Bring it!

in war •  5 years ago 

Just as I seem to be starting to experience the benefits of living by the seaside, and recovering my spirit, a few little niggles that started to become visible are now revealing their full scale and threat.

I won't name any names because it's not their person anyway so much as their role, and that role is of Adversary. With the capital A. As in Shaitan.

We have at least one saboteur in our midst, and my growing suspicions were confirmed with absolutely no surprise, but small sadness that he tainted our leader with his malice. It will be remembered.

Most likely between the die hard Justinoids and Hive drones an extraordinary effort is being applied to stopping our disruption of their little fiefdoms, even if in fact absent such contrivances, 95% of Graphene users would pick Blurt, they need a powerful victory from us in order to be encouraged, and, unfortunately, this little fledgling is so nearly not ready to fly.

Too late, bitches, we are already off the ground

And we will patch the holes and drop the dead weight so hard it will make your head spin.

I am Blurt's Man at Arms.

While I lack the coding prowess of the great @baabeetaa, I know distributed systems and security, and this is the opportunity that I prayed for, since at least early 2016.

Everyone in the inner circle here is sworn enemies of the Eestablishment - some may wear a red badge some in sick face cyan, but no matter their stripe, we who act all have a long fermented and now rich funk of vengeance in our bellies, and clear vision to guide us.

I am the least capitalised at this point in cash, but the most wealthy in endurance won from nearly 8 years of extreme poverty and deprivation. This rich vein of determination makes me the most dangerous, because I have so much more to prove.

I most likely will have to divert more of my time to stalking my basic necessities, but with a few tools that are well within my budget, I can wipe at least half of my costs, and even as I write this other more estranged allies are imminently providing leverage to access more.

The whole secret of success in life is two principles:

  1. Hold much more than you risk

  2. Live by the dice

Maybe my mentor in spirit, Nassim Taleb, puts it more eloquently, but this is his core thesis in nine words. Everything I have seen in life affirms these two principles.

I now have an office of sorts, and the beginnings of a network of friendly and honorable colleagues with whom I share said office. I am paid up for 3 weeks, and I doubt they will mind if I show the signs of my aggressively ascetic budgetary policy from time to time.

Outside of the provincial and small town scale world of Steem forks, there is other, more battle hardened crypto entrepreneurs and our leader is networking hard to secure some solid contracts. Cojones are 90% of what the wise seek to fund, and we are up against a most inordinately well funded opposition. I'd say it is not far from the situation for Mohammed in the wilderness., PBUH.

Blurt is just our debut. Like all debutantes, we are full of piss and vinegar and exhuberant enthusiasm. We will find the resources we need to take this thing to the next level.

A little warning to the interlopers: you better have backup when plan A, B and C fall through. Not everyone here is as dozy and tolerant. Speaking for myself, I will put heads on stakes the moment the opportunity presents. Certain organisations don't take kindly to fraudsters.

While I don't mean at all that my overriding goal is revenge, when piking an enemy benefits us, I will have gained the license to drive it straight through, without hesitation or remorse, unlike my less rambunctious allies.

So, bring it on. We ride for glory!

This is Sparta!

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