Withdrawal of the Ukrainian Armed Forces from Vuhledar: Reasons and Consequences

in war •  21 days ago 

00:00:00 - 01:00:00
In the YouTube video titled "2.10 Отход ВСУ из Угледара причины и последствия. Будет ли "Большая война" на Ближнем Востоке," the speaker discusses the recent military actions between Ukrainian and Russian forces, the impact of Ukrainian drones leaving Ukrainian airspace, and the ongoing conflict between Israel and Iran. The speaker highlights the ongoing need for donations for drones and ammunition for Ukrainian forces, as supplies are in high demand. The video reports on the use of a drone purchased by Ukrainians living in the UK to destroy an enemy radio-electronic warfare and reconnaissance complex. The speaker also discusses the operational situation, reporting that the enemy launched 32 Shahet 136 drones during the night of October 2nd, causing damage and disruptions in the Odesa and Sumy regions. The speaker then shifts the focus to the conflict between Israel and Iran, discussing recent tensions and military actions, including Iran's missile attack on Israeli territory and the potential for a retaliatory strike. The speaker warns that any response from Iran should be met with a serious and targeted counterattack to deter further aggression. The video also touches on the geopolitical situation, with the United States initiating consultations at the United Nations Security Council regarding the situation in the Middle East.

00:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "2.10 Отход ВСУ из Угледара причины и последствия. Будет ли "Большая война" на Ближнем Востоке," the speaker begins by reminding viewers that a legal firm is available to provide military personnel and their families with legal assistance regarding service issues and financial payments. He also mentions an ongoing marathon to raise funds for new drones for a volunteer foundation, which has received videos of drone strikes on enemy targets. The speaker highlights a specific instance where a drone purchased by Ukrainians living in the UK was used to destroy an enemy radio-electronic warfare and reconnaissance complex. He emphasizes the ongoing need for donations for drones and ammunition, as supplies are in high demand. The video then transitions to discussing the operational situation, reporting that the enemy launched 32 Shahet 136 drones during the night of October 2nd.

00:05:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "2.10 Отход ВСУ из Угледара причины и последствия. Будет ли "Большая война" на Ближнем Воesteке," the speaker discusses the impact of Ukrainian drones leaving Ukrainian airspace and returning to Russian airspace. The drones, which were primarily based in the Kursk, Rashi Skoy, and Federations areas, were relatively few in number and caused alarm in the Kyiv Oblast region as they entered and exited Ukrainian airspace. As a result, Ukrainian forces were forced to deploy anti-aircraft and electronic warfare units to counter the drones. Eleven drones were shot down in Kirovograd, Odesa, and Sumy regions. Four enemy drones also entered Ukrainian airspace and likely returned to Russia without payloads, used as a means to overload the Ukrainian anti-aircraft defense system. These drones could also carry reconnaissance equipment for photographing and videotaping targets in the areas they flew over. Four drones returned to Russian airspace, but their locations were not definitively known, and search parties were sent to find them. The Odesa and Sumy regions were the most affected areas, with attacks on port and border infrastructure causing damage and disruptions. The speaker then discusses ongoing efforts to restore services and stabilize the situation. The military situation is described as volatile, with commanders struggling to maintain a consistent level of combat activity due to a lack of personnel and resources. There is also a possibility of increased combat activity due to the withdrawal of Ukrainian forces from Ugledar and the concentration of enemy forces in the area.

00:10:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "2.10 Отход ВСУ из Угледара причины и последствия. Будет ли "Большая война" на Ближнем Востоке," the speaker discusses the recent military actions between Ukrainian and Russian forces, specifically focusing on the area around the city of Volchansk. Over the past few days, there have been 155 military engagements along the front line, with the Russian side launching two rocket attacks and 68 aerial strikes on Ukrainian positions and populated areas. Additionally, there have been over 3,800 artillery attacks on Ukrainian forces and civilians. Despite these losses, Ukrainian forces have been able to push back against Russian advances and clear out occupied areas. However, Russian state media is reporting that a large, non-nuclear bomb, known as the "Father of All Bombs," was used in Volchansk. While the veracity of this claim is uncertain, if true, it would mark the first time this weapon has been used in the conflict. The speaker notes that only strategic bombers, such as the Tu-22M3 and Tu-95, are capable of carrying and dropping this massive bomb.

