The front is stable throughout. New sanctions from the EU and Japan against the Russian Federation

in war •  13 days ago 

00:00:00 - 00:55:00
In the YouTube video titled "21.06 Фронт стабилен на всем проtractej длине. Новые санкции от ЕС и Японии в отношении рф" (Front stable throughout. New sanctions from the EU and Japan against RF), the speaker discusses the current military situation in Ukraine and the impact of new sanctions against Russia. The front line remains stable, but there have been intense battles, particularly in the Donetsk region, where the Russian forces are attempting to advance. The use of guided bombs, such as the Fab-3000, has been noted, and the Ukrainian forces have repelled several attacks, inflicting significant losses on the enemy. The video also touches upon the geopolitical implications of Russia's visit to North Korea and the potential for military aid to Ukraine from South Korea, which could result in international sanctions. Additionally, the video discusses the prioritization of Ukraine in weapons supply, the ongoing arms race, and the production of new weapons systems. The fourteenth package of sanctions against Russia is also addressed, focusing on restricting the trade of Russian liquefied natural gas and targeting the shadow fleet and banking network abroad. The video concludes with a reminder to subscribe and consult a legal firm for military personnel and their families.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "21.06 Фронт стабилен на всем протяжении. Новые санкции от ЕС и Японии в отношении рф," the speaker begins by reminding viewers that their legal firm, Consultant, is available to assist military personnel and their families with legal issues and financial payments. The night of June 21 was turbulent, with Russia launching four missiles towards Ukraine, all of which were intercepted. On the ground, there were 149 military engagements, with the enemy increasing their activity to extract maximum damage. One civilian area was hit with a rocket attack, resulting in casualties and damage to buildings and infrastructure. The Sumy region was particularly active, with Russian diversionary groups attempting to infiltrate Ukrainian territory for sabotage. The US has lifted restrictions on using American weapons against Russian forces in the affected regions, allowing for strikes up to 75 km along the border. Despite attempts to attack Ukrainian positions in the Harhkov region, all were unsuccessful, and the enemy retreated.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "21.06. Front stable throughout. New sanctions from the EU and Japan regarding RF," the speakers discuss the use of a Russian bomb, specifically a Fab-3000, during the conflict in Ukraine. The Fab-3000 is a three-ton bomb with a stabilizer and a universal launching system, making it a guided aviation bomb instead of the intended straight-falling bomb. The bomb was used in Mariupol and was primarily carried by Tu-22M3 strategic bombers. The speakers note that the Tu-22M3 can carry two of these bombs on its underwing pylons. The bomb, which is primarily used for destruction, has an oskolochno-fugasnaya (fragmentation-explosive) effect but its main destructive force comes from the shockwave generated by the large amount of explosives. The speakers estimate that the radius of total destruction for this bomb is approximately 500 meters. Despite the enemy's attempts to use various bombs against Ukrainian defenders, the front line on the Harkovsk direction remained stable. Elsewhere, the enemy attacked Ukrainian positions 16 times, mainly targeting populated areas on the Stepanov direction.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "21.06. Front stable throughout. New sanctions from the EU and Japan against RF," the speaker discusses the ongoing military conflict in the areas of Stelmahovka, Nevsky, and Serebryansky Les, among others. The enemy attempted to penetrate the Ukrainian defense lines but was repelled, with particular success on the Kupynsk direction. The enemy's offensive in the Liman direction, which is known for its intense and frequent attacks, has decreased significantly. The speaker mentions that the Russian forces are experiencing personnel issues, as new Defense Minister Shoigu has announced the need to rotate troops. The situation on the Pokrovsk direction remains complex, but Ukrainian forces have held their ground and forced the enemy to retreat with losses. The front line on Pokrovsk has not changed, and the enemy's intensity of attacks has remained high. The speaker expresses hope that this period of relative stability may mark a new stage in the defense of Ukrainian forces on the Pokrovsk front.