Blurt the most peaceful blockchain
Blurt has been around for a little over a year now and has earned the distinction of being the most peaceful Graphene blockchain.
Why is Blurt more peaceful?
Well, to put it in simple words there are two reasons why Blurt is peaceful, calm, and open to all types of people.
The founders of Blurt are awesome people and they started Blurt to end the vote-wars that were prevalent on the privious blockchains. And Blurt started to attract like minded people who came here to share their creativity and not to fight.
The second reason why Blurt is peaceful is that there are no Down-votes hence no one has the power to bully anyone and no one can form an army to attack anyone.
The only way someone can attack someone here on Blurt is by writing a post, creating a video or by sharing memes and we all encourage people to Blurt it all out. Blurt is all about saying whatever you have on your mind and be peaceful!
Research suggests that Blurting Out your frustrations makes you more peaceful 💚
The Problems on a netural chain
We at Blurt love all, hate none and we encourage everyone to use every blockchain to make their lives better.
Yes, there is always a butt and buts always ruin things.
But, there are people who want to scam, do frauds and game the system.
I can put these problems in 3 categories.
1. Hackers
Hackers who want to hurt the chain. Blurt has faced multiple attacks since it started and rhe worst was during Christmas last year. It ruined a festive season/family time of our founders and witnesses.
2. Identify thieves
There are a few people who are indulging in stealing the identity of random people on Instagram and sharing the photos of their victims and trying to earn rewards.
I do not like this and it is not good for our community.
3. Plagiarists
I have seen a lot of users who copy content from blogs and websites and pass it as their own. These people want to scam the system and gain rewards.
There are so many people who want to hurt Blurt and spread hatred towards Blurt but it only tells me that Blurt is a valuable chain and that is the only reason why these people want to stop us.
The solution?
Ther can be many solutions. I want to hear from you guys. Tell me how to solve these issues and we can discuss and form a better policy.
I have had discussions on Blurt Official Discord server and to be honest I felt I was not too open to suggestions by one of our good members @Ciderjunkie.
But @double-u suggested that we discuss it here on chain so that many people can join this conversation and share their opinions.
And that is what I want from you al. I need your suggestions, ideas, opinions and tell the Blurt te what you would like to see implemented.
I invite all the witnesses and all the users to share their views.
If you like my work then Vote me as your witness
Join Blurt Official Group on Telegram
Follow Blurt on Twitter
For me it is simple, anyone who performs any kind of plagiarism, who violates Burt's rules, whether scammer or proven farmer, even if there is no Downvote function, his account should be disabled. Then some will tell me that the democratic principle has been violated or the freedom of expression, but if we look at the damage that these people do to the blockchain and other users, then the welfare of a few can not be above the majority even though there is full freedom. This can be done through a consensus of witnesses or a group of people who agree to proceed to disable such accounts.
WTF is this? Oh Yeah, secret discord court - hivewatchers
HiveWatchers has remained just another puppet of the powerful, it was never intended to protect the platform. On the contrary, just say that a powerful person is acting badly and you will notice how unrestrictedly he and only he can make a decision without consulting anyone. What is wrong with saying that several people can agree to apply a measure? I said witnesses or group of people. Because if he is the criterion of only one what happens in Hive happens, but a group of people can agree or disagree with something being applied. And with respect to being hidden, it is as transparent as the system is designed. As the guidelines are made around the issue at hand, I don't recall a public consultation being done to find out if they wanted HiveWartchers, or if they currently agree with their actions.I even remember xenophobic events against Venezuelan users and the powerful just applaud and laugh, the question is why can't it be different in Blurt?
hivewatchers are group of people/puppets and they are paid by their masters (check who approved HV proposal)
It's not gonna work. I prefer real anarchy
Steem cleaners hive watchers is TERRIBLE. I got flagged by them so many times for genuine content, I wouldn't mind so much if they just asked nicely for me to come and let them know it's my work but each time they just called me a plagiarist and flagged all my posts to zero with some auto down vote, even my comments and I had to go and find them and then make links on my twitter etc. It is just RUDE. If you are unsure ask the person politely for a chat or to present themselves. They did it to me 3 times as well because they kept losing the sheets.
