in war •  3 months ago 

From the channel Dialogue works

Moderator: Nima R. Alkorshid
Interview partner: Alex Krainer
Date: Nov., 28th, 2024

Russia's SHOCKING Warning to the West: The Message They Can’t Ignore!

In this episode, the guest Alex Krainer talks about possible false flag operations and one he can imagine happening in London. Then he talks about Europe as well as the US, Trumps role, his picks, what is irritating about them, and about what Europeans might have to face if a third world war is going to go into its phase for, first eastern, and then all the western nations on our continent.

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Transkript (copied and unedited) - in case, the video is deleted:

hi everybody today's Thursday November 28th and Alex is here with us welcome
back Alex thank you for having me Nima all the best good to join you yeah let's
start with your latest piece on your substack you're talking about the possibility of having a false flag
operation in the United Kingdom what's in London I don't know if
how what's the main reason that you're thinking this way okay so uh today is uh Thanksgiving
in the United States 28th uh November yesterday I was uh I was finalizing uh
the followup report on the UK that I I I I published an article about the UK at
the end of the summer on on I think 26 August and uh I was working on a on a followup
because I think that uh Britain uh was on the verge of uh Financial
collapse and the only way you can avoid Financial collapse if you completely unleash uh uh money Printing and then
you know the Central Bank provides all the liquidity needed by uh the government and by the banking system to
to carry on to back stop the bad debts that cannot be repaid and uh so that the system doesn't
fize up that it doesn't uh grind to a halt and then you have like a
depression uh a a collapse and collapse
into into an economic depression uh but what you achieve by
printing money uh without um Without Limits is that you uh you start
creating inflation that begins to accelerate it takes time but this way
you give yourself maneuvering space rather than having all at once uh the SE
the system collapsing so this is this is what happened and I think this is an
event that is going to be for history books you know uh possibly
something uh on the order of the Republic or the collapse of the Soviet
Union and uh as I was as I was working on this you know I I looked at my phone
and on YouTube I I got a random suggestion uh by a guy in London a quick
a short video saying why are all the webcams in London dark or or something
like that you know that kind of a title and I was absolutely astonished I
I couldn't believe what I was reading and I then I checked a little bit and and literally all the uh hundreds of
webcams in London uh went dark and one of them uh showing westmin
Bridge um is showing the last image taken which was on uh I think 3rd
September around 4:50 in the afternoon and so that at least gives us
the clue when somebody made a decision to switch off all the
webcams and I thought that is extremely strange why would all the webcams in
London you know major European city go dark what is the reason you know that it
can be random it can be a fluke somebody had to have made the decision but
why and I to me the only explanation that makes any sense at all is that
they're planning um a false flag attack and then you know all of these
other elements started to make sense like why are they
escalating the war against uh Russia which they have already lost you know
like you you've already lost the war you cannot win it you cannot reverse
it you're not achieving anything by authorizing long range
strikes at Russia other than making yourself the
belligerent so no upside and a lot of downside a rational player at this point
would say like we lost we have to sit down at a table and uh negotiate an end to
this but of course you know this is far far too important this is not Vietnam
this is not Afghanistan they're not just going to uh back up and leave
Ukraine uh this is all or nothing we have we have numerous statements by by
you know Western leaders and decision makers who are telling us if we lose Ukraine it's over for the West it's it's
the end of the western Global Order uh we lose the world for Generations we lose the Hony as as Boris
Johnson put it and so on and so forth so it's not just we lose our foothold in Afghan
we lose Vietnam you know we we get hamstrung in Syria or
something this is uh this is existential to the Imperial
cabal and so you know uh if you if you decide hey let's do
this let's and keep antagonizing Russia let's strike deep deep ER into uh Russia
proper even though there's no way to win there's nothing you know like we're going to cause them some scratches but
we're not going to win but what we are going to do is we're going to provoke them and the I think that the the sense
of the provocation would be the hope that Russia would do something
impulsive and then strike at a at a NATO member Nation to give them the pretext
to invoke Article 5 and then to start the um you know the march to you know
world war three you know like the irreversible NATO Collective Hall of
society effort to confront Russia and to launch uh the next World War on on the