00:15:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "2.10 Отход ВСУ из Угледара причины и последствия. Будет ли "Большая война" на Ближнем Воeste," the speaker discusses the implications of Ukraine's withdrawal from the town of Ugledar and the potential use of large bombs by Russia. According to the speaker, the Russian bomb in question, the DB-9000, requires a specific module for guidance and correction, which is not currently available in the Russian Federation. Without this module, the bomb can only be used for a direct drop, making it necessary for a Russian Tu-22M3 bomber to fly close to the target city and risk being shot down. The Su-34, which can drop bombs from a kilometer away, is a more viable option, but the use of large bombs by Russia would create new challenges for Ukraine in organizing defense and military operations. The speaker also mentions that Russia may not have the long-range PVO (air defense) systems necessary to prevent enemy aircraft from approaching the bomb drop zone. The Su-34, with its limited maneuverability due to the weight of the bombs, is also a vulnerable target. The speaker notes that there have been over 200 instances of Ukrainian pilots losing bombs in flight, sometimes due to pilot error or fear.

00:20:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "2.10 Отход ВСУ из Угледара причины и последствия. Будет ли "Большая война" на Ближнем Воesteке," the speaker discusses the operational directions of the ongoing conflict between Russian and Ukrainian forces, specifically focusing on the Cupian and Liman directions. The enemy is actively attacking Ukrainian positions along the Cupian front, employing both armored vehicles and infantry assaults. The First Guards Tank Army of the Russian Federation is the main force on this front, making it the most densely populated with armor compared to other areas of the front. Despite the intense enemy pressure, Ukrainian forces have managed to hold their positions and repel the attacks, causing the enemy to retreat to their original positions. The Liman direction, which includes the key urban areas of Slaviansk and Kramatorsk, has seen less enemy activity but still experienced 17 attacks. The situation remains under Ukrainian control, and no significant changes have occurred along this front. The Syverian and Kramaorian directions have seen a decrease in enemy activity, with most engagements consisting of positional battles and artillery exchanges. The Torczko direction, however, has seen heavy aerial bombardment due to the dense urban population and infrastructure in the area. Despite the lower level of ground combat activity, the aerial attacks have caused significant damage to the urban landscape, making it difficult for Ukrainian forces to hold their positions.

00:25:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "2.10 Отход ВСУ из Угледара причины и последствия. Будет ли "Большая война" на Ближнем Востоке," the speaker discusses the recent military actions on the Pokrovsk operational direction in Ukraine. The Ukrainian forces have been holding their ground against relentless attacks from the Russian side, with the most intense fighting occurring near the settlements of Mirлюбовка, Elizavetovka, and Lisovka. The Russian forces have employed heavy artillery and aviation support in their offensive, making it challenging for the Ukrainian troops to maintain their defensive positions. However, despite the intense fighting and numerous attacks, the Ukrainian forces have managed to keep the front line stable. Unfortunately, the Russian forces have committed a war crime by executing a group of Ukrainian soldiers, which has sparked international condemnation. The Ukrainian prosecutor's office has opened a criminal case against the Russian military for this atrocity. The video was published two days ago, and the Russian propagandists have used it to intimidate Ukrainian forces and civilians, but the Ukrainian commanders are responsible for the lives and health of their soldiers according to the Ukrainian Armed Forces' statute. The speaker then raises questions about why the soldiers were left in the encirclement and why they did not have sufficient ammunition to defend themselves. The person in charge of the military operations and those responsible for the soldiers' safety are yet to be identified.
00:30:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "2.10 Отход ВСУ из Угледара причины и последствия. Будет ли "Большая война" на Ближнем Востоке," the speaker discusses the mass shootings of civilians and soldiers in Ugledar, Ukraine, and the need for investigations on both sides regarding war crimes committed during the conflict. The speaker also mentions the ongoing violence and high military activity, with both sides engaging in active combat. Despite efforts to stabilize the situation, the speaker notes that the enemy is still advancing and may transfer forces from other areas to gain a strategic advantage. The Ukrainian forces currently lack a significant reserve to counter this potential move, making the situation critical for both sides.

