Heavy fighting on almost the entire front line

in war •  2 months ago 

00:00:00 - 00:55:00
In the YouTube video titled "5.07 Тяжелые бои почти на всей линии фронта. Путин хочет воевать до капитуляции Украины," the speaker discusses the intense fighting along the entire front line between Russian and Ukrainian forces, with over 150 combat engagements reported in the past day. The Russian Federation has been targeting various regions, including Harkov, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson, to disrupt Ukrainian reserves and create panic among civilians. The speaker also mentions that Putin's ultimate goal is to secure "peace" in exchange for territorial gains. The fighting has been particularly intense near the town of Ugledar, where the Russians are attempting to cut off Ukrainian supply lines. The speaker discusses the military losses sustained by both sides and the political implications of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's visit to Russia, where he is purchasing Russian gas despite European opposition. The speaker also shares shocking footage of Russian soldiers executing their wounded comrades and urges viewers to check primary sources for accurate information.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "5.07 Тяжелые бои почти на всей линии фронта. Путин хочет воевать до капитуляции Украины," the speaker begins by reminding viewers that a legal firm, Consultant, is available to provide free initial consultations for military personnel and their families regarding service-related issues. The night of July 5th was restless as Russia continued to attack Ukraine with aircraft, drones, and ballistic missiles, specifically the Iskander complex. The effectiveness of Ukraine's air defense system was 100% as they intercepted and shot down 32 out of 32 missiles, primarily in the Nikolaev, Odesa, Chernihiv, Cherkasy, Dnepropetrovsk, and Zaporizhzhia regions. The Russian Federation targeted these areas to disrupt Ukrainian reserves, both in terms of equipment and personnel, and to create panic among the civilian population. The speaker also mentions that Russian forces believe F-16s may be based in Starokonstantinov, leading to mass missile attacks on this area. The ultimate goal of Putin, according to the speaker, is to secure peace in exchange for territorial gains.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "5.07 Тяжелые бои почти на всей линии фронта. Путин хочет воевать до капитуляции Украины," the speaker discusses the intense fighting along the entire front line, with over 150 combat engagements reported in the past day. The enemy launched one rocket attack and over 110 artillery strikes using rocket launchers, causing significant damage to residential buildings, infrastructure, and other important objects in the Harkov, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson regions. The city of Dnepr declared mourning after six civilians were killed and more were injured in the attacks. The Russian occupation forces have been actively targeting areas along the Harkov front, with 19 combat engagements reported in the past day. The speaker notes that the enemy is no longer sending diversionary groups but instead deploying regular troops, making it more difficult to push them back. The speaker also emphasizes the historical significance of the border between the Soviet Union and Ukraine, which was mostly administrative and had no physical barrier, allowing towns and villages to grow close together. The speaker argues that controlling a town on the border is crucial for securing the border, as the town of Solntsevo, which is located near the border, was the site of a serious battle three weeks ago when Russian forces attempted to establish a foothold there.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "5.07 Тяжелые бои почти на всей линии фронта. путин хочет воевать до капитуляции Украины," the speaker discusses the ongoing battles along the front line between Russian and Ukrainian forces. According to the speaker, Russian forces have been attempting to advance in various locations, including Sotsky Kazachok, Lipцы, and Volchansk. The Ukrainian forces have been successfully defending against these attacks, causing the Russians to retreat to their initial positions. The front line remains unchanged in some areas, such as Pinsk and Liman, while in others, like Kramaторsk, the Russians have intensified their attacks in an attempt to break through Ukrainian defenses and advance along the Seversky Donets Canal. The speaker believes that there will be a significant effort by the Russians to breach the Ukrainian defenses in the area of Kalinovka, where the canal is hidden beneath the ground and provides a relatively flat area for advancement. The focus of Russian attacks is expected to shift to the northern part of the operational front, with limited success on the southern front. The speaker also mentions that direct assaults on the hourly (Chas) position have become difficult, and the Russians are instead relying on artillery and air strikes to continue their advance.