European continent of course you know they know that Vladimir Putin is very
very unlikely to take the bait uh he just has to wait out the um the uh Joe
Biden Administration the West cannot harm Russia so there will be no reason to give them this gift right the gift of
escalation um so they know that Vladimir Putin is not going to do it he's not going to fall for the provocation he's
not going to take the bait so uh it would be futile to keep launching these
missiles into Russia to no effect but this is where the false flag comes into
the game because because uh you then make sure that an attack on London for
example does happen and then you say like aha uh Vladimir Putin has been
threatening a nuclear attack and now he finally did it look there's a nuke that went off in
London and uh I I can't imagine how this could be done uh you
know the the nuclear nuclear devices must have very secure chains of
custody but this this is why it also explains for what reason on Earth the
Biden Administration suddenly started discussing giving
Ukraine nuclear weapons because then the chain of
custody would end in Ukraine right and from Ukraine then these
nuclear prices would be free to RAM and drift back to London I don't know how
maybe on those CIA extradition flights or MI6 secret flights or maybe they
could be put on a truck or a shipping container and uh then they could be
detonated at some point in London and cause mass human casualties
mass casualty event and so if uh I I don't know uh if
if there was a webcam there maybe it would leave evidence of where the the
device was detonated where the explosion you know and then they could you know people could investigate and find out no
this was not a missile this was not a rocket this was a planted device this
was a false flag attack and after nearly three years of war in um in Ukraine I'm sure that
British intelligence has enough fragments of
Russian missiles that they could pack it in there and that you could find made in
Russia all over London and they could say you see there's evidence we have evidence it was the
Russians and so I think you know uh two scenarios if you you know kind of think
through the logic of of the of the situation two scenarios uh emerged to my
mind one of them is that if this story goes viral and people say like oh my God they
might actually be planning something like this because you know false flag attacks are uh through history not such
an unusual thing particularly at such an important moment
you know when the cabal the Imperial cabal lost in Ukraine uh Trump Administration is
coming in in less than 60 days and there's risk that they're just going to close the chapter on Ukraine and that's
it that's game over for them and so it's for them it's now or never and they know
that Vladimir Putin will probably almost certainly not respond to these pin prick
provocations and give them the pretext to to invoke Article Five of the NATO
treaty so the only card to play would be the false flag
attack and we've seen you know golf of ton in the you know the Lucitania
the whether it's versus against internal enemies the we had in Syria sorry we had
false flag operation in Syria against bash yeah the the exactly and then we had the Guta attack we have you know
like this happens all the time and this is what agencies like MI6 and CI CIA and
the mad this is what they specialize in this is what they do this is what they sit around and and and and discuss and
war game and think about uh on from 9 to5 when they go to work and that's
that's what they do you know this is not unusual so it shouldn't be uh too far of
a stretch to think that they must be planning this now and so you know if the
story goes out and people take the awareness then you um preempt
the how do you call it the the the mass formation psychosis element because if
they for for the false false flag attack to work it has to take people by
surprise there has to be that really powerful emotional impact and then you know the media
already has their script you know they're already prepared with their script remember on September 11th
when the BBC uh ran the story about the world thread Center 7 collapsing more
than 20 minutes before it actually collapsed well this is the you know this is the evidence of this like they they
have their script uh prepared because they have to they
have to run with the narrative during that emotional uh
moment for the public and then you start to create the the uh
how do you call it the um Mass formation psychosis right uh that Professor Matias
Desmet uh explained so well for us and this is where you turn the population from being
very very unwilling to engage in a war against Russia to saying all right they
struck us we now we go and fight them and and kill them and so this would be the only way for the for the Imperial
cabal to sweep the problems at home under the carpet and to send people off to war and
to try to save their uh silverware in
Ukraine to recuperate Ukraine for them uh so I I I would say that it's
it's probably a certainty that they're planning this whether they will succeed or not who knows whether they they are
even going to be able to pull it off or not who knows but I think it's absolutely a certainty that they are
