Thriving Through a Symbiotic Equilibrium
Ecosynthesizer | Major Upgrade (Anns, PHP, ChainsVerse, Dashbaord, ...)
We are once again happy to introduce a new version of our block explorer to the community. It is actually more of a code rewrite with several new features that we added to make it faster and easier to work with. To put things simply, we migrated most of the code from JS to PHP via working on dedicated libraries for the chains that we are currently supporting. The project is now far more modular and flexible than ever before, which is going to make adding more chains a far easier task than when everything was combined. This update is more about things that are under the hood, but we made sure to add a lot of features that can be used by users.
We pushed an update to the dashboard, which is now separated by chain. This allows us to give access to POs and sub managers who are willing to manage some aspect of their respective chains that they belong to or operate on.
- Interlinked accounts that exist on other chains are now shown for supported blockchains. One thing to keep in mind is that chains can forked with or without accounts. People in general should not assume that the same account name is owned by the same person on other chains.

- A simple announcement system that can be used to inform the community about important updates and changes or useful information.

- Missing blocks? DON'T PANIC. Disable your witness from the witness page via WhaleVault.

- Want to create a witness or update it? Via WhaleVault.

Overall, the UI design of Eco is still a potato because our main focus was always on utility, but we are planing to focus more on it in the near future and modernize it. We hope that things will move faster from here.

Thank you,
The Symbionts Team,
Dear @symbionts, your content was selected manually by curators @ten-years-before, @nalexadre to receive a curation from BeBlurt 🎉
Congratulations! 🏆
You have recieved a coconutty upvote! 🥥
Thank you for contributing to the Blurt Blockchain!
Keep up the great work!
Curated by @outofthematrix!
Please take a moment to vote for my witness.
You can do this by logging into your wallet with your active key! 🗳️ https://blurtwallet.com/~witnesses?highlight=outofthematrix
Hey @symbionts,
thanks for your work.
Just realized that the "Delegators" and "Delegatees" buttons on the account pages only give you an empty table. I work with this information on a daily basis, so it would be awesome if it will be fixed soon. Many thanks in advance. :)
Sir, I need your help, I need your vote