I was always pro downvotes, even when they took my reputation down , but when I noticed that they are zeroing almost every post in communities like deep dives, I said enough.
I completely disagree with down voting it’s childish and pathetic I mute anyone who does it so I never interact with them. Fair enough for spam, plagerism etc but just because you think something is overvalued whilst your getting hundreds of dollars for shit posts yourself is a laugh. Most the ones doing it are getting very high votes for very average posts. They also do it because they just don’t like someone etc. Now on a personal level that’s not so bad but most of them are given delegation, they are supposed to be moderating the platform to some degree and they are just corrupt. Taking posts down whilst getting 150 dollars for a screen shot themselves and having multiple accounts.
It puts people into a horrible state too if they rely on the platform and then have to sit for seven days worrying if they will get that money and in fear it will be taken away. It’s putting people into a state of survival who are often timed usint these platforms to get out of that state.
Honestly they are just the worst ppl in society. In real life they would be the debt collectors taking money off the old woman with terminal cancer. I actually think it’s psychological abuse really. People might be reliant on those payouts and it’s one thing for them to never get them but to see them and have them taken away. We have no idea what those payments are going towards. It’s also disrespectful to those who used their power to upvote posts they liked and appreciated. I’ve never down voted anyone in my life without a really valid reason. I probably tried to flag a down voter once and some extreme spam comments that just repeated the same comment over and over. Otherwise I never have and never will downvote.
What’s the difference by the way between a black list and a mute?
That's what we are here for, to give our opinion and even to listen to uncomfortable truths.
This guy has a good idea…
Imagine for a second that someone for whatever reason leaves you several comments claiming that you are a spammer or stealing content what can happen?
2 ) Now imagine the same exercise and a group of people are dedicated to leave you these messages, either just to make you uncomfortable, then how would you be affected if others take these statements as true without any evidence?
Quaternary ideas like HiveWatchers manipulated by whales because there is no other way to see it, and bot like chetah for me are something absurd and inefficient, so it is better to sit down and look for better alternatives and above all learn from the mistakes that others have made. That is why we are in Blurt and time has proven us right, Down Vote, self-interest and above all the generalized mistreatment of the powerful with tools like the one mentioned above are causing a collapse at many levels, only that people live a stockholm syndrome and love their kidnapper. Sorry if I sound dramatic, I am just trying to establish some guidelines.
I found a company that will go after people who steal content.
@ctime: In my opinion accounts should be disabled only if they are scamming people into clicking on a phishing site to steal their funds.
And I do not find any other reason worthy to disable or ban an account.
I think that you might see it differently when you are affected yourself.
If someone uses your identity, your knowledge, your skills, your texts, your art, whatever, to enrich themselves....
I agree completely, plagiarism, scamming and real spamming i.e posting the same repetitive thing over and over again. Otherwise let the people decide else you just get a small circle jerk deciding who is worthy to earn money.
Oh, thank you so much!
I think that's a very good start for this discussion.
When I have a little more time, I will post my opinion here in a comment.
On Sunday, I'll point out your post at the PUB.
Many greetings
Yes, it is a smll start and let us see what other users in our community have to share.
I am sure many users will have better ideas than me. 😇
Ok, so you cover many different areas. However in my opinion there are only twi important distinctions to be made here.
1- Hackers. They are unfortunately always going to be targeting online venues that have a means to steal monetary value. The only way to avoid this (which I advocate) is to limit online activity, such as the push for everyone to buy and pay bills online. On something like a social blockchain where participation is voluntary it is unfortunately one of the unavoidable risks one can at best hope to mitigate attack vectors on.
