The Russian pilot surrendered his command to the Ukrainian intelligence service. The USA returns missiles to Europe

in war •  2 months ago 

00:00:00 - 00:55:00
The YouTube video discusses the ongoing military situation in Ukraine, highlighting various attacks by the enemy using ballistic missiles, drones, and other tactics. The Ukrainian forces have successfully repelled numerous assaults and maintained stability on the front lines in different operational directions, showcasing resilience and the ability to inflict damage on the enemy. The video also addresses the NATO summit's focus on providing military and technical assistance to Ukraine, with President Biden expressing a commitment to Ukraine's defense. Additionally, other countries like the Netherlands, Poland, and Denmark are mentioned for their efforts to support Ukraine through military aid and training programs. The video emphasizes the urgency of preparing for potential counteroffensives and defensive actions against Russian aggression, urging viewers to stay informed and vigilant.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "11.07 Russian Pilot Surrendered Command of 22 TBAD GUR MO Ukraine. USA Returns Rockets to Europe," the speaker begins by reminding viewers that a legal firm, Consultant, is available to provide legal assistance to military personnel and their families regarding service-related issues and financial payments. The speaker then moves on to discuss the operational situation in Ukraine, reporting that the enemy continued attacks using ballistic missiles and drones. In the past night, the enemy launched two ballistic missiles from the Kursk region of Russia and six drones from the Primorsko-Ahtarsk region. Five of the drones were destroyed by Ukrainian forces, but unfortunately, one reached its target. The speaker also mentions that Ukraine is expecting the delivery of five missile defense systems to strengthen its anti-missile defenses in various regions. The video then reports that there were 146 military engagements over the past day, with the trend of approximately equal numbers of engagements continuing. The intensity of the fighting remains high on the Russian side, with particular activity reported near Harkov. The enemy attempted nine assaults on Ukrainian positions, primarily in the Volchansk and Deepok regions, and heavily used aviation from the Belgorod region and the Noguentik checkpoint area. None of the assaults were successful for the enemy, and the speaker notes that Ukraine is currently forcing the enemy to withdraw units and formations from different areas.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "11.07 Российский летчик здал командование 22 ТБАД ГУР МО Украины. США возвращают ракеты в Европу," the speaker discusses the military situation in the Hарьков and Kupiansk directions in Ukraine. The Russian forces have established a relatively good position in Hарьkov, but the enemy is actively trying to break through their defense, particularly in the areas of Peschanoye, Sенковka, and Bерестово. The Ukrainian forces have managed to repel these attacks and keep the front line intact. However, the situation is more complex in the Kupiansk direction due to the enemy's continuous pressure on their forces. The Ukrainian military is unable to maneuver their troops and reserves to strengthen one area while weakening another. As a result, they are forced to defend the entire line and repel enemy attacks. The situation on the Limansky direction is more stable, as the Ukrainian forces have been holding the line for a long time, and they have a better understanding of the terrain. Despite the enemy's 14 attacks on this front, none of them have been successful, and the Ukrainian forces have inflicted significant damage on the enemy. The situation on the Syversky direction has intensified, with a nearly twofold increase in enemy activity. Fresh forces have arrived from the second echelon, and the enemy is conducting constant reorganization of their troops. The Russian forces are conducting more brutal attacks as their deficit of armored vehicles and personnel grows.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "11.07 Российский летчик здал командование 22 ТБАД ГУР МО Украины. США возвращают ракеты в Европу," the speaker discusses the intensity of the fighting on the front lines between Russia and Ukraine. The Russian forces have increased their personnel and focused their efforts on various fronts, including the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. The Ukrainian defense remains strong, with only six successful attacks on the Kramaatorsk front in the past few days. The Russian forces have also attempted to advance in the direction of New York, but have only made partial progress and are now engaged in street battles. The speaker explains that the Russian forces are drawing troops from other areas to strengthen their positions in the Donetsk region, which has the largest concentration of enemy forces. The Ukrainian forces have managed to keep the front lines stable by drawing in reserves, leaving the enemy with few reinforcements and limited resources. The quality of the Russian infantry is declining due to high casualties and the lack of proper training, which is contributing to their losses.


