in weather •  2 years ago 

How are things where you are? - I don't know if people overseas hear news about NZ, but we are hearing about the US train derailments - I think we are all under full attack now with a serious attempt to take down the supply chains.

So far this year we have had two major floods, a very destructive storm, a 6.3 earthquake yesterday, power cuts, roads and bridges washed out, and thousands of slips

NZ now also has three of the ferries that connect the two main islands out of action. (they all had sudden unexpected major mechanical failures)





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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Unfortunately, I think many are still asleep and NOT connecting the dots at all!

  • 1st, the pLandemic,
  • then Ukraine,
  • "controversial" explosion of North Stream 2 - out of work,
  • "unexplained" mass sudden deaths all over the world,
  • and now the earthquake on the Turkish-Syrian border with epicenter (by "pure accident") in between two most important oil pipeline (marked as Naftovod on the map below) and gas pipeline (marked as Gasovod on the map below)

Most important Oil & Gas Piplines near earthquake epicenter in Turkey

  • cyclone in New Zeland,
  • as you mentioned, "funny" US train derailments,
  • and today 4.8 earthquake on the small island of Krk in Croatia where "by pure accident" is located for Europe quite important NLG (Liquefied Natural Gas) terminals.

There are probably many other smaller or bigger things that should be on the above list that we overlooked or just didn't mention.
But even the big ones (such as the first six listed above) are not good enough to wake up many, at least from what I hear and see from my surroundings.
Just a smaller number of people started questioning things and getting suspicious, but many, unfortunately, as it seems to me, still wait until the trouble knocks on their door, literally.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ww3 on the horizon. They are trying to get everyone involved through covertly forced boycotting tactics, nullification of international supply chains, false flags, flalse flags, false flags and more false flags but with very real consequences.

Stock up on the necessaries, food, survival kits and tools and ammo.

An entire police forces here in mexico has been replaced by the military. No longer will there be traffic stops done by the transit police but my more heavily armed fascists instead. Under the mask of security risks due to cartel influence and bs like that. They themselves are the cartels. Noone is being fooled but noone cares either.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

More crazy going on it just seems to continuing to get worse. We have some fire's burning in various places around Aus now.

Curated by @ultravioletmag