2- Identity thieves and plagiarists. I personally think to much is made over this as an issue. The fact is, unless these same accounts have powered up a lot of stake which is beneficial to the community, the rewards they take will be negligible most likely. I'm an advocate that one can vote their stake as they see fit. If they wish to use their valid stake claim to vote for pure garbage, or regurgitated posts or someone pretending to be someone else, that is their right as it is their stake. Either a stake claim is valid or it isn't, there isn't some grey area where one is not entitled to how they allocate their stake. In fact, I advocate if someone were to power up millions in stake and self vote 100%, that is their right as it is their stake. I think such behavior would be short sighted, as one can see from my own voting record, but it is an issue on property rights that I see should always fall on the side of the owner in this case.
I saw elsewhere that it was recommended for ID verification. I'm also against that, and if it would ever be implemented here I will be blunt. I would power down my stake and leave. It's quite frankly no one business who I am. I have grown quite tired of restrictive and punitive rules and laws that punish myself and my freedom due to the actions of others. I would also say in the case of Blurt it would be even more offensive as it wasn't a requirement when I joined, and had it been I never would have joined. Some people blog on dangerous subjects, which I used to do. I prefer not making it so easy to dox me that any mentally ill Karen with a grudge over what I write can track me down and do whatever their deranged mind whispers to them they need to do.
Same here, I just don't understand why some people want to regulate everything and are acting like a Big Tech social media owners. It would be OK with me if witnesses run anti-plagiarism bot or comment bot with a message: possible fake profile, but mandatory verification or 1 person 1 account, no upvote button - that's just to much
BTW, I have already wrote one apology post
Thanks for the share, lol. Haven't heard that Nugent song in some time. It has always pissed me off, this push for folks to go to Discord. I've never had an account there, and will never be bullied into going. As Nugent says so eloquently in the song you responded with, they can kiss my ass as they watch me heading off the platform.
When I left Hive, I just powered down and left. Didn't mention it in any posts. Just upvoted till my stake was to low to bother with and then poof, gone. And they were never targeting me personally, just people I grew to care about with their private courts in the shadows of Discord and their downvotes with often insulting verbiage attached.
No thank you, I'll be at the adults table and leave the kids to squabble at the kiddie table, lol.
I'm thankful we are in the discussion stages on this, and believe that they will choose not to foist this upon us. I have watched the foundation in the 10 months I've been here and they are very transparent unlike the other chains. I suspect that some of this conversation is being made because some of the witnesses are pushing for it. If they implement it, as the post I just made reiterates, I'll be like a free bird and nope out of here just like I did Steem and Hive. They have a unique position right now to be what almost no platform left will be, and I lay that out somewhat elsewhere. They can choose to embrace that and grow or try to mimic the others like Ebay did with their trying to be Amazon and watch as things keep going downhill.
This looks like another censorship being implemented. I promote by describing people standing for freedom additionally giving them a signal. Hivewatchers without exaggeration is a sponsored group since the creation of steem etc.

Hivewatchers This sort of thing is described on the sites the same group supports and several others.Such verification groups are mostly censors organized groups.
If so, will be a shutdown ... translator deepl
Yes, there will be many who will nope out of here if this is implemented. I'm thankful this is in the discussion stage as I have faith that the foundation listens to what the community shares and will take the appropriate actions on honoring privacy and stake ownership.
Hivewatchers and the other Discord groups are power hungry circus courts and it amazes me how many have complied. Those days are numbered as we see many who've fled such control and many more finally getting it and either currently leaving or on the cusp. Those folks won't be moving to another platform offering the same for sure, so I'm sure the foundation will consider this.
The solution to the occurrence of plagiarism is not to follow and not to give upvotes to the posts he made. Then, campaign for other users to do the same.
This will be tough but we can try to educate everyone. 😇
This post demonstrates the Beauty of Blurt ….. we can discuss ideas here and disagree and nobody is getting downvoted until they disappear. Blurt is Beautiful.