planning it and I think that the evidence for this is the fact that all the webcams are off in London actually
one of my readers found uh that the webcam on ABY road is is still active
but you know it doesn't show much of anything it just shows a street so uh that's the one scenario you know like
where we front run them and the public awareness goes uh a step ahead of the
the false flag planners the second uh uh more ominous scenario is if if the
Russians are aware of it and I I I can't imagine that they're
not that you know if if I were sitting in the Kremlin I would think okay so we need to
front run this meaning that instead of them waiting to pull off a false flag
attack you actually attack them first why
because they plan an event they're going to
execute and then they're going to fill the public
uh emotional and information space with the needed narrative so they are in
control of the narrative if you hit them first and I'm not so not
talking about a nuke I'm talking about a different kind of attack but maybe on
Britain proper maybe you know dropping something like oresnik on on
the MI6 headquarters or on the Downing Street or some military
installation uh then they can't run with that same narrative and then now now
they're scrambling now they have to kind of report randomly uh you know like the
whole the whole plan of controlling the media space immediately uh collapses now now you're
not controlling it and now the narrative kind of makes itself it it it it it it
goes spontaneously uh so it's a it's a very different situation and maybe if you struck the
right Target and I'm sure that the Russians will know how to do that then you also um very powerful weaken the
adversary's ability to mobilize against you so it would probably be weapons
Depot Military centers uh logistical hubs uh and and things like
this and so I I think it would be much much better if uh the story went around the world and everybody knew it and
expected it and uh that kind of had the same effect as you know disabling Israeli attacks on Iran when when their
plans were outed so if this plan is outed uh and I'm I'm really thankful
that we're talking about this then maybe uh we uh we can preempt
it uh otherwise you know if if the Russians take uh matters into their own
hand it might be World War III you know and nobody should think that the Russians are afraid of
that let's remember you know when Napoleon came to Moscow
uh rather than letting him take Moscow the Russians burned the whole city down
they're you know they're not joking around so we shouldn't think
that they're going to allow themselves to be defeated by hesitating or being
fearful they will act when they make the decision and now we're at such a
critical time that you know at the same time when the when the you know this
cabal in the west is planning false Flags the Russians are planning their contingencies and you know these
contingencies could be very very powerful strikes against Western
interests yeah you've mentioned because I think one of the main reasons that
you're mentioning the strike on London and this pulse flag operation or attack
is the situation that you're witnessing between Russia and the United Kingdom which is so critical right now it's so
fragile the situation I think because basically in the in
Europe considering all European countries is the United Kingdom who's
running the show in the in in Europe
and recently they were talking that they're going to send troops together with France to Ukraine to fight Russians
as we know that Financial Times reported that
they're asking the Biden Administration is asking ukrainians to reduce the age of
those people who are who
are going to be part of the conflict on the battlefield because they want to reduce it from 25 if I'm not mistaken to
18 years old this is huge you you you just you just go just literally
devastating destroying a nation if you go in that direction and do you find it
Alex we've been talking about Donald Trump and his mindset about the conflict
in Ukraine do you think with all that said and with what we've seen so far
from those people who are going to be part of his administration is he really serious in
what he's talking about because these people are totally unbel the way that they're talking about Russia it's not
just about the policy we had the Biden Administration
who were so as col Wilkerson call it smarmy people those who who are trying
to to show that they're poite but these people who are just showing everything that let's go Crush Russia Russia should
should accept whatever is on the table on the part of the United States how do
you see because all these people coming to the administration putting some sort
of pressure on Donald Trump and he has these experience from his first
ter yeah uh it's it's I have to say I'm taking the back I I I find it extremely
strange uh you know with regards to the internal politics internal policies of
the United States I find uh all the well most of the appointments and their and
their programs as well as Donald Trump's own statements to be extremely
encouraging you know they're striking all the right notes and uh they're really formulating uh the the the the
framewor framework of thinking and solutions that are very very badly
needed and clearly very well thought out when it comes to the foreign policy it's