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "21.06. Фронт стабилен на всем протяжении. Новые санкции от ЕС и Японии в отношении рф," the speaker discusses the current situation on the front lines in the Donetsk region of Ukraine. The line of contact remains stable, with the Russian forces attempting to advance in the areas of Krasnogorovka, Georgievka, Pobeida, Proskoveevka, and Konstantinovka. Despite fewer attacks compared to other areas, the fighting is intense and high. The Russian forces are trying to encircle the city of Pokrovsk and cut off the logistical supply route on Konstantinovka. The American Institute for the Study of War has taken notice of the situation on the Vremont line, where Russian forces have been making ground, but have not been able to take control of any populated areas, including Workyne. The institute notes that despite claims of Russian advances, the fighting continues in the areas of Workyne, Verbovoe, Tokmachka, and Novodanilovka. The line of contact or situation remains unchanged.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "21.06 Front stable along the entire length. New sanctions from the EU and Japan against RF," the speaker discusses the ongoing military situation at the front lines in Ukraine. The Russian forces continue to attempt to dislodge Ukrainian troops from their positions on the left bank of the Dnieper River, with six attacks having been made in the past day. However, all six attempts were unsuccessful, with Ukrainian forces repelling the enemy and suffering losses. The placard remains in control and is trying to build up its combat potential. There have been reports from Ukrainian Marines that three enemy boats were sunk on the Dnieper using FPV drones. The speaker also mentions that Ukrainian forces have inflicted damage on the enemy in 12 areas of concentration of personnel and military equipment, as well as three areas of artillery positions and four anti-aircraft systems. The total losses for the Russian forces over the past day were 1,060 soldiers killed and wounded, 14 tanks, 35 armored vehicles, 54 artillery systems, 1 reactive system, 2 vehicles, 47 vehicles, and 10 special vehicles. The Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) conducted successful special operations in both Crimea and Russian-occupied territories, damaging a training center in the town of Feodosia, where the Russians train drone operators and house Iranian instructors. The SBU, in collaboration with the Ukrainian Armed Forces, also destroyed a drone base and a drone storage facility.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "21.06 Front Stable Throughout. New Sanctions from the EU and Japan towards RF," the speaker discusses the ongoing impact of sanctions on Russian oil refineries, specifically the Afipsky, Illyich, and Krasnodar refineries in the Southern region of Russia, which produce mazut for the Chernoморsky Flot. The loss of these refineries would complicate and increase the cost and length of mazut deliveries. The speaker also mentions an incident of "friendly fire" in Anapa, where Russian drones were mistakenly targeted by Ukrainian drones, resulting in the destruction of a Russian helicopter. The speaker notes that the Ukrainian military was using the Pan S1 anti-aircraft system, which mistakenly identified the Russian helicopter as a drone. The speaker also mentions the ongoing "harvest season" of the Russian Security Service (FSB), which is planting "bavonni" (bombs) on military and industrial targets as part of Russia's war against Ukraine. The speaker anticipates that this season will be "very hot" and expects further attacks and provocations, including the possibility of friendly fire incidents. The speaker also touches on the geopolitical situation, specifically the reaction to Russian President Putin's visit to North Korea and the signing of a strategic partnership agreement, which could result in military aid to North Korea in the event of aggression against one of the involved countries. South and North Korea have responded with protests and demands for explanations, and South Korea has reconsidered its stance on weapons supplies to Ukraine.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "21.06 Фронт стабилен на всем протяжении. Новые санкции от ЕС и Японии в отношении рф," the speaker discusses South Korea's potential direct military aid to Ukraine and the implications of such actions. South Korea, known for its powerful military-industrial complex, is considering supplying Ukraine with military technology and weapons, including tanks and artillery. This move could be a violation of UN Security Council resolutions and could result in international sanctions against both parties involved. Russia, a close ally of South Korea, has threatened retaliation if South Korea proceeds with military aid to Ukraine. Russia's President Putin has also warned of nuclear retaliation if conventional weapons are used against the Russian-backed Donetsk People's Republic. The US and China are currently holding diplomatic consultations regarding the potential use of nuclear weapons in the ongoing conflict.