In this section, the speaker describes a situation where enemy forces are attempting to widen a wedge in their defense by trying to expand their flanks. Despite some partial success in advancing a few hundred meters into their defense, the enemy is facing setbacks and struggling to make significant progress along the frontline. The speaker notes that except for minor successes in a specific area, the enemy is encountering difficulties in the majority of the operational directions, with the frontline gradually slowing down. While losses are being incurred, efforts are being made to stabilize the defense and engage the enemy in exhausting defensive battles, with the overall frontline remaining mostly unchanged.


In this section, the speaker reports on various military operations with minimal changes in the frontlines. There were enemy attacks in several directions, including active attacks near Nevelskoye and Krasnogorovka, but Russian forces successfully repelled all 12 enemy attacks, causing them to retreat with losses. The frontline remained stable on multiple operational fronts, with the enemy failing to make significant advancements. Despite ongoing positional battles and skirmishes, the intensity of fighting was lower compared to other regions. Additionally, attempts by the enemy to dislodge Russian forces from areas like Krynki were unsuccessful, showing continued resilience and the ability to inflict significant damage on the enemy.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "11.07 Российский летчик передал командование 22 ТБАД ГУР МО Украины. США возвращают ракеты в Европу," the speaker discusses the military tensions between Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine. Belarusian President Lukashenko is attempting to deter both NATO and Russia by making threats of nuclear weapons and showcasing military demonstrations. Russia, under Putin, is also maintaining a defensive stance, fearing being ousted from power. The situation in the border regions of Sumy and Chernihiv in Ukraine remains tense due to ongoing artillery fire from Russian territory, causing significant damage to infrastructure and civilian populations. Ukrainian special forces have reportedly inflicted losses on the enemy in terms of technology and weapons, including the destruction of 30 tanks, 43 armored vehicles, 56 artillery systems, 12 PVO systems, and 461 vehicles over the last two weeks. The special forces have also destroyed 35 fortifications and 11 ammunition and fuel storage facilities, resulting in the deaths of 485 enemy personnel.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "11.07 Российский летчик zdal komandovanie 22 TBAD GUR MO Ukraine. Sovyetskie vozvraschayut rakety v Evropu" (Russian pilot handed command of 22 TBAD GUR MO Ukraine. The Soviets are returning rockets to Europe), the speaker discusses the military situation along the front line from Harkov to Oleskiy and in various operational directions in their country. The night was restless, with drones flying in three regions, including Bryansk, Tambov, Tuльsk, and Moscow. Five drones were reportedly shot down by PVO in these regions, but the details are still unclear. Military activity was intense, resulting in air alerts and residents seeking shelter. The number of forces mobilized for this attack is unknown. The main event at the NATO summit, which was ongoing, was the agreement on a long-term program to provide military and technical assistance to Ukraine in the amount of at least $40 billion per year. Additionally, a coordination center for transferring technology and weapons to Ukrainian defense forces was established. President Biden, in his opening remarks, acknowledged that Ukraine should not only defend but win in this war, marking a shift in tone. However, there was a lack of concrete details regarding the timeline for Ukraine's entry into NATO or specific dates for implementation. The summit concluded without clear commitments on these issues. President Klaus Iohannis of Romania delivered a speech criticizing the insufficient aid provided to Ukraine and calling for more support from Western countries if they truly want Ukraine to win the war. The speaker notes that only about half of the promised aid had been delivered, with the United States being the primary supplier. The implication is that the United States may have been the focus of these criticisms.