it's it's surreal it's it's almost uh like a a grand betrayal of the of the uh
of the of the electorate because you ran on something and now all of your
appointments are voicing something almost completely opposite and uh I wasn't sure what to
think about this and I have to say that the appointment of Sebastian Gorka was
was particularly disappointed his uh his his uh I don't know I I
I I I can't I can't call him stupid but I I have a difficult time finding
something smart that he says you know things he says don't really make sense
but he's saying them in this vulgar thuggish way that that that almost
makes um John Bolton sound like like Sergey lavro you know like a good diplom
Diplomat and so that is that's very perplexing to me but on the other hand you know if we
take the the possibility of false flag into
account then suddenly it starts to make sense because there clearly is this
globalist Imperial cabal that is desperate to trigger World
War I and they are definitely afraid of Donald Trump uh ruining it for
them and as a result they might a uh trigger a false flag
event in which case they might even be
able to create the circumstances
to Simply uh not allow him to be inaugurated and to become a
president at all so he does he never even becomes president and they might try to still
will assassinate him before he's ever inaugurated so he is he is the target as
well not only Russia right and
so the the letting letting the dogs like Sebastian
Gorka bark loudly in public could be a signaling strategy to
say don't worry we're not going to ruin this for you we're going to be mean to
Russia like you want us to be we're going to continue the same policy you know September January 20th is not uh
the end of the road for you you still have maneuvering space you still you will still have influence and we'll
still get um you know Ukraine back for you we're going to rescue that situation for you so if if that is the
case then that would make sense that would that would explain why you'd have
ban Gorka out there being being the this this vulgar you know Thug yeah I mean he
get punched in the face in a pub and for for the way he's he's speaking and uh
you know because otherwise it doesn't make sense that on on the on the one set of policy you have
these uh wellth thought out
constructive uh measures and
appointments but on the foreign policy it's a complete uh crazy
house anyway so that's that's my thinking and I think that uh that Donald
Trump's first uh Donald Trump's first uh term uh maybe gives a little bit of
credibility to this idea because many things he has done uh he has done in this way as an example you know he
wanted to withdraw American troops from Syria and he was sabotaged by the Deep St he wasn't able to do that and so what
what he did then is he turned around and he said like oh I decided to keep the troops in Syria for the oil we're doing
it for the oil he said it explicitly now this seemed sish on his
part and it seemed very undiplomatic and unseemly for statements to to for Statesmen to be saying things like this
but what that actually did is that it blew out the public support
in Europe completely from uh supporting
the American policy in Syria and then uh I think that in the
the Dutch the Dutch troops in Syria um had to withdraw uh
immediately and uh the United States really did uh lose the support of their
of of its European allies for its policy in Syria um over that so um you know
Trump has and then you know there was also the the missile attack on Syria that he launched which was another big
disappointment but then it turned out that he gave uh the Russians uh pre-
advice uh that most of the missiles were shot down or they landed on an empty
parking lot and it was a completely ineffectual attack but it did win him many points at home because you know the
American journalists got to um boast about the beauty of American
weapons and all that and then they said he was acting presidential for the first time and everybody was happy and the
attack achieved absolutely nothing so so Trump does have this tendency of uh
acting through um you know like almost like a three card Monty uh where he wants to do
something but instead of doing it he uh pretends he's doing something El
you know um he he does thing in a in a in a kind of deceptive way that uh get
gets the Deep State uh a little bit misdirected so we'll we'll see I think
uh I for the time being I I I really reserve my judgment even though uh you
know Marco Rubio Sebastian Gorka and all all these people this are um not not
encouraging but you know at the same time we know that they will not be making policy they will be
executing uh in an Administration where we know that Donald Trump is not exactly
a pushover things have to people have to do things his way or they're not going
to be doing things at all Donald Trump appointed Keith Kellog to be his Envoy
in the conflict in Ukraine and he was part of his administration in his first term and right now he's going
to he's going to send him to find some sort of solution between ukrainians and Russians here is what he said on Fox
News I hoping I'm hoping that Jake Sullivan talked to Michael Waltz who's
