hood did NOT steal from the rich and gave to the poor, he returned what recently belonged to the citizens right back to them from the centralized tyranny who stole it from them by force.

SGT Report


Corporation means CORP, which means dead, and ORATION, which means speak, put them together to get dead-speak like the Tin-Man from the Wizard of Oz who SPOKE but had NO HEART.

Wizard of Oz means Wizard of the ounces of stolen gold via taxes, follow the money, follow the yellow-brick road, oz means ounces, yellow bricks means gold, it was happening in 1933.

In the book, Dorothy's slippers are silver and not red. Gold was the money of the kings while silver was the money of the people. Before banning gold in the 1930s, they were banning silver in the 1860s or around the U.S. Civil War.

The castle is green, the same color as dollars, what is behind the certain, not a whole lot, the Wizard of Oz said don't look behind the curtain, but they were able to finally see thanks to a bitch, I mean a dog.

Dorothy could only escape the DEBT of the Land of Oz by STANDING ON SILVER meaning her silver slippers because that is how you escape debt and find freedom and independence. You say there is no place like home as a declaration, you have to have hope, you stand your ground, you align with eternal values and principles and go forth.

The witch burnt Dorothy's STRAWMAN ARGUMENT and then Dorothy melted the witch with WATER and WATER is code for not the law of the land but the law of the sea, ADMIRALTY LAW. We are not in Kansas any more, we are in the law of the sea. We have to get back and stand on silver.

In the Wizard of Oz, the fantasy was in color, the COLOR OF LAW, while when DOROTHY GOT HER RED-PILL AND WOKE UP, everything was black and white, and that is how things are supposed to be in life, BLACK AND WHITE and not shades of gray or other colors, legally speaking. This movie is a brilliant allegory.

When Hollywood made THE WIZARD OF OZ in 1939, they swapped the SILVER SLIPPERS which is a symbol for financial freedom with RED SLIPPERS which is a symbol for sacrificing children, etc, it was an inside-joke they kept from the general public for decades; and they all love rubbing their inside-jokes all up in our face, they love to rub us the wrong way, they love to tell us what they're going to do before they do it but in a coded way in order to feel guiltless as we were warned and we did nothing which means we accepted all of their plans.

High Impact Flix


Covid - 19 is, C = See, OVID = greek word Sheep, 19 = military code for Surrender.
Covid - 19, literary means
C, see. OVID is GREEK for sheep, 19 is military code for SURRENDER. Put them together, it means see sheep surrender (SSS). There is a correlation between S and 6. S is a 6th letter, a Serpent letter.

Ron Gibson


Google, Facebook, etc, are involved in Wuhan, Jon Stewart failed to mention that.
Alex Jones is in the Trump Tower overlooking Central Park, so many people in New York City listen to Infowars, as Alex walks around he runs into people who watch him all the time, as Alex goes into stores, restaurants, etc.

He said if you communicated with anybody who was in Washington DC on the 6th of January of 2021, the FBI is looking at you. Millions of people from all around the world where there on that Wednesday.

They murdered a bunch of people in Chicago this weekend. The fake news is silent on this.

Wil Paranormal


When your body becomes magnetic, cells begin to stick to each other which then begins to squeeze and kink the blood vessels causing blood clots which then causes heart attacks, seizures, etc. You have to try to thin out your blood and do your best to counter the curse, THE TROJAN HORSE, you allowed to enter your sanctuary, your vessel, and you should let people know what is happening to your body, you can warn them, you can encourage them, you can help those around you while you still can.

Not just magnets stick to people, now we got MONEY, oh man oh man, now things are getting FUNNY you BUNNY with no GUNNY or SONNY or MONEY or HONEY, you're totally DONEY.

Ron Gibson


Nine year old girl went to her school principal and said the BLM sign must come down. He said no. She said but the school board said there can't be politics or BLM signs. The principle then said that was weird since BLM were the ones who made those signs he said meaning he was aware BLM was at the school even tho he also knew those signs were not allowed.

FBI said they're looking at people who communicated with people who were in DC on Jan.6. Well, I've communicated with some of them. So, arrest me, FBI. Come get me.

Watch Log
Here is a list of what I'm watching

SGT Report


Exposing Corruption


Wil Paranormal


High Impact Flix


Ron Gibson


Wil Paranormal


Banned Video


Ron Gibson


11:12 PM
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Dr Peter McCullough ((Vaccinide)) Corona Committee on Global Bio-terrorism

11:33 PM
Amazing Lucas
Disagreement Day: Officer Tatum has a WHITE wife/ Ashli Babbitt is DUM / Juneteenth isn't PROPAGANDA.

Dear diary, got up at 09:50 AM or closer to 10:00 AM. Sunny day. I've not seen that blue bin lately. Buried tumbler dirt by the raspberries near peppers in a blank spot, around noon, put a bunch of dirt in the black wheeled garbage can, more organizing in the green house to put containers of dirt together and to create a small trash can, mom planted the last five or so pots of peppers in the blank place we added manure to which was from the tumbler. Moved the watering hose to the 2 trees closes to the front left side of the book shed, the side that is closer to the trees and not the house. Now, time for dinner. Really hot day getting to my emotions, plus not a lot of food for breakfast. Plus it is Sunday and maybe needed more sleep and perhaps other things put me in a moody attitude and a few different things. Up and down as if I was on a period but not that bad. But like in some movies, shows, and particular in The 100 where they were affected by the sun and it caused them to act different or the AI thing as well. Dishes around 04:00 PM. Dish scrubber for a spot on the floor. Sweeping. Trailer is backing up, 05:00 PM now. Hooked up my printer finally after about a month, I last scanned in May of 2021. 2021-06-20 - Sunday - Negative Test 001.png. Hose. Water. Backyard. Back to black snake behind book shed, 09:00 PM. Done for the day.

Food log
Breakfast: 2 tangerines, 10:06 AM.
Lunch: noodle carrots soup, 01:32 PM.
Dinner: almonds, 05:00 PM. Soup, 07:20 PM.

Lourentco Rocha


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The value in telling the truth in a world of lies

Looks like the dog is missing you in that painting or is deep in thought.

WE CAUGHT THEM: President Trump Warned Raffensperger and His Attorney Ryan Germany About Election Fraud – New Evidence Shows Germany Was Made Aware of Election Fraud on Election Night And Hid This From President Trump

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