
in weather •  2 years ago 




Got up and got dressed bright and early today because I had to drive my dad to his early morning physio appointment. Looking outside I saw white flakes falling. It took a few minutes to register - snow!. What?!

Actually, that's normal for this time of year. End of March / Start of April is known for capricious weather, sometimes going from winter to summer, and back to winter, on the same day! I once remember, many years ago, a day in early April when it snowed, hailed, rained, and then became sunny like a summer's day, all within a few hours.

I'd seen the temperatures on my phone the day before, but I somehow disregarded it. 1°C is only one degree away from freezing, which is easily achieved by the wind chill factor. The ground temperature was 1 degree, yes, but the air temperature, especially at altitude, must have been very sub zero.

It has indeed been a very windy day, and would seem as though the Siberian winds have won momentarily against the African winds in the eternal back and forth battle between the two. The temperature did creep up to 7 degrees, but it's back down lower now, with rain predicted for later.

Peace & Love,


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so weird cause been rly sunny here today even sat outside for a bit, very windy tho

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sunny here now 🙌

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