the incoming National Security adviser or President Biden has talked to president Trump and said here's what I'm going to do I'm really hoping that
happened because what he has done Biden through his action he's actually given president Trump more leverage really
because now he can pull back he can go left he can go right he can do something I think what he did is he basically said
well this is what I want to do and and I'm hoping it was a there's something to this I don't know but uh it does give
the president president Trump more more ability to do to Pivot from that oh that's interesting all right just one
quick question before we let you go we have like five seconds General but so you're not buying the White House's the
bid administration's justification that they launched they approved these new long wange weapons because of the North
Koreans on the ground inside Ukraine it sounds good but I'm what Jillian what I'm really hoping is there was another
reason to it which allows gives leverage to president Trump maybe that may be a
good reason to do it look they should have been doing this a year ago but they've basically pulled back you do not
fight let you don't fight a war allowing other countries to have sanctuaries if you're going to fight a war you fight a war and and we we basically pulled back
on letting zilinsky fight a war that he should have been fighting a long time ago I know the casualties are horrific
of course the advantages that he had this last summer are not there anymore human me inulin well the best of my
knowledge I cannot draw a line between these people and the establishment they
are part of the same mindset and he's just arguing as you saw he's arguing
that any sort of escalation right now with the Biden Administration in Ukraine would favor Donald Trump's position in
any sort of talk negotiations with Russians this is unbelievable and these people are in
charge of solving the situation yeah this is this is exactly what I'm talking about because you know
I I I I struggle to even understand what this man is talking about because it sounds so stupid it
is it is truly staggering and you know you you have to think
either these people are insane or they have 20 IQ or I don't know what or
they're doing something else and I can't believe that they're so stupid you know like it's it's very hard
to you know this is not high school these people have a certain knowledge they have a certain experience Donald
Trump has choices of you know getting General Mike Flynn there getting Douglas
McGregor there that there are many Generals in the uh in in in in in the
American Military establishment who are uh smart professionals who know there's
SC Scott Ritter who could uh be speaking there instead but you know imagine
putting Scott Ritter on Fox News uh to speak on behalf of Donald
Trump well you know it would it would only get both Donald Trump and Scott Ritter killed I you
know the I think that the stakes are so high that they couldn't be any
higher for the Imperial establishment and when I say Imperial establishment
you know I'm not just talking about uh some people high in the governments of United States and Europe
and and and you know the banks and the think tanks and large corporations uh you know I'm talking
about the whole system the whole uh system of governance that ex that has
existed in the western world for several centuries now that has become entrenched
that draws its power from uh certain levels of society that it controls and
you know if you if you take away their hold on of those Le levels of power then
everything they have been building for the past few centuries collapses like a
house of cards and they will not allow this you they they assassinated John F
Kennedy the president of the United States they assassinated a number of other presidents including Abraham
Lincoln you know there's a there's a continuity to this clash
between uh the the the occult oligarchy that rules uh the Western
powers and their foreign Rivals I even go to Watergate
uh absolutely yeah absolutely so this is this is a this is a constant theme and
today we are at a at a particularly acute moment of of this conflict because
not only has this system of governance met um determined enemies in in Russia
and in China and in Iran but it has also it is also meeting
determined opposition at home like uh you know Donald Trump
and and and people who support him uh like Victor Orban like the new president
of Romania I I apologize that I still haven't absorbed his name
correctly uh like uh Robert fito in Slovakia oh we remember they tried to
assassinate him too uh and so uh you know it's the game is hotting up uh very
very powerfully and they do not you
know they do not hesitate to assassinate people to destroy things to uh
orchestrate F flag false flag attacks uh they have absolutely no such
Scruples and I think that uh this is Crystal Clear to Donald Trump and to
people around him and they have to they have to reckon with that you know they can't just come out like Lambs for
Slaughter there and say like oh this here's what I will do I commit to doing
that you know it'll have to be played in a in a very different way and I I I
really do expect expect that there's extensive coordination between Donald
Trump's team and uh the counterparts on the Russian
