The threat of encirclement of Ukrainian troops near Lozovatsky. Ukraine-China negotiations

in war •  last month 

00:00:00 - 01:00:00
In the July 24th episode of the YouTube video titled "24.07 Угроза окружения наших войск под Лозоватским. Переговоры Украина-Китай, к чему приведут," the speaker discusses the intense military activity along the front lines in Ukraine. The russians launched attacks on populated areas, employing ballistic missiles and drones, resulting in injuries and damage to infrastructure. Ukrainian forces managed to shoot down most of the drones, preventing further harm. The speaker also mentions ongoing peace talks between Ukraine and China but notes the uncertainty of their impact on the ground situation. Additionally, the speaker discusses the critical situation for Ukrainian forces in the Loevatske area, specifically around the Pokrovsko direction. The enemy has been attempting to breach the defensive lines and has employed tactics of "wandering orcs" to infiltrate Ukrainian positions. Despite the challenges, Ukrainian forces have not lost ground and continue to strengthen their positions. The video also touches upon cyber attacks on Ukrainian banks and infrastructure, causing significant damage and disruption to services. The speaker mentions the vulnerability of the infrastructure in the region and the need for effective PVO (Perimeter Defense) systems. Furthermore, the speaker discusses the ongoing military conflict in the areas of Loevatsk and the territories of Popovka, Volfiny, and Yasrabine. Ukrainian forces are attempting to suppress enemy fire and prevent infiltration onto their territory. The Russian military has suffered significant losses, with over 1,100 personnel and equipment destroyed or disabled. Finally, the speaker mentions the importance of counterintelligence work in Ukraine, particularly in relation to ongoing efforts to combat enemy activity both on land and in social media. The Ukrainian security services have responded by focusing on identifying and apprehending Russian agents, particularly those involved in arson attacks on railway infrastructure. The speaker emphasizes the need to stay vigilant and avoid promises of quick and safe evacuation or involvement in subversive activities.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.07," the speaker from Ukraine begins by mentioning the historical significance of July 24th, which marks the 80th anniversary of the failed Operation Valkery, an attempt by German military officers to overthrow Adolf Hitler. The speaker then moves on to discuss the operational situation in Ukraine, which was marked by a series of attacks, including the use of ballistic missiles and drones. The Ukrainian forces managed to shoot down 17 enemy drones, primarily in the Odesa region, where a port city named Izmail was targeted in a massed attack. Three people were reportedly injured when a drone hit a five-story building in Izmail, and two more drones fell on Romanian territory, causing a fire. The Ukrainian forces were able to shoot down the drones and prevent further damage.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.07 Угроза окружения наших войск под Лозоватским. Переговоры Украина-Китай, к чему приведут," the speaker discusses the intense military activity along the front line in Ukraine over the past few days. The enemy launched two rocket attacks on populated areas and engaged in over 150 combat engagements, with the most significant activity occurring on the Harkovskoe and Kupinskoe fronts. The enemy attempted to advance towards the city of Peсчаное on the Kupinskoe front, but was unable to make significant progress due to strong Ukrainian defense and a lack of resources. The speaker notes that the enemy has been focusing on attacking populated areas and has had some success in capturing the town of Peсчаное. However, they have not made significant progress on other fronts, and the Ukrainian defense remains strong. The speaker also mentions that there have been ongoing peace talks between Ukraine and China, but it is unclear how these negotiations will impact the situation on the ground.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.07," the speaker discusses the military situation around the towns of Loзваtsky and Kramaatorsko in Ukraine. The brigade-level units have effectively organized the coordination between neighboring units and parts to repel enemy attacks, making the Limansky and Severny directions relatively stable. The enemy has attempted to breach the defensive lines in the Kramaatorsko direction for over a month, employing frontal assaults in the hope of securing even a small gain. Despite these efforts, the enemy has not achieved any significant success and has retreated to their initial positions. The situation in the Ivasivka and Andreevka areas is also stable, although heavy losses have been sustained due to enemy artillery and air attacks. The enemy has intensified their offensive actions on the Toretsko direction, focusing their efforts on capturing two populated areas to encircle their forces. However, Ukrainian forces have not lost any ground and have repelled all enemy attacks. Overall, the enemy's attempts to advance have been unsuccessful, and Ukrainian forces continue to strengthen their positions.