Bandwidth usage of a witness server in the early stages

in witness •  2 years ago 


Hello my fellow Blurters.

For those interested here are 7 days of bandwidth from my blurt witness server. These values are very reasonable and can be extrapolated to get an idea of how my bandwidth is actually being used.

Your mileage will vary of course. I'll be curious to see how much this varies once I produce my first block.

dayday receiveday transmittotalaverage rate
2022-04-2111.29 GiB12.00 GiB23.29 GiB2.32 Mbit/s
2022-04-228.63 GiB8.85 GiB17.48 GiB1.74 Mbit/s
2022-04-239.44 GiB9.59 GiB19.03 GiB1.89 Mbit/s
2022-04-248.61 GiB8.86 GiB17.46 GiB1.74 Mbit/s
2022-04-257.07 GiB7.41 GiB14.48 GiB1.44 Mbit/s
2022-04-26663.08 MiB0.98 GiB1.63 GiB162.24 kbit/s
2022-04-27525.83 MiB1.10 GiB1.62 GiB181.69 kbit/s

If you're interested you may vote me as a witness. Each vote counts.


Thank you for your valuable time and attention.

Have a great day!

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