Blurt is the answer
The answer is very simple. If you suspect someone of fraud, theft or plagiarism ask them very nicely to prove that the work is their own. Be kind and say something like.
If It is determined with 100 % certainty that content is being stolen then the upvote button would be removed from that Blurt Blog. Very Easy.
Yes, that will be a good thing but who will decide that the upvote button to be removed?
Should it be a single person's job or a team?
A team.
What should we do with users indulging in fraud? Like someone complained that their funds were being moved to an unknown account without their consent
Easy. You can always track someone through actions in their wallet. This is the Blockchain …. so everything is recorded. If they move funds to exchanges and other wallets they can be tracked, identified and apprehended by the Police.
We can run cheetah like bot, that's it.
No blacklists, no blurtwatchers, no downvotes on this chain
If there are copyrights claims then will have to take down stolen content (like facebook and twitter doing it)
I was going to convert my 300K Hive to Blurt but I see that some of you do not understand why people are moving here from Hive. I'll stop conversion and will wait for this discussion results
Hello @ctime,
Thanks for sharing your intention to convert your HIVE to Blurt. These are your funds and you are entitled to use them as you see fit.
Anyway, as per discussion and with permission from @megadrive, I'm sharing some ideas I shared with the team. I'm suggesting to plagiarism to be addressed on multiple layers.
Excellent work. You devs are the best.
You're the best in what you do as well of getting people to Blurt. You have a wider reach compared to us due to the nature of the work you do for Blurt. We face codes, you face people. :D
Blurt will never have Downvotes. We will find a way to stop spam without downvotes.
I hope you will continue your migration from Hive and hope to see you as a strong pillar of Blurt community.
Some people are moving from Hive to Blurt because they want a better, freer and fairer blockchain, but many are also coming over to Blurt now because the token is going up and they want to participate....
A solution will be found. No downvotes on Blurt and everyone will be coming to Blurt.
I’m buying Blurt before it goes to $100.
@ctime ….I like this idea ….
Totally agree with this, our previous COAL took is broken, and devs are repairing it, it was our old tool, we already added some accounts in the COAL list, we already have an appeal channel for COAL listed users in our official discord server. we are discussing how we will deal with plagiarism and spamming, once the tool will be ready will start work again. Thanks for your suggestion.
hello I am a female crypto enthusiast and need help setting up a blurt witness. I am part of a project bringing people from FB for a rewards program. I tried to down load discord to my discord group on my phone and message you and it will not allow me too says I'm not sharing the same server???? what does that mean?? help
Ah, nice to hear that. join the discord server, so I can able to help you on there-
I noticed this comment some days ago and after having made my own post as well as held discussions elsewhere I wanted to share with you the results. On the issue of KYC, megadrive (co-founder of Blurt) commented on my post that under no circumstances would there ever be a requirement for it.
On the issue of black lists, I made known my issues with them, the main one being some insane requirement for everything to take place in the shadows of Discord where power can be flexed anonymously. I received assurance from one of our top developers that he agreed and that whenever a charge would be made it would need be in the light on the block chain, where all of us could see for ourselves if respect for dignity and property rights (stake) was being disregarded.
As a former self publisher I know first hand it is impossible to stop plagiarism until at best after the fact. Usually a whack a mole situation where at best one can have temporary victories. I understand platforms need to protect themselves from culpability of intellectual theft, but all to often we see this used as a cover for abuse by those in power, much the way corrupt exchanges like Coinbase uses KYC as a theft mechanism when refusing to release ones money to them. Anyway, here are the responses from one of our lead programmers on this issue as replied to me.
Based on the comment he made to me in the last link
Further reinforces my initial impression that the discussion on these issues didn't originate with the founders or foundation of Blurt. Folks who participate in the Discord it appears were floating these ideas in a bid I assume to gain support. One of our largest whales here and some of the other witnesses who believe that even the smallest stakeholders have a voice and right to know brought the topic here to the chain so everyone could be aware of the discussions taking place in the shadows of Discord.