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.07," the speaker discusses the critical situation for Ukrainian forces in the area of Loevatske, specifically around the Pokrovsko direction. The enemy has been actively attacking on this operational front, with the most significant attack occurring near New York and Progress. The enemy has managed to advance towards Novoselka and created a "throat" or narrow passage between Progress and Vadim, leaving two Ukrainian units almost encircled. The enemy is employing tactics of "wandering orcs," small groups of stormtroopers trying to infiltrate and attack Ukrainian positions. The situation is particularly challenging for commanders at the brigade level, who have not received orders to withdraw or reinforce the units in danger. Despite the first attempt to reinforce the area being unsuccessful, a brigade was sent to help, but they were unable to due to superior enemy forces. The speaker also mentions the contradictory statements from a commander about holding ground versus prioritizing soldier safety, leaving the situation uncertain for the two encircled units.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.07," the speaker discusses the challenging situation on the Pokrovsky operational direction in the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and unspecified enemy forces. Despite negotiations for a withdrawal from certain positions, wounded soldiers remain on the front lines. The enemy continues to attempt to advance, but their efforts have not resulted in any significant gains. The front line remains unchanged, and the enemy has been unsuccessful in their attempts to regain lost ground. The speaker also mentions that the enemy has been using unguided rockets to attack Ugledar and the area around Urozhainyi, but these attacks have not yielded any results. Two unsuccessful engagements took place near Mala Tavakia, and the enemy has suffered losses and retreated to their initial positions. The enemy is reportedly gathering forces for a potential offensive in the Zaporizhzhia region, but the challenging terrain makes progress difficult. Ukraine is preparing to defend against any active actions from the enemy.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.07 Угроза окружения наших войск под Лозоватским. Переговоры Украина-Китай, к чему приведут," the speaker discusses the ongoing military situation between Ukraine and Russia. The Russian forces are attempting to regain control of territories they have claimed, but their efforts have been unsuccessful due to heavy losses. The Russian army has suffered significant losses in personnel and equipment, with two battalions being lost every day, equivalent to a full regiment in two weeks. Russia has resorted to mobilizing civilians and hiring mercenaries to make up for the shortfall. Despite these efforts, the Russian army has been unable to make significant gains on the front lines, with Ukrainian forces successfully repelling three attacks on their left bank positions. The speaker also mentions that Russia had been forming offensive groups in Volynska and Polesia regions but there are no signs of such formations currently. The operational situation remains stable with no significant changes.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.07," the speaker discusses ongoing military conflicts and countermeasures between Ukrainian and Russian forces, specifically in the areas of Loevatsk and the territories of Popovka, Volfiny, and Yasrabine. Ukrainian forces are attempting to suppress enemy fire with counter-battery fire and are also working to prevent infiltration onto their territory. Over the past few days, Ukrainian forces have carried out seven aerial strikes, destroying four enemy artillery positions, two enemy command centers, and various other military equipment. The speaker also mentions that Ukrainian drones have adopted a new tactic of targeting enemy artillery systems by attempting to damage the barrels, which are not repairable and must be replaced. The speaker also notes that Russian forces have suffered significant losses, with over 1,100 personnel and equipment destroyed or disabled. Additionally, the speaker mentions a cyberattack on the banking system in the Russian Federation.