The Blurt Foundation hereby condemns Russia's attack on Ukraine and, offers the Blurt blockchain social media platform as an immutable repository for the truth and dissemination of uncensored information during the war effort.
The reality is that disinformation is rife, Russian nationals are being brainwashed into thinking that the Ukraine invasion is merely a military operation with the aim of the denazification of Ukraine, which is absurd since Ukraine has a Jewish leader; this is clearly propaganda.
Russian citizens who protest against the invasion are being persecuted and silenced in the motherland and over 500 Ukrainians have died or been injured to date since the start of the invasion, the majority are soldiers.
Blurt as a free speech platform.
The Blurt social media blockchain stands as a bastion of free speech in an uncertain world and welcomes anyone who needs to use it as a platform for the truth.
Blurt is in a unique position to provide edge-of-network nodes on Raspi, and other such embedded devices that could operate on Helium Blockchain's decentralised wireless infrastructure should mainstream internet pipelines become compromised. We now have multiple frontends, with an embedded version in the node deployment build.
Known frontends are, please append any others in comments below:
@blurt.regent activated for additional network economic security
Upon Blurt's genesis in July 2020, developers built in a security feature to protect the chain from an economic consensus attack, which has never had a reason for activation to date, until now. The regent account was created as a special account with no Blurt Power, but with 50% of network voting powers, declining in a linear fashion over 2 years, there are 4 months left of the regent's influence and as such we have activated it to add additional protection to our top 20 witness consensus layer from those who might want to attack our immutability in this time.
Witness and node operator recommendation
We recommend that you run backup seed nodes in your physical location on embedded devices or any kit capable of running Blurt nodes, fortunately, they have a light resources footprint.
If you operate VPS nodes, look to migrate outside of the EU to regions such as the US or Singapore.
Encrypted messages for emergencies
Blurt accounts are pseudonymous and thus your identity is mostly secure, be sure to use a VPN and be careful what apps and exchanges you use your account with, for free speech purposes it is recommended you do not send your Blurt rewards to exchanges that can track you with KYC, create a throwaway account if needed, in addition, if you need to send emergency private messages to friends and family please use the encrypted message system as follows:
Encrypting the Memo Field
- Visit https://blurtwallet.com
- Sign in with your private memo key (does not work with keychain)
- Enter the recipient's username
- Choose the BLURT amount from 0.001 BLURT
- Type the memo with "#" followed by your message
- Sign the transaction with your private active key when prompted
To view encrypted messages sign in to https://blurtwallet.com with your memo key.
Web 3.0 communities to unite in the war effort
Modern blockchain communities are uniquely positioned with leading-edge development resources, pervasive social media influencers, and global decentralised reach, such communities have been mostly tribal and have not always worked together, just as the traditional global stage has the NATO coalition, I propose a Web 3.0 Coalition between all blockchain communities.
The coalition charter would embody the following pillars:
- An attack against one blockchain or community is an attack against all.
- Sharing of resources and technologies towards the war effort.
- Providing community support to affected victims of war, including but not limited to, information, guidance, cryptocurrency training, emotional support, virtual sanctuary, and facilitation of free speech.
- Collective support and consultation in the event of global cyber attack events.
- Uniting with one global decentralised voice against affronts to humanity.
Please join the Telegram coordination group, all blockchain community members are welcome to help shape the coalition, community leaders, engineers, whitehats, opsecs, influencers, marketers, everyone!
I'm from Ukraine, we are simply terrified, everyone is afraid. we hide.
I didn’t actually know where you were from until now, I’m sorry to hear, please stay strong and be a beacon for hope for others, being a leader in this time will help you forget your fears. You have a good social following on Blurt and on Insta and Twitter, you can use that to share the truth and help others. @priyanarc is also in Ukraine, maybe you can find mutual support. She is in our Discord channel please feel free to join https://discord.blurt.world Blurt is here for you!
We're hanging in there, but it's going to be a tough night.
Our city could be overrun.
I have replied to you on your blog post https://blurt.blog/instablurt/@yakubenko/i-am-from-ukraine-and-i-am-against-the-war
oh no so sorry to hear I also didn't know. Sending love, what town are you in?x
This is a message of hope and comfort to everyone on the blockchain and not just Ukrainians alone. At a troubled time like this, we win against the tragedy around us by standing in unity and spreading the love.
