Game Changers

in war •  2 years ago 


Yes, this is about the war in Ukraine. From the start we have had weapons that were to be game changers, Javelins, NLAWs, NASAMs, HIMARs. We did see Ukraine gain back some of the land it lost but it suddenly stopped, now the game changers will be tanks. And remember as long as Russia holds an inch of Ukrainian land they are winning.

This is funny in a way, (nothing about war is actually funny) because I can remember a little less than a year ago the MSM laughing at the naivety of the Russian army using a weapon as outdated as a tank. Even Ukrainian farmers were stealing them. And of course, they had absolutely zero value on the battlefield where well armored individual Ukrainian soldiers were killing tanks like sitting ducks. Now, all of a sudden, tanks are game changers.

The one truth about this war is that Ukraine is getting hammered, the number of soldiers killed is actually data that is not available, we do not know and cannot know how many soldiers have died on either side. I frankly believe Ukraine has lost many more. Why? Because the Russians attack with artillery then tanks and then they send in the infantry. The Ukrainians stay put in one place just receiving attacks. Remember, Zelensky himself said that for every artillery piece fired by the Ukrainians Russia sent back ten, twenty even forty pieces. So there is that.

But Ukraine is losing land, Ukraine is having cities destroyed, Ukraine is having an exodus of its population. When this war ends, as eventually it will, I doubt Ukrainians who have found something to do in Western Europe will return to a ravaged Ukraine. So actually, whether the Russians are kicked out or not, the losers in this war will be Ukraine and its European backers. I hope someone can start seeing this and works towards stopping this senseless war, I think the ones who I said will ultimately be the losers should start thinking about peace talks.

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