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.07," the speaker discusses cyber attacks on Ukrainian banks and infrastructure, specifically mentioning Alfa-Bank, Sberbank, Raifaisenbank, VDB Bank, RSHB Bank, Gazprombank, and T Bank, as well as online banking systems. The speaker notes that some systems, such as those of MegaFon, Tele2, and Rostelecom, have also been affected. The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense's Main Intelligence Directorate is reportedly behind these attacks, which have caused significant damage and disrupted services. The speaker also mentions a drone and rocket attack on the port of Kaivaz, which caused serious damage to the railway and port infrastructure, including the destruction of a cargo ship called the Slavianin, the third and last cargo ship in the region. The speaker suggests that this incident highlights the vulnerability of the infrastructure in the region and the need for effective PVO (Perimeter Defense) systems. The speaker also mentions that the port of Kaivaz is located near the Crimean Bridge, and that the logistics of moving the cargo waiting in the region to Kercch and then to their final destinations will be a significant challenge for the command.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.07," the speaker discusses the ongoing military conflict in the area of Lozasatsky, Ukraine. The Russians are attempting to restore a railway line from Rostov to Mariupol, but the Ukrainian forces are preventing this by attacking the railway at various points up to the Ukrainian border. The Russians have been using drones, rockets, and artillery to respond, with ranges of up to 300 km. The situation in Crimea is also of concern, as the Russians have been moving their forces there in response to Ukrainian attacks. The Ukrainian forces have driven the Russian navy out of Crimea, and most of the air defense systems and troops have been withdrawn. The Russians are now building closed hangars for military aircraft in the areas of Feodosia, Kirovsko, and Bagerovo in an attempt to protect the Crimean peninsula and the Kerch and Feodosia areas, which are now without significant defense.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.07 Угроза окружения наших войск под Лозоватским. Переговоры Украина-Китай, к чему приведут," the speaker discusses the state of Ukrainian military bases in the regions of Kirivske and Bagirovo, which are in a poor condition and require extensive repairs. The Russian military may take advantage of this situation and attempt to rebuild these airfields, and Ukraine's drones and missiles could potentially aid in this effort. The Russian military has also established a defensive perimeter around the Kerch Bridge, and while some PVO systems remain in Crimea, they cannot protect the civilian population. Instead, Russia is using social programs to bring children from other regions to Crimea, despite the harsh climate and ongoing military conflict. The Ukrainian intelligence also reports that Russian officials are preparing for a potential blockade of Crimea, despite recent claims that the situation is under control.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.07," the speaker discusses the situation in Crimea and the ongoing threat to Ukrainian forces. He mentions that the Russian Federation has been actively recruiting collaborators and their families to leave Crimea, while also increasing spy and diversionary activities. The Ukrainian security services have responded by focusing on identifying and apprehending Russian agents, particularly those involved in arson attacks on railway infrastructure. The speaker notes that there have already been arrests made and ongoing investigations, with the Ukrainian security services staying one step ahead by predicting where the attacks will occur and waiting to apprehend the agents on site. The Russian Federation is reportedly recruiting agents remotely through the internet, offering money in exchange for carrying out diversionary activities. The speaker emphasizes that the Ukrainian security services are taking control of the internet to monitor and prevent such activities.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.07," Vasiliy Malyk, the head of Ukraine's counterintelligence, discusses the importance of counterintelligence work in the country, particularly in relation to ongoing efforts to combat enemy activity both on land and in social media. Malyk also mentions an increase in arrests as a result of their active work. He then touches upon the topic of negotiations and the exchange of lists for captives, noting that the Russian side is reluctant to exchange certain individuals, who may offer sums of money or even promise safety to children as young as 14-16 years old in exchange for their participation in subversive activities. The consequences of such actions can lead to tragic outcomes. Malyk also warns against promises of quick and safe evacuation, as such offers can result in individuals being left stranded and facing the consequences of their actions alone. Additionally, the video mentions potential sentences for those involved in arson attacks against military property or the railway system, which can range from eight years to life in prison. The video concludes with a brief mention of Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba's visit to China for diplomatic talks.

