It would be wonderful to find a cure for all diseases, it would help to avoid the suffering that comes with each one of them.
If I had the opportunity, I would love to be a professional to bludgeon the pain that many diseases cause, I have seen so many people suffer in view of their ailments that at least avoiding or minimizing the pain would give them a better quality of life.
Sería maravilloso encontrar la cura para todas las enfermedades, eso ayudaría a evitar el sufrimiento que conlleva cada una de ellas.
Si yo tuviese la oportunidad, me encantaría ser una profesional para apalear el dolor que ocasionan muchas enfermedades, he visto sufrir a tantas personas en vista de sus males que, al menos evitar o minimizar el dolor, les daría mejor calidad de vida.
Thank you so much for this answer