That is a movie from a few years back above.
I have seen it all now, been sent messages from people saying there is no war, sent videos of alleged anonymous, you know them, the group in masks, bit like Q anon, you never know who they are, they just share a message about what ever they want, with threats, there is never any real proof, no documents, just a gimp in a mask with a computer animated voice, fuck me, I can do that.
The anonymous video in question states as such "America is attacking the Ukraine not Russia" but a quick check of facts, videos on many websites show different, shows Russian teenagers doing the attack, yes it is REAL.
A quick check in my car driving to do my daily "things" I do shows me there are refugees, I doubt they came here to live in school halls and community centres for no reason, but hey, what do we know, when everyone else allegedly knows better.
The "there is no war because the media says there is" crew have lost their collective minds, it is great is it not, questioning everything when you have all the time in the world, said war is only a few miles from me, enjoy your entitled world of opinion, I hope it never reaches my door or yours, but if it does I am equipped with a gun in each car, a rifle, another pistol and love in my heart to fight for what is in my mind right, hope you are.
But they will argue that the media is using outdated images, yes they are, they are as lazy as possibly you. You may take offence if you are.
You can find a million videos of the war on many sites.
But hey, you know best, it is not real because you say so hey.
I have said for years the west is consumed with self - decadence and all, and I think the west is now mentally ill equipped to deal with wars, how can you send Pauline into a battle when really he is Paul?
That will offend fickle minds, it will offend so many that only want to signal virtue, what is that virtue going to do for you when tanks, bombs and bullets come to town?
I find it easy to offend almost everyone of late, no matter what you say someone will take it offensively online, such is the poor state of education, the over privilege, the pampered child's/children people raise/ed.
But all the same "stay safe" is uttered everywhere online. A life without risk is no life at all! Who said that? Me just.

That poor child was only doing a peaceful protest.
This is how vile, how de-human, scum pond life are in government, they treat people like that, the weapon of choice was microwave, big up scumbags in politics, you vile vermin, maggot creatures, hope you rot in hell, if there is one.
The media will admit it happened, but minimise the details by saying "nobody was harmed in this event" As they do here https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-02-18/coronacheck-sonic-weapons-lrad-police-canberra-protests/100839612
I dare say Putin is doing the same, they love playing down death, harm, suffering do they not! Statement not question, who is they? Politicians and the media that are owned by stakeholders in the entire shit-show system.
What is the war on Ukraine called? "a tactical event" fuck me, go figure, blowing up homes, power plants, displacing millions, oh yes, a "tactical event" yep that about describes it, in a mad persons mind.
I am angry, my posts maybe too, I may offend, who cares, people have picked their side all the same.
People like me are left to pick up the pieces, feed people, house them and fight for them if need be, but the couch potato knows best, it is all a conspiracy.
I conspired with nobody, I am just a dumb fucking farmer after all.
OMG how many people can you trigger in 1 post, unsure, must try harder.
I watch the Polish people selflessly help those coming, those some think are running away from nothing, is it all just in their mind what they saw, you know best, yes you, on your couch, taking it all apart bit by bit to suit what you think.
If it gets as far as me, if the war comes here, you can be sure of 1 thing, I am not running, I will have a video camera on, and you will see my last "fuck it" live, maybe, possibly, maybe not if I die.
The USA has had decades of mindless wars, not in defence, the UK and a lot of European countries have aided and abetted too, yes this war to me is pointless, all wars are, but before pointing a finger at Putin you need first to look at self, how many pointless wars have your leaders started, aided & abetted? Yet not a single maggot among them leaders fought it. I do not like any politician, let alone Putin, I do not like their silly war games neither, sending teens to the slaughter, I find it disgusting, so before you even think of saying I am pro ANY politician, I AM NOT.
I do not like driving around with a gun in my glovebox in the car neither, not when I have a 10 year old, but needs must.
GOVERNMENTS are not your friend, behave and stop voting for these maggots.
100% of rewards go to @owasco, why not, because this site has lost ,my trust, lost my faith too. Petty people doing petty arguments, pft, you not got any real problems hey?
I suspect that the "there is no war because the media says there is" crew is pure controlled opposition, comprised of the alleged anonymous, you know them, the group in masks, bit like Q anon, you never know who they are people (if they're human and not, in fact, half or all bot). The overlords plant them, then point at them and say "See? anyone who challenges us is crazy!" When really, they are what doesn't even exist. I hope that makes sense. I am starting to see much more clearly with @perceptualflaws showing me what's been what for thousands of years. It's all images. The trick is to sort truth from image. But the only possible way to do that is to trust yourself and no one else. Very tricky! We've been trained to look outside ourselves for guidance, and never to look within for truth.