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "5.07 Тяжелые бои почти на всей линии фронта. путин хочет воевать до капитуляции Украины," the speaker discusses the intense fighting on the Kramaторsk and Torchok operational directions in eastern Ukraine. The Russian forces have increased their attacks by more than twofold, focusing on three main objectives: Severnaia Toretsk, New York, and Tochka. The Russian army has launched over 30 attacks in the past days, but they have not achieved any significant progress on the front lines. The situation is critical on the Torchok direction, which is located between the important operational directions of Pokrovsk and Kramaatorsk. Despite the heavy attacks, Ukrainian forces have managed to hold their positions and prevent any major losses. The speaker expresses hope that the Ukrainian general staff recognizes the critical situation and takes measures to stabilize the front line. The fighting has been intense on the Kramaatorsk front, with over 38 attacks launched by the Russian forces in the past days. However, none of these attacks have been successful, and Ukrainian forces have managed to hold their positions. The situation remains tense on the Kurasovsk direction, where Ukrainian forces continue to repel Russian attacks in the areas of Georgievka, Krasnovka, Krasnogorovka, Nevelska, and Proskoveevka. The Russian forces have attempted to push through in several areas, but none of their attempts have been successful. Ukrainian forces have been strengthening their defenses and have managed to hold their positions.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "5.07 Тяжелые бои почти на всей линии фронта. путин хочет воевать до капитуляции Украины," the speaker discusses the heavy fighting taking place near the town of Ugledar, where the Russian forces are attempting to cut off the logistical supply lines of the Ukrainian garrison. The Russians have also attempted to storm Ugledar on both the northern and southern fronts but have been unsuccessful. Elsewhere, along the Dnieper River, the Russians are trying to dislodge Ukrainian forces from their positions on the left bank. Two attacks were made in the past few days, but neither were successful. The situation remains stable and under control, with no significant changes reported along the Volynske and Poleske borders with Belarus. The speaker also mentions an unconfirmed report of a drone crossing into Ukrainian territory from Belarusian territory, which may be a provocation or not reflect reality. The situation is generally stable, with both sides engaging in artillery duels and exchanging fire according to military objectives. Ukrainian forces have conducted 13 aerial attacks on enemy positions, destroying two artillery positions, one ammunition depot, and three areas of enemy personnel and military equipment.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "5.07 Тяжелые бои почти на всей линии фронта. путин хочет воевать до капитуляции Украины," the speaker discusses the military losses sustained by the Russian side in various regions from Kharkov to Oleshki. The Russian forces reportedly lost over 10 tanks, 11 armored vehicles, 54 artillery systems, and several drones. The speaker also shares reports of Russian drones attacking military objectives in the Krasnodar and Rostov regions, and mentions that Russian PVO attempted to shoot down these drones, resulting in power outages and fires in the Primerosk-Ahtarsk region. Additionally, the speaker reports that Russian forces launched Shahed-1 drones into Ukrainian territory, causing damage and disrupting power supplies. Despite Russian claims of successfully shooting down these drones, there have been reports of fires and power outages in the affected areas. The speaker notes that no Russian special services have taken responsibility for these attacks and that more information will be shared as it becomes available.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "5.07 Тяжелые бои почти на всей линии фронта. путин хочет воевать до капитуляции Украины," the speaker discusses the military situation in Ukraine and the actions of the Partisan movement. The Partisans have reportedly shot down 18 missiles using ground-based defense systems, and the remnants of these missiles have caused fires due to the hot and dry weather. The Partisans have also reportedly carried out a successful operation on the Trans-Siberian railway, disrupting the delivery of North Korean ammunition. The speaker then discusses the political situation in Russia and other countries, noting that there have been numerous elections this year, including in the United States and Great Britain. In Great Britain, Labour has won a majority in the parliamentary elections, and Boris Johnson is expected to be appointed as prime minister. The speaker praises Johnson for his supportive stance towards Ukraine.