01:00:00 - 01:15:00

In the "24.07" section of a YouTube video, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Dmytro Kuleba held extended negotiations with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in China, focusing on bilateral relations and international issues, particularly achieving peace in the conflict with Russia. Kuleba acknowledged the difficulties of engaging with Russia under Putin's regime and emphasized respect for international law and sovereign borders. The meeting marked the first high-level talks between Ukraine and China since the conflict began. The video also touched upon various other topics, including the potential threat to Ukrainian troops near Loevastky, the US presidential race, and tensions between Ukraine and Russia. Notable mentions include the renaming of a Moscow square from "Plaza of Europe" to "Plaza of Eurasia," an alleged assassination attempt on Trump, and a bombing incident in Moscow targeting an FSB employee.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.07," Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba held lengthy negotiations with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in China for over 3 hours, which was much longer than planned. Kuleba expressed his expectation for thorough and substantive negotiations on bilateral relations and international agenda, emphasizing the importance of achieving a just peace in the ongoing conflict with Russia. However, Kuleba acknowledged the challenge of engaging in meaningful talks with Russia, as long as it is governed by a dictatorial regime under Putin. The Ukrainian side also emphasized the importance of respecting international law and sovereign borders, which cannot be compromised. Despite the challenges, Kuleba attempted to convince the Chinese Foreign Minister of Ukraine's position, and the two sides agreed that further discussions were necessary while safeguarding their interests and sovereignty. Additionally, Kuleba indirectly hinted at China's own challenges and potential border changes if Ukraine's borders were to be altered. The meeting marked the first high-level talks between Ukraine and China since the conflict began.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.07," the speaker discusses the potential threat to the environment of Ukrainian troops near Loevastky, as well as ongoing negotiations between Ukraine and China. The speaker also touches upon the topic of Russia's proposed legislation to restrict foreign organizations, which could lead to the expulsion of unwanted groups from the country. The speaker notes that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has expressed support for free media and press freedom, despite limited resources. The conversation then shifts to the construction of a new factory in Ukraine to produce 155mm artillery shells, with the first shells expected to roll off the production line within two years. The speaker also mentions the ongoing US presidential race and the potential candidacy of Kamala Harris, who has already begun her campaign and received support from some Democratic donors and sponsors. Harris has criticized Donald Trump's character and past legal issues, suggesting that she has experience dealing with similar individuals through her work as a prosecutor. The speaker also implies that there may be ongoing criminal investigations against Trump that have been closed prematurely to avoid losing judicial positions. The conversation then touches upon various potential criminal charges that could be applied to Trump, including tax evasion, real estate fraud, and the mishandling of classified documents while in office. The speaker also mentions the potential application of sexual assault charges against Trump, referencing an ongoing scandal involving a payment to a woman for her silence.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.07 Угроза окружения наших войск под Лозоватским. Переговоры Украина-Китай, к чему приведут," the speaker discusses the ongoing relationship between the United States and Kamala Harris. Despite Harris's revelation of Trump's tax documents in Milwaukee, where the Republican Party had nominated him, her ratings have surpassed Trump's by 2% in some polls. The Republican Party is reportedly considering replacing Trump as their candidate for the presidency. The speaker also discusses the recent alleged assassination attempt on Trump and the resignation of the head of the Secret Service due to the perceived failure to protect him. The speaker notes that if the assailant had used an AR-15, the bullet would have caused more significant damage than the reportedly minor injury Trump sustained. The speaker also mentions a theory that the glass shard from Trump's teleprompter may have caused the injury instead. The speaker concludes by stating that the Secret Service has asked Trump to cancel public rallies due to concerns about potential violence, and the Republican Party is planning to hold events in enclosed spaces instead.


In this section of the YouTube video titled "24.07," the speaker discusses several news items related to tensions between Ukraine and Russia. One of these stories involves the renaming of a square in Moscow, previously called "Plaza of Europe," to "Plaza of Eurasia." The speaker finds it intriguing that the square, located near the Kyivsky Railways Station in Moscow, still bears the name "Kyivsky," despite Russia's efforts to claim Ukrainian culture. Another significant event mentioned is the bombing of a car in Moscow, which injured a man named Andrey Torgashov, who works for the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB). The speaker speculates that Russia may have been behind the attack and promises to provide more information on the matter. The video also mentions a legal firm offering assistance to military personnel and their families with service-related issues and financial compensation.

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