Thank you for these encouraging words and all you do to keep the blockchain active. 🙂
The older ones declare war, but the younger ones have to fight and die.
War-torn Ukraine. Russian cannons and missiles hit the head gonjara place! Cities like Kiev, Kharkiv, Odessa have been reduced to rubble. In this situation, Ukraine demanded a counter-attack. The Ukrainian military claims to have destroyed several Russian tanks, military trucks and vehicles on Saturday.
Petition to restore peace in war-torn Ukraine! From Russian chess legend Gary Kasparov to Russian tennis star Andrei Rublev - everyone wants the war to end immediately. Peace be upon Ukraine. In the midst of this devastation, the land of Phoenix's awakening has become 'freedom'.
So we want peace, not war
I’d say the powerful more then old. It’s the powerful elite. Not so much older generations.
War... War... and more war! Why should there be war? Because of the leader's arrogance, should the common people suffer from it?
The biggest problem in the world is that humans hate and hate human beings like themselves. And the expansionists go ahead with the policy. While suppressing others, some walk and think only for their own progress.
In fact, if seen, man is trapped in a lot of sorrow and dilemma regarding his life, let us tell you that in the present time there has been a conflict between Russia and Ukraine. First of all I want to give this message to all the people of the world. Such battles can never make the honorable principle strong and powerful. Let us tell you that quarrel is not the name of the solution of human life. Rather, it is such a game which never reaches any result. Those who got entangled in it for years rather remain entangled in it for centuries. Therefore, I humbly request both Russia and Ukraine to end this prisoner of war situation and give a chance to their countrymen to lead a peaceful life by pursuing the principle of mingling. Because war is not the right thing for human life.
Problem is Russia and Israel never stopped buying weapons for war .
I was working as a realtor when i have met the Chief Army of Israel , he lost an arm during the war saving one of his brothers , i was invited for his 60th birthday , the whole gang was there
I can tell you those people are no joke and i imagine Russians are the same
Also The Rothchilds are on this war so we dont know the whole direction and the goal but Russia is not a small mouse to play with .
I wonder what Israel’s stance is on the attack on Ukraine, since the president is said to be Jewish. It is precisely the reason these guys are so formidable that global communities need to unite to keep them in their place. I understand many would be hesitant to raise their voices against the entrenched invisible powers but now more than ever needs to be the age of heroes.
Apparently , Kiev is the heart of Russia , considering the power of Russia i doubt Israel will move or raise a voice , it could go A-wire and the whole world would be in danger .
The whole Europe is already in Danger ... i am wondering what Russian people really think of this whole attack , if anything can be stopped that would be from within Russia , problem is we dont have all the details
As we know , TV shows only one side of the truth .
Putin said he is "protecting" is ground .
If we don’t act, Putin’s reach and power will grow, the fear of getting involved now will be nothing compared to the fear there will be when the west is overthrown from dominance in the global theatre.
The question is , what to do in terms of actions ?
Physical acts without weapons is impossible and vocals need to be heard , therefore need to be accepted with respect .
We need to unite by hundreds of millions voices but i am scared that type of defense wont be enough .
I am in for anything that needs to be done , no one should live their life with the fear of controlled demolition .
It is absolutely right. Everyone should unite and take a decision. And help Ukraine. I will help me as much as I can. I have told about the current situation of Ukraine. This is his post link. https://blurtlatam.com/blurtconnect/@tanweeralam/the-current-news-of-the-war
My deepest condolences and sorrow to the Ukrainian people. Propaganda to legalize war is an extraordinary crime. For whatever reason, war cannot be justified. As a form of support for the Ukrainian people and world peace, with great wishes, I have also made two writings in the words of poetry.
Thanks to Blurt for being a space for freedom of expression and opinion.
I am really sad for the people of Ukraine , when yesterday i saw the news i was praying that situation will not get worst but then news continue to break my heart.
The people of Ukraine are really strong fighting from this tough situation. I pray for their well being.
My condolence to the family of these people , that is a big loss. World will not forget neither forgive for what Russia is doing.
