RE: Initial Community Roadmap for the Blurt Blockchain

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Initial Community Roadmap for the Blurt Blockchain

in witness-category •  6 months ago  (edited)

Hi, @nalexadre,

Just a small precision. Before HF 16. Steem had a massive inflation of 100%, which was later reduced to 9.5% in 2017. Hence, the huge percentage cut.

Overall, one thing we usually state is that most of the issues and discussion that happened on Blurt lately have already happened before on Steem, we are often in a déjà vu situation. Some changes suggestions above, for example, have been suggested by Dan Larimer himself 7 years ago:

Our short-term roadmap includes making witness pay a parameter and I will be very vocal in supporting the concept that block producers should collectively get at most 10% of the daily rewards.

I also support the idea of having votes decay unless the opinions are actively re-asserted. Incumbents have too much power.

Lastly I support increasing the pay of the time-shared witness slot relative to the top 19. This would allow more people to be involved.

But more often than everyone would like to admit, when discussion becomes political, which we personally do not like, the price to pay is high, and the risk of falling behind other technologies and chains becomes higher. We really hope that from now on, the community will focus more on what really matters. Because the way which Blurt can be improved are plenty. There is already a massive bank of ideas from the past 7 years that we can all learn from and use.

Thank you,

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  ·  6 months ago  ·  

Thanks for the clarification

Because the way which Blurt can be improved are plenty. There is already a massive bank of ideas from the past 7 years that we can all learn from and use.

I agree, I think Blurt has also the potential to test new possibilities not envisaged on the others, removing the deja vu and allowing it to have its own direction. The witness voting system (by PB distribution) is I think a good example.