RE: Initial Community Roadmap for the Blurt Blockchain

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Initial Community Roadmap for the Blurt Blockchain

in witness-category •  7 months ago 

Let's not give in to panic; on December 4th, only trading will be halted on Bittrex, and it will take several months before its definitive closure.

Given that the BURT airdrop to its customers was not honored, it's highly probable that the keys are still the same as those for HIVE and STEEM, which consequently have more to fear than we do.

Moreover, 21 million BLURT is not sufficient to take control of BLURT. I would estimate the risk to be between 100 and 125 million BLURT, thanks to your courage in modifying the way Blurt Witnesses are elected. I am truly grateful for this.

The same logic applies to any dumping: given the actual volume on the exchanges, it would probably only lead to a flash crash, with the winners being those who picked up BLURTs almost free of cost.

Considering the positive feedback received for the HF09 roadmap, I believe it could take place concurrently, perhaps even incorporating BIP 0015 into HF09, especially since I haven't seen any arguments against this BIP.

Nevertheless, if you still wish to proceed with an emergency hard fork specifically addressing the Bittrex situation, you have my preliminary approval.

I must admit, I was quite saddened to learn about the end of Bittrex, an exchange that faithfully accompanied me for over 6 years in my crypto hobby, encompassing mining, masternoding, and more.

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  ·  7 months ago  ·  

I would only agree to such an emergency HF if the stake of Bittrex would kept safe in case of reclaims by Bittrax.

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

Could you expand a little on your thoughts on the subject? How do you view the BLURT wallets of exchanges that have not forwarded the airdrop to their customers? Normal wallets like any other Blurtian, as an extension of the exchange on the blockchain, something else?

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

Thanks for your advice!
As I have now read, this is the stake that came about through the Blurt airdrop and which Bittrex should actually have distributed to its Blurt customers.
If this is the case, I withdraw my objection.