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "5.07 Тяжелые бои почти на всей линии фронта. Путин хочет воевать до капитуляции Украины," the speaker discusses the recent resignation of Rishi Sunak as the British prime minister and his replacement by Kier Starmer. Sunak acknowledged his responsibility for the loss and stated that the transfer of power would be peaceful. Orbán, the Hungarian prime minister, visited Putin in Moscow to discuss the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and deliver an ultimatum for Ukraine's surrender. However, Orbán lacked the authority to represent the European Union in the negotiations, causing controversy in the EU. The speaker questions why Orbán traveled to Moscow as the EU council president instead of using his diplomatic powers to convene a summit and lead the negotiations on behalf of the EU. The ongoing controversy may continue as Orbán discusses future cooperation with Russia, with Russia providing energy resources to Hungary through various means. The speaker raises the question of why Russia's gas and oil continue to flow through Ukraine despite the ongoing conflict.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "5.07 Тяжелые бои почти на всей линии фронта. Путин хочет воевать до капитуляции Украины," the speaker discusses the political implications of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's visit to Russia. Orbán is purchasing Russian gas, and Europe has reacted negatively to this. If Orbán is presented as the chair of the European Union during his visit to Moscow, it could have significant political consequences for both Orbán and Hungary. The speaker also mentions the Russian military's actions in Ukraine, which include looting and stealing resources such as machinery, school supplies, and minerals. The Russian Federation is also building transportation infrastructure in occupied territories to facilitate the removal of these resources. The speaker cites British intelligence, which reports that Russia is transporting stolen resources across the Crimean Bridge. The Federation is also mining minerals such as iron, coal, titan, uranium, manganese, zinc, and gold from Ukrainian territory and sending them back to Russia. The Federation needs a robust transportation infrastructure to export these resources.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "5.07 Тяжелые бои почти на всей линии фронта. Путин хочет воевать до капитуляции Украины," the British intelligence is discussed as describing a situation where Russia is engaging in large-scale looting and marauding on occupied territories. Putin attended a summit in Shanghai where he met with the Taliban, declaring them as allies in the fight against terrorism since they control Afghanistan. Russia views the Taliban as partners despite their status as a terrorist organization, as they now control the country. Russia is reportedly the only country in the world where organized crime has its own country, and now, the Taliban joins this list. However, the Taliban have not transformed into peaceful democratic entities and remain terrorists, killers, and criminals. Putin made several declarations at the summit, including Russia's stance on the ongoing military aggression and attempts to annex other countries. Additionally, the United States announced plans to increase its military presence in the Far East, deploying 48 F-35A fighter jets to Japan to replace aging F-15s. The Pentagon stated that the decision was due to new threats from China, North Korea, and Russia. The increased American presence in the region may escalate tensions, particularly with China, as they may struggle to counteract such a formidable aerial force.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "5.07 Тяжелые бои почти на всей линии фронта. Путин хочет воевать до капитуляции Украины," the speaker discusses Putin's demands for the complete capitulation of Ukraine as a condition for a ceasefire. According to the Institute for the Study of War, Putin's position remains unchanged, with the goal of destroying Ukrainian statehood and the Ukrainian people. The speaker also shares an incident of Russian soldiers executing wounded Ukrainian soldiers, which was circulating on YouTube, and how Russian state media is distorting the facts by referring to Ukrainian soldiers as "terrorists" or "militants" instead of soldiers. The speaker advises viewers not to be misled by Russian propaganda and to check primary sources for accurate information.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "5.07 Тяжелые бои почти на всей линии фронта. путин хочет воевать до капитуляции Украины," the speaker discusses shocking footage of Russian soldiers executing their wounded comrades and leaving them behind. The video, which is said to be in the possession of a specific military unit or its number, shows soldiers finishing off a comrade who was injured in battle and then fleeing the scene. The Russian propaganda machine attempted to spin the situation by portraying the victims as Ukrainian soldiers. The speaker invites viewers to subscribe to his channel, like the video, and consult a legal firm for military and financial issues. He expresses gratitude to sponsors and those supporting his channel. The speaker continues to emphasize Ukraine's military strength and the eventual victory.

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