It is a good idea , thanks for the telegram link i have just joined the group.
every time there is a war the people must be very tormented I have experienced it before during the war between Indonesia and aceh / gam even though this war is not between countries but we the people of Aceh are very tormented can not imagine especially between countries that already have complete war equipment, the sound of gunfire is familiar again in the ear, victims fall every day, hopefully peace will be soon because peace is more beautiful, #saveUkraine
Thank you for sharing your traumatic experiences, it will help others feel that they are not alone in their experience.
Same with you sir, I can only pray that it will pass quickly and return to normal because it is very unfortunate that the Covid pandemic is not over yet it has been added to by war
My Ukrainian credit cards don't work anymore. I'm safe physically in Kazakhstan, but all my savings are gone.
Crypto is the only money I still have, and today I can say without exaggeration that $BTC, $ETH, and #NFT are going to save my life while I can't come back home.
I agree with you crypto can save humanity. Invite friends there to turn money into crypto.
Thank you for providing this validation, the use case of crypto has been proven today as a sovereign store of wealth.
Sir! War is not a way to end an issue, what can be achieved through peace is not through violence, so it is important to create an atmosphere of peace in the world.
That in fact war will not solve the problem. We BLURT people condemn all bloodshed on earth. Let's go together towards peace.
No to war ! Never has it been that war be used as a way to resolving conflicts . We totally condemn this primitive act masterminded by selfishness and lofty ambitions that are diabolical in themselves .
Let the promoters of this know that , we all have a supreme judge , that’s God to whom we shall all account for our deals .
God save your people .
We stand with Ukraine 🇺🇦
I fully agree, now is the time our faiths and beliefs will be tested the most. Putin will answer for the deaths of hundreds if not in this life then the next. Keep prayimg for Ukraine.
Absolutely!! Karma will catch up with him .
It's really very worrying. Continuous war certainly has a negative impact, namely making people miserable. Even children will become victims of war. Like the conflict in Palestine, many of the victims were women and children. There is no more fairy humanity in it.
We in Aceh have also experienced this for 30 years. Even today, human rights violations have not been fully resolved.
May the wars all over the world, especially between Russia and Ukraine end soon!
#save Ukraine
I am worried myself, I cannot focus on anything other than the war, I am consumed by the inhumanity and feel helpless, wishing there was something that could be done.
I also hope that this war will not continue and cause misery to the people. Because every war, the victims must be innocent civilians. This is really heart-wrenching!
My father once told me the story of Nigeria civil war, he said the economy was down everyone was hiding inside caves and mountains, women lost their husbands and sons, because all the male child were forced to join the military. It was a very terrible experience..
War Is Bad, Say No To War
I am sorry your family faced such horrors, war is sensless and needs to stop.
remind me to movie sherlock holmes (2011), on that movie is told that we can't prevent human being who want war, sadly we are against the feelings of people who want war
The truth will set you free.
peace to Ukraine
The whole truth, about everything, would be a start.
When 9/11 attack happened seeing those footage of plane crashing into the towers, I was afraid that it would be the ignition to start the world war III and thank God it wasn't.
Now Russia against Ukraine, I'm feeling this feeling again. We're far from Russia or Ukraine but I felt the world is being threatened of this crisis.
Praying for the world peace. Spread Love not War.
The threat is real, if Russia (putin) can do this infront of the eyes of the world they have no fear, no remorse and won’t stop at Ukraine, the world will only be safe when Putin is no longer in power.
Yeah, what I pray for now is, he will be enlightened and realized that it won't make Russia and Ukraine a better place. People are in trauma specially the children, they deserved to be happy. I hope this will end very soon.
Only those who have not experienced the ills of war will support this madness. I experienced An inter-trubal war in Nigeria and it wasn't a pleasant sight to watch dead bodies lying on the streets. Let us all pray for Ukraine. Let us stand for peace.
#Peace is the human language
Unfortunatley some people do not understand this language and need to be stopped, they don’t value peace like sane people do.
I am definitely onboard with that @megadrive!
It is so sad the see this happening now in 2022; Russia choosing to destabilize Europe in a way that has not been seen since World War II. Not only is this a tragedy for the people of Ukraine and all the loss of life of innocent people, but these actions are also threatening to destabilize world economy which is already fragile after two years of dealing with the pandemic!
Why wars? And they bring mass destructions only and destroy health and wealth. Why no peace? It brings properties, brotherhood and friendship. Putin! Please stop the war, don't make small cute children orphans, don't make women widows. We all Blurt family condemn your act, we are against you and stand with Ukraine. Order your soldiers to drop their guns.