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "11.07 Russian Pilot Yielded Command to 22 TBAD GUR MO Ukraine. USA Returns Rockets to Europe," the speaker discusses the ongoing tensions between Ukraine, Russia, and NATO, with a focus on Hungarian politician Viktor Orbán's role in diplomatic efforts. The speaker expresses belief in the words of the Romanian President, who claimed that there have been secret requests made that are not yet known to the public. The NATO summit is called upon to address China's support for Russian military efforts in Ukraine, and Orbán is criticized for advocating for China as a key sponsor of Russian military actions. The tragic loss of lives in a medical center in Ukraine, where a rocket hit, is also mentioned, with the speaker expressing concern over the lack of media coverage and the potential for further conflict. The summit is intended to discuss peace and friendship with Russia, but there are concerns that Russia may continue to attempt to seize Ukrainian territory despite signed documents and ceasefires. The speaker urges preparation for defense and potential counteroffensives rather than capitulation to Russian demands.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "11.07 Российский летчик здал командование 22 ТБАД ГУР МО Украины. США возвращают ракеты в Европу," the speaker discusses military aid from the Netherlands to Ukraine, specifically for F-16 aircraft. The Netherlands have allocated an additional €300 million for ammunition for these planes, bringing the total to nearly €500 million. The speaker also mentions that Poland and the Netherlands have agreed to help Ukraine form a volunteer corps of refugees from Ukraine, with Poland providing training and equipment. The corps will reportedly be fully equipped and may receive weapons from partner countries. The speaker also mentions the interruption of electricity transit through the Baltic countries to the Kaliningrad region of Russia, which may require Russia to find alternative methods for supplying the region.
00:45:00 In this section, it is discussed that Russia will cut off electric transit to Kaliningrad by February 2025, which is transitioning its energy system to the European grid. Hungarian leader Orban is trying to meet with Trump for potential negotiations regarding Putin's capitulation. Meanwhile, Canada announces a $500 million military assistance package for Ukraine, and Denmark initiates a program to directly invest in Ukraine's defense industry, purchasing artillery systems to support Ukraine's armed forces while avoiding corruption issues. This Danish-Ukrainian agreement sets a precedent for other countries collaborating in defense industries with Ukraine, aiming to enhance Ukraine's military capabilities and reduce corruption risks in the aid process.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "11.07 Российский летчик передал командование 22 ТБАД ГУР МО Украины. США возвращают ракеты в Европу," a Russian pilot expressed his desire to help Ukraine's defense and military-industrial complex earn money by developing their production and capabilities. The United States has made the decision to deploy long-range Tomahawk missiles, zenit missiles, and newly developed hypersonic weapons in Germany starting from 2026. These weapons have a significant longer range than current European ground systems. The United States is testing this hypersonic weapon, unlike Russia, which has had some success in maintaining hypersonic speeds throughout the flight. The range of American cruise missiles, such as the Tomahawk, is approximately 2,500 km, which theoretically allows them to reach Moscow from German territory. In response to the deployment of American long-range missiles in Germany, Russia will likely counter with the deployment of ballistic missile complexes, such as Topol, Yars, or others, as they have no other options for deterring the West from such powerful weapons. A Russian military officer expressed shock over the attack on a children's hospital in Ukraine and questioned why they were being forced to bomb civilian infrastructure in Ukraine. He decided to provide documents related to his military unit's activities and private photos of the commanding staff of the 22nd Heavy Bomber Aviation Division to the Ukrainian side. The photo provided, which is obtained from our intelligence sources, has all the individuals in the photo labeled, and with the help of facial recognition software and artificial intelligence, these individuals can easily be identified and held accountable for their war crimes.


In this section, the speaker highlights the potential consequences of conducting a strike on a civilian target, labeling it as a war crime with no statute of limitations. They mention that even on their deathbed, those responsible for such actions could be brought to justice. The speaker also emphasizes that all covert operations will eventually become public knowledge, revealing details like the aircraft number involved in launching specific missiles. Additionally, they invite viewers to subscribe to their channel and mention a legal firm ready to assist service members and their families with legal matters related to their service or financial concerns, emphasizing a free initial consultation. The section concludes with expressions of gratitude to sponsors and a call to continue defending Ukraine.

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