I think that while it was good for the chain for this transparency on the discussion to exist for ALL OF US, it unfortunately raised questions and speculations on the foundation and their intent that in all honesty should never have been raised as they weren't involved in this to my understanding based on their responses.
This just further reinforce my ill view of Discord. I've always refused to go there and never have I seen anything good come of it. Seems to me many behind the scenes schemes and collusion takes place there on the other chains, and some wish to bring it here too. I say if one has an idea to push, do so here on the chain for all to see and have a voice on, don't be a coward and try to rally support behind the scenes.
A huge thank you to the witnesses who brought this discussion to the chain, and hopefully those who push such schemes will see that what worked for them on Steem and Hive with the scheming doesn't work here where transparency and respect are honored.
I found these ideas and I think they are sound in controlling bad content
We need a standardized way to attest that an account on another platform is controlled by the same user on Blurt.
Statements like: "I'm also leprechaun on Hive and leprechaun on Steem" would work but are not easily machine readable really. It would be good finding these statements would be easy. We could put them in standard locations.
One way to do this is to put things like this in the user's profile information. The simple human and another machine readable attestation in the profile could prevent some false positives of plagiarism.
Plagiarism is a Red Herring... Really Messed up minds use it as a reason to steal freedoms from the community.
They all come to say there is a Problem, and that THEY have been working HARD for YOU to protect the community from the problem...
IMHO... Plagiarism is NOT a problem!
But the ONES who are working "Hard" to protect US ALL from IT?
If the community is getting spoiled because of all these topics ( hackers plagiarism content, fake accounts ), then developers will have to take action.
This is a Good Start :
We do not have any responsibility to deal with this ourselves, the law and its enforces are who are paid to handle this kind of issue.
Litigators make money to make claims for IP holders. We do not need to overcomplicate that ad involve our blog in the process of enforcement and litigation.
Taking plagiarism to an extreme - if you were to register here, excited about all of the great bloggers you were going to engage with and all you see is wall-to-wall plagiarised content (some of which you were the original author of), would you contact the law and inform them of copyright infringement, or disinvest and decide it's an immoral platform, lacking in integrity that you want no part of?
Legal obligation's one thing - being a part of, and advertising a platform that you're proud of is something entirely different. I believe that Blurt coming up with a viable solution to this problem will aid significantly in its growth and knowing how you're going to tackle it now will reap significant benefits when it gets out of hand.
I totally understand the sentiment, i am just very cautious on how much wasted time and energy has gone into moderation when we could just not upvote it.
They have to pay to post, so they would be wasting their money to post if no one voted for them, but then it brings in the botnet issue and self voting, so I see the merit for this conversation to take place.
Thanks for getting back!
It's a huge amount of time and effort - hours per day is required to do it properly and probably more importantly, fairly and consistently. As users on Hive have seen, if you let the wrong people have control, you'll get the wrong outcomes.
I 100% agree.
I know I feel very strongly about the subject (having had my content stolen before) which will make it more difficult for me to accept when people say "it's only a picture, we should concentrate on more important things" when getting the "small" things right make the big things happen.
I'm probably not alone in thinking that the outcome of this debate will decide whether I invest my time, my money, both or neither in this platform.
Thanks to you too for continuing the dialogue 👍
I never got to the point of signed a record deal, but i was a recording musician for a while and see why your concerned, but the idea is you just let the scammer profit, then sue him for everything he is worth once you find out his reality identity.
The cost of legal proceedings is UNFAIR in capitals for a reason, so i also understand why that sounds unreasonable in my idealist interpretation of this, in an non-ideal world.
Given the people I've caught plagiarising on these platforms, I'd get less than the rewards we're earning by having this conversation 😆
The comparison to the real world is apt and the cost in the real world could be compared to the time required by Blurt. Most would agree that the bigger crimes require the greater effort and investigating... no matter how reasonable people are in this respect, if nothing happens when their house is burgled, they'll lose trust in whatever "system" is in place.