00:35:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "2.10 Отход ВСУ из Угледара причины и последствия. Будет ли "Большая война" на Ближнем Востоке," the speaker discusses the withdrawal of Ukrainian forces from Ugledar and the implications of this event. The Ukrainian army had to withdraw due to the lack of reserves, as their constant first echelon was being depleted and they could not afford to reduce their activity on other fronts. The speaker notes that despite the Ukrainian forces' success in repelling 25 attacks and maintaining the line of contact, the situation remains unstable as the Russians continue to attack in the direction of Bogdanovka and may attempt to advance towards Kurakhov or Pokrovsk. The speaker also mentions that the Ukrainian forces left Ugledar in a disorganized manner, with some soldiers left behind and unable to be evacuated due to the intense enemy fire and drone attacks. The Russians have since taken control of Ugledar, and the Ukrainian forces are now defending new positions while the enemy undergoes a period of regrouping and may be redeployed to other operational directions. The speaker acknowledges that both sides suffered significant losses and that it will take some time before either side can make significant advances.

00:40:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "2.10 Отход ВСУ из Угледара причины и последствия. Будет ли "Большая война" на Ближнем Воesteke," the speaker discusses the reasons for the Ukrainian forces' withdrawal from Ugledar and the current situation on various fronts. The Ukrainian forces faced intense fire from Russian forces in Ugledar, using all types of weapons available to them, making it impossible to hold the defense. The Russian forces attempted to push through in three populated areas, but all attacks were unsuccessful. The situation remains unchanged on the Orekhovsk and Dnepr fronts, with no significant attacks reported. The Russians are conducting military exercises in Belarus and calling up reservists for non-offensive purposes, while Ukraine closely monitors the situation. The Russians continue to shell Ukrainian territory with artillery and aviation, but Ukraine is conducting counter-battery fire and defending against enemy advances in the Chernihiv and Sumy regions. Over the past few days, the Russians have attacked Ukrainian territory with their aviation 15 times, and there have been reports of rapid changes in the situation on the ground. Ukrainian forces have withdrawn from a settlement in the Kurske region, which is now under Russian control, but the situation remains fluid, with Ukrainian forces maintaining the initiative in the area.

00:45:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "2.10 Отход ВСУ из Угледара причины и последствия. Будет ли "Большая война" на Ближнем Воeste," the speaker discusses the active military actions of Ukrainian forces in the regions of Kursk, Korenovo, and Rylsk. Over the past few days, Ukrainian forces have inflicted significant losses on the enemy, with approximately 11,330 occupants killed or injured, and over 100 military vehicles and artillery systems destroyed. The Russian forces have also suffered losses in special technology and automobile tech. The speaker laments the lack of attention to the situation in Crimea, where Ukrainian forces have been engaging in active combat and launching missile and drone attacks. The focus then shifts to the geopolitical situation around the world, specifically the ongoing conflict between Israel and Iran. Iran has launched a second major missile attack on Israeli territory this year, resulting in minimal damage and casualties, with one Palestinian civilian reportedly killed by falling debris from an Iranian rocket. The speaker explains that the rocket's body and tail separate during flight to reduce its radar signature and make it harder to intercept, resulting in the seemingly undamaged debris that falls to the ground.

00:50:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "2.10 Отход ВСУ из Угледара причины и последствия. Будет ли "Большая война" на Ближнем Воeste," the speaker discusses the aftermath of Iran's missile attack on Israel and the potential for a retaliatory strike. The speaker notes that an Iranian rocket was fired and killed a Palestinian man, but the main result was a small-scale Israeli response. The speaker explains that Iran was in a dilemma, as not attacking would harm its prestige but attacking could lead to a devastating response. Russia reportedly pressured Iran to launch the attack, and in return, promised support. Israeli forces discovered Russian-made weapons in the hands of Hezbollah fighters, and the origin of these weapons is being investigated. Despite the damage caused, the speaker notes that the result was relatively positive in terms of inflicting harm on Israel. However, Iran is now fearful of a retaliatory strike, which could potentially destroy the country's economy and lead to its demise. Iran has already begun asking the United States to intervene and prevent further Israeli action.