Where do you go when everything has become tainted and corrupted? You reclaim yourself. For me, that what this entire process is pushing us towards - you either follow the leader off a cliff - or you reclaim your inner power and chart your own course. :)
I am trying to do that. But I find myself sucked back into the slave system often. It's difficult to know when I am charting my course, or following the only one I can see, the course that has been fashioned for me, the one that will find me dashed on the rocks. It takes courage and ingenuity to chart ones own course.
They have a dialectic (left/right etc etc) control system - we just need to know how to recognise it and learn to operate outside of it, see beyond the polarities (and the polarised arguments) that are chosen for us. Quite simply, we need to learn how to trust ourselves (our judgement) again.
From your work, I suspect we haven't trusted our personal judgements for thousands of years. This ability is coming back to me readily, and in massive reality dumps, now that I see I haven't been able to use the ability because I didn't know I had it.
The mere fact that they're ushering us towards a collectivist mindset - displays the power (and their fear) of the individual - the unquantifiable fly in their ointment. :)
Mckenna has a nice take on it. :)
That is fabulous! I just finished a book about a hermit, and am mostly struck by how any westerner (I'm sure not only westerners) who does not conform to our measly culture is deemed insane. Rehabilitation forces them to conform in very small and demeaning confines.
Yeah, it's called cult-ure for a reason. :)
Release your mind from mental slavery, I keep saying it, few listen.
Slavery. It's so difficult to recognize. Even after two years of being told where to go and when, whom to consort with and where, what to wear, what medical dogma to worship, whom to believe, many can not see they have been slaves their entire lives. Slaving away to get money so they can spend their pennies in the company store.
I just finished a book about a man who lived as a hermit in Maine for 27 years. It makes our slavery starkly clear. And that the definition of sanity is now those of us who have adjusted well to being slaves.
I have been consumed today reading this, the author has a superb vision, I hope you like it as I do. http://www.thecrowhouse.com/Documents/mary-book.pdf
Ha I see, you are in safe hands or is it mind with him, we have been friends 6 years ish.
Oh it's real all right, I have a friend sheltering in Kiev as I type - although, I dare say it's for reasons other than we're told. The repercussions and ramifications will certainly work to the benefit of the global action plan.
Funnily enough - as I just typed to @owasco on my own post.
"People have handed away any semblance of critical thinking - there is no way to communicate with them. You say one thing, their emotional attachments and knee jerk reactions perceive it as something completely different. By attaching themselves to words, the majority think they know what you're going to say (and your reason for saying it) before you even said it. lol This is memetic warfare - the erosion of critical thinking - under the guise of intellectual superiority."
I am going full on George Carlin from now on, I only want people that are not easily offended, FUCK THEM, but not with a dick 😆 It is getting ridiculous how easily offended people are, lost 2 cup cakes today, unsure what to eat tomorrow for desert now 😆
Haha! And yeah, if you're afraid to speak your mind for fear of offending someone (or missing out on rewards) then you're afraid to be yourself, and you're living a conformist lie. :)
Fuck that, would rather say what I see not lick balls and live on my knees.
There is also that lol
Hardly a shrinking violet they call me 😜
All these wars are for depopulation also, we have and are still going through major flooding events in Australia and only a few people from the Australian defence force and a couple of police have shown up to help😡 99% of help has come from we the people. These gruberments are horrid and have no care for anyone but themselves.
Sad but true bud.
War has become a wetland to collect the coffers of money in their pockets. Showing an attitude that seemed to oppose, but behind the mask they were laughing heartily. Every war situation that occurs (now and before), they will take turns showing themselves as heroes, but no more just for their own sake.
Just resource wars, bankers wars, noting else.
wait, what? I didn't see that first read through. Thank you, I'll pass it along to someone else. Start an underground chain rewards letter/post like the hive torch.
The trick to understanding is to not take sides.
An oldie but goodie that puts catalyzing events in perspective.
I like a nice surprise, everyone does. Pass it on and make someone's day, why not x
The new currency, a shared one. I like that. Thanks!
You are indeed welcome 👍
I think the same, even being in Russia, I blame all politicians, all those fuckers. Ukrainians are hurt phisically, Russians are hurt financially and the government will be here more strict and the censorship will grow and we will be able to spread what's happenig here. The west is helping Russian government to create a total control here. That's what's going on. When people can't use visa and mastercard they will have to use the Russian system, and that's full of control, when the prices will grow because of the sitution and the rouble is already down 30% and will get down even more, only citizens will suffer, nothing will happen to politicians who are running most businesses here, if they lose $1, they will gain another $10, what the issue of someone getting $11 million every month, compared to someone earning $200 a month to survive. And I know people here earning even less. much less than that. So, all those sanctions are against Russian citizens, they are victims of such games.
Sanctions never hurt politicians.
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