My village childhood winter story.

in winter •  11 months ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.

Assalamu Alaikum Orahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Hope everyone is fine Alhamdulillah I am fine too. Today I will tell about how the winter of our village was in the past. And about what we used to do.

When we were 5 years or 6 years old during that period we had to get up early in itthe morning and go to the madrasa to the maktab. It was very difficult for us to get up. Still have to go because we have to get the Elem. For this reason we also went out. And after going there, the master taught us and we also studied. Then we used to do some mischief while coming but not while leaving. Because we were late because of this. It is time to come because in winter there is juice in the date palm tree what would we do. Looking up at the top of the palm tree with hands. Or I used to laugh with my mouth to make our mouths water. Again, what we used to do was to throw someone away, and we used to make a lot of mischief about who could eat first. I used to climb the rocks and take dates. The previous days were very good for us. Today I remember the old days by seeing this palm tree.
Then we do a bit of mischief and head home. And then go back to sleep or go out again when it's eight o'clock to nine o'clock. At that time, there were many kinds of flowers in our land, Shapla flowers and many other flowers were around. We used to bring them from there. And sitting in one place with banana leaves around. Then we would put them on banana leaves and we would sell them one by one. Our money was the leaves of the trees which we used to buy. Then when it was a little afternoon time, what we used to do was run away from home. Because it was very cold at that time, we were asked to take a bath.
Then after some time I would come back home again. What to do and then take us to take a bath with hot water. Or we were asked to sleep after eating. We would not sleep then, we would run away from the house with great difficulty. Because they used to make us sleep like this. He used to put a Solarmuda on our body and then said if it moves then I will give you mother. Then we were afraid and did not move. By doing this, we used to get sleep and sometimes not. We would go out. Then when it was afternoon we used to go around and play like this. Or when evening came we were caught. Why didn't you sleep in the afternoon and it felt good to give mother some time too. And today when I am a little older, the previous days are over. If you don't sleep, no one will tell you. Allah is Hafez. Today, how did you like this winter story of my childhood village must tell in the comments and tell how it was for you. Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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