00:55:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "2.10 Отход ВСУ из Угледара причины и последствия. Будет ли "Большая война" на Ближнем Воeste," the speaker discusses the ongoing conflict between Israel and Iran, with recent tensions leading to military actions. The Iranian leadership issued an ultimatum following Israel's retaliation for attacks on its assets and leaders, threatening a severe response. Iran fears Israeli attacks on its oil refineries and nuclear facilities, as these are significant sources of income. The speaker praises Israel's military capabilities and warns that any response from Iran should be met with a serious and targeted counterattack to deter further aggression. The Israeli military is currently conducting a ground operation in Lebanon, targeting Hezbollah, while the United States has initiated consultations at the United Nations Security Council regarding the situation in the Middle East. The General Secretary of the United Nations has been declared persona non grata in Israel due to his perceived inability to assess the situation objectively.

01:00:00 - 01:10:00
In the YouTube video titled "2.10 Отход ВСУ из Угледара причины и последствия. Будет ли "Большая война" на Ближнем Востоке," the speaker discusses the potential involvement of the United States in the Israel-Iran conflict and the capabilities of the US to support both parties. The speaker also mentions the upcoming Ramstein meeting and the growth of the military-industrial complex in their country. Furthermore, the video covers the production and servicing of Switch Blade 600 drones in Ukraine, as well as the agreement between the Ukrainian defense industry and the Czech company CSG Group for the production of 155mm artillery shells. The speaker highlights Europe's increasing dependence on Russian resources for energy, despite sanctions, and the ongoing standoff between Russia and the owners of French aircraft. The video also touches upon Russia's involvement in the European energy market and its economic significance. Russia is conducting air raid siren drills, and the speaker encourages viewers to stay informed and donate to a volunteer fund for military personnel and their families. The video concludes with a call to support Ukraine.

01:00:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "2.10 Отход ВСУ из Угледара причины и последствия. Будет ли "Большая война" на Ближнем Востоке," the speaker discusses the potential involvement of the United States in the conflict between Israel and Iran. The speaker notes that the US has military bases and troops in the region, and they have provided Israel with significant military aid. The speaker also mentions that even if a larger war were to break out, the US has the capability to support both Israel and their own interests. The speaker also mentions the upcoming Ramstein meeting between the US, UK, France, and Germany, where a plan for victory may be determined and roles and responsibilities assigned. The speaker also notes the growth of the military-industrial complex in their country and the arrival of weapons producers in their territory. The speaker mentions that System plans to repair and localize production of the 777 artillery system, known as the "three threes," in Ukraine. The speaker does not provide specific details about the location or timing of the production.

01:05:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "2.10 Отход ВСУ из Угледара причины и последствия. Будет ли "Большая война" на Ближнем Воeste," the general director of a company discusses the production and servicing of Switch Blade 600 drones in Ukraine, with plans to produce several thousand units annually. Ukrainian defense industry also entered into an agreement with the Czech company CSG Group for the production of 155mm artillery shells in Ukraine. The VPK (Ukrainian military-industrial complex) is ramping up production, with Leopard tanks and HZH 2000 howitzers already undergoing repair and maintenance in Ukraine. However, Europe is facing challenges as it imports 30% more Russian gas than the previous year, making it increasingly dependent on Russian resources despite sanctions. Germany and France are significant importers of Russian resources, with Germany purchasing nickel and titan, and Airbus being a major consumer of Russian aircraft. The owner of these aircraft has demanded their return, but Russia has refused, leading to a standoff. Additionally, French atomic energy relies on Russian uranium, and Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic purchase Russian oil, which will now be transported through the Druzhba pipeline under the guise of it being Hungarian.

01:10:00 In this section of the YouTube video titled "2.10 Отход ВСУ из Угледара причины и последствия. Будет ли "Большая война" на Ближнем Востоке," the speaker discusses Russia's involvement in the European energy market and how it contributes to the country's economy. He mentions that Hungarian oil enters Russia's pipeline, allowing Russia to earn dollars and gas dollars. The speaker then reveals that Russia is conducting air raid siren drills across its territory, warning its citizens of potential air or missile threats. He emphasizes the importance of these drills and encourages viewers to stay informed and subscribe to his channel. Additionally, he mentions a legal consultation company and a volunteer fund for military personnel and their families, and invites viewers to donate to help produce drones for use against enemy forces. The video ends with a call to support Ukraine.

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