side and possibly similar counterparts on the on the Chinese side and and and
maybe some other uh players I don't know but uh I would be surprised if this
wasn't the case at the very least they have to be exchanging information uh and telling one another
what their intentions are and what they're going to do and you know maybe you know there's an
understanding that we we can't go out talking like oh we're going to be best
friends with Vladimir Putin so we're going to send out Sebastian Gorka but when he starts to
bark just ignore him you know what's so amazing Alex when
it comes to the conflict in Ukraine it doesn't matter how much
Russia shows that it's power powerful and it's capable of doing and dealing with the
conflict in Ukraine and in terms of their economy in terms of their military
it's just transforming hugely if you look at the Russian military before the conflict in Ukraine started and right
now they're talking about washing machines and all of those Reds if you
remember and right now with this new Hypersonic missile oresnik and everybody's talking what's this nobody
knows how to evaluate to assess the P how powerful this missile is and on the
on one hand as Russia shows how powerful is in in their economy in their military
and how capable it is to deal with the conflict in Ukraine on the other hand
you see the West is getting more delusional more delusional and it's
getting deeper in those kind of the propaganda they that they have preaching
for such a long time that Russia is nothing is gas station is you don't
see any sort of reaction a logic reaction from the West because when your
enemy is powerful at least you have to accept that it's powerful because if you're not accepting that you they can
Crush you they can hurt you the way that you haven't expected before but do you
think that what's going on right now with the case of Ukraine and in the United States is there anybody is there
are these people just playing to be stupid or they they know what's going on
and they're planning for something bigger uh no uh Neema what they what
they have to do is they have to um keep up the
pretense that we can defeat Russia because if it becomes obvious that we
cannot then any public support for war
is going to collapse to zero right so they you know in order to
in order to uh engineer consent from the public and you know they their whole
game is to get all of us uh to volunteer as Canon fter to go
and fight Russians for them uh so they have to persuade us that Victory is possible that Russia is weak
that Russia is about to collapse that oh you know they have these weapons but they're experimental they don't have very many of them and they don't work so
well after all and you know they have to dispute this uh in every way that they
can or pretend that it's not happening and keep it out of the you know public
discussions uh but at the same time you know they you know their their logic of
rule is not that that they need to defeat Russia uh in a as a as a power
militarily the way they tried to do through Napoleon's invasion and the way
they tried to do with Hitler's operation Barbarosa you know um it it is enough
for them to regime change Russia so what they are what they will continue to hope
is that somehow they can dest iiz the regime and that they can then
somehow uh put uh another Boris yelen back in into Kremlin you know some some
candidate of their own choosing and that way that they could then uh muzzle up
Russia uh and control it and then all of that military power all of the all of
that technology uh they will co-opt it they will try to use it themselves and the first thing
that they'll try to do is they're going to turn it against China so you know
it's the it's the same Playbook you go in you take control of the banks then you can take control of the media then
you start uh pumping in the cynophobia hysteria into uh into the Russian people
then you orchestrate some false flag attack of the Chinese against U against
the Russian in the East and then you start the next uh war between Russia and
China and you have Russia kill China for you so you know they rather than rather
than uh defeating uh Russia militarily they would prefer to weaken it you know
especially economically and politically in order to maybe destabilize the regime
in order to uh get Vladimir Putin out of power and then install some uh juam guo
or you know somebody like that into the Kremlin that they control and then you
know they get another lease of Life on their on their system of governance
which you know in terms of foreign policy has always been divide and Rule
yeah Alex when in as you mentioned I think the a
very important example for the things that you've said is what's going on in
Ukraine just imagine Ukraine before the conflict started and Russia was willing to negotiate with Ukrainian you don't
need to go there and fight like Iraq and Afghanistan and destroy the country you
can put someone in power in Ukraine that that guy would destroy the country for you and you can capture whatever you
want from that country yes exactly exactly and then even the way uh the
public is inclined doesn't matter much because you know if we look at the way Ukrainian public was inclined towards
Russia it wasn't hostile at all it took a lot for them to you know from 2014