I've written more elsewhere (I now need to take a step back and let things play out) - it's an almost impossible problem for Blurt to solve. Whatever decision is taken, it will not please everybody so it'll be interesting to see who's displeased at the end.
Exactly. Who the fuck am I to tell people what they can post here
cheetah like bot, maybe voluntary verification and verified check mark next to username, but that's all what we can do
@ctime: Blurt cofounder Jacob always maintained that people can share anything on Blurt and Blurt will never stop people from sharing anything.
But if someone is posting someone else's content as their own then we should do something about the rewards they are getting.
It would be considered as easy as "a walk in a park" for a person who owns IP to make claims on it. The Pennys they would profit, would remain unacknowledged until Blurt was evaluated at a price the litigators could deem worthy of the costs of legal expense for their client.
2 phone calls, an IP address and a Geo location would lead to fraud accusations and we could start there by having a "cease and desist bot"
It would just comment a simple cease and desist order on plagiarized content, and that message would later serve as a significant sense of authority to the owner of the intellectual property being profited on in the blog in question.
I think this is too old for me to upvote - but not sure??
so i'll try! hahaha
But I want to save this post - to read fully - and come back to comment properly!
i'll be back - promise! :)
Yes, you should not vote this post. It is too old. You can bookmark it and read it whenever you have free time.
I'm currently looking for the bookmark option hahahahahahaha
I rather posted a separate article on this topic:
Congratulations! This post has been upvoted by the @blurtcurator communal account,
You can request a vote every 12 hours from the #getupvote channel in the official Blurt Discord.Don't wait to join ,lots of good stuff happening there.
Thank you for using my upvote tool 🙂

Your post has been upvoted (23.50 %)
Delegate more BP for better support and daily BLURT reward 😉
Thank you for implementing me into your Text :) smiles ...
I hope you will share your opinions here. 😇
i tried it already... but i told you im not doing it anymore !
Well, thank you.
this makes me laugh LOL
I know that feeling!!!! hahahahahahaha
Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell-curate. Also, find us on Discord
Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord
maybe add a report button to report stolen content??
Or stop voting the person's content when you catch wind they're stealing content.
I think it's fundamentally important that much more is discussed here on Blurt than in Discord.
I am like @double-u for one account per person with verification.
And I am for publishing the names of accounts here on Blurt that steal identities, or post only plagiarisms.
We can all use
It’s Free ….
Theft is theft
Thanks for the info.
Just let the Professionals deal with it.
It’s Free :
it’s true that we might run into trouble or that we have some trouble already BUT if we stay in contact and keep the discussions online and civil
It's good to see a conversation about the subject. I wrote about it almost a month ago and didn't get any answers. Now I see Blurt full of posts offering simple solutions. If it's that easy, why the problem is still there?
Yes blurt needs to be stopped plagiarised post. i think blurt needs to brought similar like hivewatcher or cheetah to regulate the quality of the contents.
please explain how copy-paste is a crime ?
if you don't like something - use the mute button
if you dislike a business in your town - don't spend your money there
no need to firebomb the place
It's very obvious that there are those whose joy is just to see that the good efforts of others are ruined but a successful person doesn't stop by these ugly acts of the identify thieves, hackers and plagiarists.
The first solution to a problem is to identify the problem and it's a great deal that some of the bigger problems Blurt faces has been identified hence solution (s) are easier. I suggest that the system should have a software that can identify any plagiarist content and such content won't get a vote count even when voted on, the money value won't show this will bring extinction. For the hacker's, there should be regular updates and upgrades and most importantly vital information should not always be made public.
I hope my view would make a little impact.
Thanks @imransoudagar for this great work
💡 I have an idea a BlackList admin by a trust user with a link to mute all users from that BL in just one click
Can be spread and everyone active user decides to ban in a click or update it
🕵🏻♂️ I notice this is an old topic but im new here