Thank you for speaking up against Russia and supporting Ukraine. Huge respect for the co-founder of this beautiful platform.
We all stand against this act by Russia. Peace for the people of Ukraine.
War started just now, we don't know how long it will go. We all know that Russia has brutally tortured and attached on Ukraine so we all stand with Ukraine against Russia.
O Russia please stop war .
Stop oppressing the weak .
We all condemn Russia's aggression on Ukraine. This is the extremist decision of Russia. Autocratic decision.
I believe that the citizens of both Russia and Ukraine are against this war. But many cannot ignore the Russian government's decision. Because Russia has smells of dictatorship.
War brings nothing but harm to the nation, hopefully soon Russia will close the war between and Ukraine, and the people will be at peace
I hope this war doesn't last long. time to enjoy the web. 3.0
Hopefully both sides can be resolved amicably and no tears will flow for the two countries @megadrive 🤲
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Manually curated by @samhenrytenplus
Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.
Gracias por compartir tu publicación en #Blurt. Tu esfuerzo significa mucho para nosotros; por eso has recibido un voto positivo.
Te invito a votar por @blurtlatam como Testigo / Witness
Ukraine Russia is currently facing various problems in the world economy which is going to be really very difficult. I hope we will be able to get out of this problem very soon.
And I hope that our favorite platform will not face the problem of blurt because the amount of digital currency in the current market is now fluctuating in line with the politics of the world. In fact, it may be a matter of concern for us. Let's solve this problem
I might have been living under a rock covered by a blanket of ignorance, but what the hell is happening to the world?
I just saw some videos of Russia's attack and Putin's speech. I'm not there, but I am so sad and shivering with fear.
This couldn't be happening.. :(
Reminds me of the disbelief I had when I saw 9/11 happen. Airplane flying into a building was unreal.
Ohhh. The horror I felt when I saw those videos too. And it's hard to believe that there were people who believed that it was faked. :(
call me a conspiracy theorist but that im convinced that tower went down from the bottom.
Hey, I discount nothing, it could be possible. And it did seem to break from further down.
I pity the Russian people for not having tasted real democracy in their history. After the fall of the USSR, it was only pretty limited for a short time until Boris Yeltsin died.
Really ? Did you live in Russia ?
No war please make peace in the world.
please stop war stop tyrannising on Ukraine.
We stand with Ukraine
Thank for the info, keep growing Blurt
First of all, I request both the countries to stop the war. Because the war will cause great damage to both the countries. The progress of the country through war. stops.And the most important thing is that many children are orphaned by war. I believe that war will harm everyone. That's why I and the blurt family request Russia to stop the war.❌❌
Stop war Stop
This and many other devastation which I have tried by writing a post. This is post link 🖇️ https://blurt.blog/r2cornell/@tanweeralam/war-is-a-disaster
however we must maintain the peace. We are already in trouble with the virus outbreak and the pandemic.
don't do war because peace is much more beautiful
I have written a post about the war in Ukraine. And I wish the war in Ukraine to stop. I request Russia to stop the war.
this is my post link .https://blurt.blog/r2cornell/@tanweeralam/war-is-a-disaster
Thank you for spreading the news.
in war many are hurt. in war many suffer, there is no happiness in war. everything feels tight and difficult.
currently happening as in Ukraine and Russia. will trigger a lot of fights.
I beg you to make peace, because it will all lead to destruction. peace will be much more beautiful and prosperous society
Cool action, today's television media cannot be trusted 100%, even I never watch the news on television because I think they are not appropriate to be heard.
#saveukraina #save #ukraina
As the whole world is united in facing the Covid-19 pandemic. Russia is trying to create a new damage. Let's label for the worst country is Russia.
Save world....
Save Ukraina....
We have experienced wars in Sri Lanka few years ago. It was a 30 year war and our parents have suffered from this war than us. Only thing I feel is war brings the death. It's not good at all.
When 6/8 attacks happened seeing those footage of plane crushing into the sky. I was afraid that it would be the ignition to start the world war thanks a lot God it was not.only those who have not experienced the ills of war will support this madness.
And it very worrying. If it is not stopped then the people both of these countries will face troubles. Personally children, because they will become orfan like this people also face difficulties due to this dangerous war. May Allah give them good thinking about it and protect all of them from this.