onwards to create uh russophobic hysteria you know they they brought out
these uh uh these neo-nazis uh to control the public sphere uh they uh the
12 days after uh Joe Biden came into power in
Washington uh Vladimir zalinski uh turned off three main opposition
television stations and uh and they started making Russian language illegal and uh they
made the largest opposition party illegal and they started um calling
Russian people very ugly derogatory names in the public in order to de
humanize them in order to create uh conditions for uh for war in the in the
public and uh even even that didn't have to take all
of uh Ukrainian Society but only a segment and uh I listened to your
interviews with Coler jacqu B and uh he shows he says how even just before the
Russian invasions when they asked Ukrainian people in the in the in the
National polls would you be willing to take up arms to defend uh to defend Ukraine by force uh
in case of Russian invasion uh it was what something like 16% of all
ukrainians said yes and uh most of those are are far in the in the in the west of
the of the country so even at that point majority of ukrainians had no anti-russian feelings they had no
inclination to go to war but you know these uh you know this Western social
engineering uh technology that is being applied to a whole society uh it it runs
rough shot over this and it forces people uh into into the trenches to
fight a war even when they don't want to and as we've seen they've done a a
tremendously effective job of that uh in Ukraine and I think that we have to take that into account and make sure that it
doesn't happen to our societies because I think that the next uh Target for nazification militarization is is Europe
itself does Europe feel the threat coming from this type of mindset and do
they really consider it some people do but I I I'm not sure that many people uh
quite understand the extent of this threat you know that they see that um
you know the European politicians are talking about war they see that the you know the the
will for war is being built up that uh capital is uh uh flowing towards
military and defense Industries um that politician are talking about
conscription and so on and so forth but they don't realize that at certain point
this becomes uh coercive this becomes forceful
uh you know you you create these brown shirt movements and we see them
everywhere in Europe now you know we've see them in Finland in in in Germany in France in Croatia in
Hungary um in Sweden uh you know the these are the embryos of Azo battalions
and idar battalions and c14 gang in in Ukraine which you know they
they serve the purpose of radicalizing Ukraine you know in in 2015 um yeah
20 no 2014 maybe 14 yeah uh when they
when the when the ukrainians launched the anti-terror uh
operation uh they found very quickly that uh the regular troops were not very
interested in firing on on their own citizens so what they did is they they seated a small number of these members
of of of private sector of AZ of Battalion into the regular units to make
sure that they don't decline orders when they're when they're told to shoot at people that they shoot at
people and and they even go as far as as far as uh placing them in the in the in
the back of the of the formations to shoot at their own soldiers who don't
want to fight against uh against whoever they're ordered to fight against so you know the
the emergence of these uh of these similar kinds of organizations and units
throughout Europe is uh is much much more dangerous than people realize you know that people now real look at these
Ticky torch parades in Europe these these Nazis with the with the with
placards saying this and that usually it's something patri iotic and you know kind of tolerable and digestible that
even almost makes sense that these are these are these are the people that these are the people
that a few years down the road could be throwing your sons into the Vans and uh
you know shipping them to the to the Eastern Front into the trenches so you
know right now people look at them as some kind of a curiosity that doesn't really matter very much because it's
very marginal and nobody cares uh the brown shirt movement in Germany I think it started in 1930 with 2 Guys nobody
took them seriously but by 1933 when Hitler came to power they were um close to three
million and they had tremendous political influence
um so uh we need to take these people seriously and we need to push back
because they really do have the plans uh to to continue Waging War
against Russia and when they when they finish with the last Ukrainian they're
going to turn to the Poes Romanians bulgarians um Czechs slovaks croats
Spaniards French whoever yeah thank you so much Alex for being
with us today great to join you again thank you thank you take care n bye have
a great time there by bye

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  ·  2 months ago  ·   (edited)

1 votes

  ·  3 months ago  ·  

Delusion, Error, & Illusion

or DEI for short 🤬

  ·  3 months ago  ·  


I pray Putin hits Tel-Aviv


I am praying that there will be declarations of "we are defeated" in all the war zones. If no one is willing to tell their enemies that they have lost, this will go on, until everyone dies.