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "21.06 Front stable throughout. New sanctions from the EU and Japan against RF," the speaker discusses Russia's potential actions in response to international sanctions and tensions. The speaker mentions that Russia can continue to export weapons and nuclear technology to certain countries in exchange for food and other resources. However, other countries are not allowed to engage in such activities with Russia. The speaker also touches upon Putin's visit to Vietnam, where they announced plans for further cooperation, but no concrete details were provided. The NATO Alliance is preparing to elect a new secretary-general, with the Dutch prime minister, Mark Rutte, being the favored candidate. Hungary, led by Viktor Orbán, has expressed opposition to the potential deployment of NATO troops in Ukraine and has threatened to withdraw from the alliance if such a deployment occurs. The discussion on this matter is ongoing.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "21.06 Фронт стабилен на всем протяжении. Новые санкции от ЕС и Японии в отношении рф," the speaker discusses the prioritization of Ukraine in weapons supply, specifically the Patriot missile system. The White House has confirmed that all new Patriot missiles will be delivered to Ukraine, causing delays in deliveries to other countries such as Switzerland. The speaker also mentions the global arms race and the need for increased stockpiles of ammunition and weapons. Germany, along with the Netherlands, Estonia, and Denmark, have collectively placed an 8.5 billion euro order for ammunition from the German company R Metal. Germany has also purchased 105 new Leopard 2 tanks, version A8, and will begin receiving them immediately for deployment in NATO's forces in Eastern Europe. A new rocket factory has been opened in Norway to produce missiles for their military.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "21.06 Front stable throughout. New sanctions from the EU and Japan against RF," the speaker discusses the military industrial complex and recent developments in the production of weapons systems. The F-35 jet produced by the American company Lockheed Martin will be equipped with new types of missiles, which are already in use by 14 countries including NATO members. The production of these missiles is ramping up in the United States, with factories working around the clock to meet demand. The arms race is driving progress and economic growth for many countries around the world. The United States Senate is currently considering a bill to recognize Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism, which would open the door for civil lawsuits against Russia for damages caused by terrorist acts. The list of countries recognized as state sponsors of terrorism currently includes Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and Syria, all of whom are allies of Russia.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "21.06 Front stable throughout. New sanctions from the EU and Japan against RF," the speaker discusses the upcoming fourteenth package of sanctions against Russia, which aims to prevent the circumvention of existing sanctions. The new measures include restrictions on the trade of Russian liquefied natural gas and the closure of European ports for its transportation to third countries. Additionally, the sanctions target Russia's shadow fleet and banking network abroad. The shadow fleet, which is primarily based in Greece, transports oil from Novorossiysk and Sukhumi terminals to be sold with falsified documents. The EU and Japan are coordinating on these sanctions, with Japan introducing its first sanctioning policy against Chinese and other companies supporting the Russian military expansion in Ukraine. The speaker notes that these sanctions aim to put pressure on Russia's financial resources, particularly its liquidity, which is heavily dependent on import revenues. The Central Bank of Russia has even been forced to intervene.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "21.06 Front stable throughout. New sanctions from the EU and Japan against RF," the speaker discusses the recent decrease in the percentage of revenue that Russia must sell in foreign currency for imports. Previously, Russia's importers were required to sell 80% of their foreign currency earnings, but now they only need to sell 60%. The speaker warns those in Europe or other countries with Russian citizens nearby to be cautious, as there may be potential dangers. The video then concludes with a reminder to subscribe to the channel, like the video, and consult a legal firm for military personnel and their families regarding service and financial issues. The first consultation is free. The speaker expresses gratitude to sponsors and those supporting the channel. The video continues in light of Ukraine's defense.

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