I am very dismayed by everything that is happening in Ukraine, I have seen very sad images, people with children in their arms running for shelter, my heart is sad about it, I only pray to God that this war ends, that the government of Ukraine, put his hand on his heart and realize that we are all brothers and sisters even if we have different nationalities. Stop the war now!! that is my cry.
We need the united voice of the world aimed at the aggressors.
It seems that Russia is trying to create a third world war. I think all countries in the world should strongly condemn the actions that have been carried out by Russia. It is not proper for a superpower to have such bad behavior..Peace be upon you Ukraina...
media televisi saat ini tidak bisa dipercaya 100%, bahkan saya tidak pernah menonton berita di televisi karena menurut saya tidak pantas untuk didengar.
#saveukraina #save #ukraina
@yakubenko you'll be safe and also the people of Ukraine. Long live Ukraine. Long live blurt. Long live the world...
wow, thanks sir, we all respect for your kind, peace no war
We are very sad for Ukraine people.we are against war.we want peaceful world.we are with Ukraine people.we pray for all people's safety.be safe always
I am very sad. What happened in ukraine. There is no way of peace than war. War will harm both sides. Hopefully there will be peace talks, as soon as possible. 😭
Make peace.. no WAR! Very sad
It is an unwelcome war. This war should not happen because if this war happens then the whole world economy will be at risk and there will be a lot of loss of life.
Now, I have written about New updates of Russia and Ukraine -war situation.
Please click the following link.
No to war !!
Greetings for peace #savepalestina #savepalestine #saveukraina #saveworld #boikotisrael 👏
Blurt cannot be used to support war efforts. Blurt is most suited to support humanitarian aid for refugees and technical help in urgent matters. To me Blurt is the opportunity for truth to rule and community to unite. At times of emergency we can show support of the people not support any physical war. I also condemn the actions of Putin's army and I believe but more than that I support the people of Ukraine and I believe truth will rule beyond political barriers.
Thank I am with you!
Congratulations, your post has been curated by @dsc-r2cornell. You can use the tag #R2cornell. Also, find us on Discord
Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord
Congratulations your post has been curated by blurtindia .
You can use our blurtindia tage #blurtindia
Also, keep in touch with Blurtconnect-ng family on Telegram and Whatsapp
I hope this war doesn't last long.
Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @R2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.
Stop the war. It doesn't make the world better. It just make people cry. We just want live no violence.
For me, I wish that this two countries [russia-ukraine] will become peaceful again. Many people specially the children who are the innocent one will become affected brought this war.
It is very pityful of the said affected areas, and I hope the war is over and the Peace will win.
I really appreciate your post my friend. Thank you very much.
Prey for #ukrain
But puta is also doing good why Ukraine accept NATO.
A couple of months ago India was also instigated by the United States;
And then the world saw how the Chinese soldiers treated them.
2014 when USA agency literally rigged there election in Ukraine started this path. I love my country but my government is so corrupt. I fear NATO actions will make this worse. Obviously I condemn Russia attacks. But we can’t ignore the west especially USA leaders using Ukraine for money laundering operations. Victoria Kegan a high up at state department is on tape talking them Fucking with 2014 elections. I’ll find clips if u want em. Then the massive videos and pics not from this week being reported as new look really bad: it’s a real invasion and many media outlets have showed old pics like this one and lying about it. Just weird and something else is also going on here. There’s 50 more examples. I again am not claiming what’s happening isn’t. I’m just saying this is odd.

THIS is why Russia sees Ukraine as a threat. The country has been corrupt with western ties who only seek to harm Russia. Democrats in USA are equally to blame for war atrocities as they have pumped in billions to corrupt companies there so they can money launder million into their pockets in US. It is always a shame for a countries citizens when the corrupt politicians create this situation and only benefit more from it due to their war cronies. ALL war is bad , yes. More people need to be more aware of they whys before just virtue signaling their support for corrupt governemnts.
As the day goes by with the conflict unresolved, everyone on this world is anxious. We cant afford any war. The economic damage of COVID-19 is already enough to suffer thousand and millions of people.
War spoils everything, stop, please 😭😭
#saveworld #peace
I pray that the war doesn't last too long, and that peace will come soon, Aamiiinn 🤲
Save the world